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The Journal of Philosophy

Volume 88, Issue 10, October 1991
Eighty-eighth Annual Meeting - American Philosopical Association, Eastern Division

Table of Contents

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Displaying: 1-15 of 15 documents

symposium: logical positivism: a retrospective
1. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 88 > Issue: 10
Michael Friedman The Re-evaluation of Logical Positivism
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2. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 88 > Issue: 10
David Weissman Logical Positivism: A Retrospective
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3. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 88 > Issue: 10
Richard Creath Convention, Neutrality, and the Limits of Logic
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symposium: post-kantian idealism
4. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 88 > Issue: 10
Daniel Breazeale Why Fichte Now?
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5. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 88 > Issue: 10
Robert B. Pippin Idealism and Agency in Kant and Hegel
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6. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 88 > Issue: 10
Chernor M. Jalloh Fichte: Foundationalism, Antifoundationalisrn, and the New Nihilism
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symposium: is music an art?
7. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 88 > Issue: 10
Peter Kivy Is Music an Art?
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8. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 88 > Issue: 10
Philip Alperson The Arts of Music
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symposium: philosophy in a different voice
9. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 88 > Issue: 10
Janet A. Kourany Philosophy in a Different Voice
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10. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 88 > Issue: 10
Pamela Hall Feminism and the Canon
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11. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 88 > Issue: 10
Johnsonian Prize in Philosophy
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12. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 88 > Issue: 10
Program of the Meetings
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13. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 88 > Issue: 10
Program of the Meetings
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14. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 88 > Issue: 10
Appendix: Programs of Group Meetings
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15. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 88 > Issue: 10
List of Group Participants
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