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1. NTU Philosophical Review: Year > 1995 > Issue: 18
郎崑如 Kun-Yu Woo
A Study on the Social Philosophy in the Period of the Republic of China

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2. NTU Philosophical Review: Year > 1995 > Issue: 18
蔡信安 Denis Hsin-An Tasi
On Knowledge, Idea, and Certainty in John Locke

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3. NTU Philosophical Review: Year > 1995 > Issue: 18
Van-Doan Tran 陳文團
The Marxist Critique of Christianity

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4. NTU Philosophical Review: Year > 1995 > Issue: 18
黃懿梅 Yih-mei Huang
Personal Identity and Thought Experments

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5. NTU Philosophical Review: Year > 1995 > Issue: 18
陳榮華 Wing-wah Chan
從〈孟子〉和〈中庸〉 揭露一新的詮釋模型
A New Hermeneutical Model for the Interpretation of (Mencius) and (The Doctrine of the Mean)

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6. NTU Philosophical Review: Year > 1995 > Issue: 18
張柯圳 Chuan Chang-Ko
黑格爾的教育概念與通識教育中的哲 學概論之無構問題
Hegel's concept of Education and the Problem of the Structure of the Course of Introduction to Philosophy in Studium Generale

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7. NTU Philosophical Review: Year > 1995 > Issue: 18
曾漢塘 Hann-tong Tzeng
「合理性」與「邏輯一致性」 ~從泰勒〈合理性〉一文談起
“Rationality and Logical Consistency" ~ Discussing from Taylor's Viewpoint

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8. NTU Philosophical Review: Year > 1995 > Issue: 18
Chin-mu Yang 楊金穆
Necessary Truths, Essentialism and the Principle of Revisability

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