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1. Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy: Volume > 12 > Issue: 24
Maria Luísa Ribeiro Ferreira Abertura
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2. Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy: Volume > 12 > Issue: 24
Aylton Barbieri Durão A Fundamentação Kantiana do Estado de Direito
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Kant intends to present a Foundation of the state of right based on the reconstruction of Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s thought. Like the Genevanese philosopher who presents an empirical explanation based on the evolutionary anthropology, and a rational Foundation, based on the political and juridical philosophy, Kant also imagines two ways to fundament the state of right. In his empirical explanation, along with the anthropology, he introduces the history philosophy, which considers that the unsociable sociability makes the humankind leave its state of nature and establish, by means of an usurper, the civil state, in which it gradually approaches the republican constitution and, later, the States Federation and the cosmopolitan right; the rational Foundation, on the other hand, shows how the original contract indirectly determines the Foundation of the civil state, to the extent that only through it is it possible to establish the presumption of the right to the private property that will just turn effective in the civil state itself, although the public right directly postulates the state fundament, which is obtained analytically from the principle of the right in opposition to the concept of violence.
3. Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy: Volume > 12 > Issue: 24
Adelino Braz Kant et la Communauté: Une Philosophie aux Antipodes du Monologisme
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Contra uma interpretação que reduz a filosofia normativa de Kant a um simples monologismo, a nossa leitura pretende mostrar que o projeto de Kant tem por finalidade a instituição de uma comunidade, ou seja de uma coexistência de liberdades interiores. De facto, desde a obra de 1781, as determinações dos fenómenos são unicamente possíveis através do conceito de acção recíproca. A partir deste ponto, Kant retoma o conceito de comunidade (Gemeinschaft) para constituir um mundo moral, ou seja uma interpersonalidade tanto no âmbito estético, através da comunicabilidade dos sentimentos, de um sentido comum (Gemeinsinn), como no âmbito da ética, onde cada ser é ao mesmo tempo membro e legisador dessa comunidade (gemeines Wesen).
4. Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy: Volume > 12 > Issue: 24
Vítor Moura Velocidade e Acordo: O Carácter Metafórico das Ideias Estéticas
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In section 49 of his Critique of Judgement, Kant uses the expression “in Schwung verstezt” in order to classify the free play of the faculties when they get involved with aesthetic ideas. “Schwung” shares the same etymological root of “swing” and suggests, literally, a shuttle-like movement for the non-stop exchange of data between the faculties. This text aims at demonstrating that an interpretation closer to the German original text throws a new light upon the nature of the cognitive play driven by aesthetic ideas. Such interpretation may help to understand, for instance, the reason why Kant uses metaphors as examples of aesthetic ideas. Etymologically, “metaphor” also means “transportation” or “to carry over”. Rather than the notion of a juxtaposition of distant semantic domains, this text wishes to employ the sheer dynamics inherent to the concept of metaphor. This dynamic character is useful in order to reinforce the plausibility of a more cinematic reading, so to speak, of Kant’s conception of aesthetic experience.
5. Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy: Volume > 12 > Issue: 24
Viriato Soromenho-Marques Sombras e Luzes no Entusiasmo em Kant
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This paper tackles the complex nature of the concept of enthusiasm in three distinct moments of Kant’s thought. It pervades along the different evolutionary periods of the critical philosophy, both as a symptom of the most ugly features of human condition and as a sign of the way human beings are invited and commanded to take part in the process of fulfîlling the tasks and promises of a moral rational world order.
6. Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy: Volume > 12 > Issue: 24
Luisa Leal de Faria A Faculdade de Filosofia de Kant e a Ideia Alemã de Universidade
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Kant’s small essay The Conflict of the Faculties was considered by Derrida a blueprint of the modern university, to be born a few years after its publication, through the works of Humboldt, Fichte, Schelling and Schleiermacher. According to Derrida, the concept of a Philosophical Faculty at the centre of the university, responsible for reason and truth, is now extinct. This paper tries to follow the arguments produced by the founding fathers of the modern university, and the way they were recovered at different points in time, by Nietzsche, Heidegger, Jaspers and Habermas, to show that through two centuries of change, the German Idea of the university kept in touch with the main arguments developed by Kant.
7. Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy: Volume > 12 > Issue: 24
Maria Luísa Ribeiro Ferreira A Crítica de Hume a Espinosa a Propósito da Noção de Substância
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Ce texte veut démontrer que la critique faite par Hume à Spinoza, dans le Traité de la Nature Humaine (I, IV, V) ne respecte pas le concept de Substance utilisé par le philosophe juif. Hume n’a pas lu l'Éthique et il utilise Pierre Bayle comme médiateur pour exposer les thèses de Spinoza, qu’il approche des thèses des théologiens sur l'immortalité de l’âme. Son argumentation est rhétorique et son utilisation de Spinoza est une stratégie pour empêcher qu’on l'accuse d’athéisme.
estado da questão
8. Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy: Volume > 12 > Issue: 24
Leonel Ribeiro dos Santos Regresso a Kant. Sobre a Evolução e a Situação Actual dos Estudos Kantianos
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Le propos de cet essai c’est de donner une idée de la présence de la philosophie kantienne dans les débats philosophiques contemporains. Pour comprendre ce que certains auteurs interprètent déjà comme un nouveau «retour à Kant» ou même comme la survivance d’un «moment kantien de la philosophie», on a esquissé d’abord l’histoire de l’herméneutique de la philosophie kantienne dans la première partie du XXe siècle dans ses moments plus significatifs (le neokantisme, l’interprétation heideggerienne) pour faire ensuite un bilan des tendances de lecture de l’oeuvre de Kant et d’apropriation de sa philosophie après la Deuxième Guerre Mondiale et surtout dans les trois derniers decénnies du XXe siècle. Ce bilan montre l’ampleur de l’actualité de la pensée du professeur de Königsberg et son pouvoir de donner encore à penser les plus décisives questions de la philosophie en tous ses domaines fondamentaux.
9. Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy: Volume > 12 > Issue: 24
Renato Epifânio Bibliografia Kantiana em Portugal e no Brasil: 1914-2004
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nota de leitura
10. Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy: Volume > 12 > Issue: 24
António Rocha Martins Linguagem, Retorica e Filosofia no Renascimento, Leonel Ribeiro dos Santos
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11. Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy: Volume > 12 > Issue: 24
Publicações e Actividades do Centro de Filosofia
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12. Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy: Volume > 12 > Issue: 24
Actividades Culturais do Departamento de Filosofia
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13. Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy: Volume > 12 > Issue: 24
Congresso Internacional de Filosofia Pessoa e Sociedade: Perspectivas para o Século XXI
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14. Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy: Volume > 12 > Issue: 24
10. Internationaler Kant-Kongress 2005 X Congresso Internacional Kantiano 2005
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15. Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy: Volume > 12 > Issue: 23
Marina Savi Comunità e Sentimento di Amicizia nell’Etica Kantiana
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A partir de Hegel, a filosofia moral kantiana foi interpretada em sentido solipsístico. Uma reconsideração abrangente da ética pondo em articulação um dos núcleos d a Fundamentação da metafísica dos costumes, a saber, o conceito de “reino dos fins” com a secção da Metafísica dos costumes dedicada aos “De veres de virtude em relação aos outros”, permitiu-nos reconstruir o pensamento kantiano sobre as relações interpessoais. Do confronto da noção de “reino dos fins” com as reflexões sobre a amizade emerge um modelo de relações morais fundado sobre a reciprocidade. A amizade anima as relações de troca entre os membros do “reino dos fins”, personalizando-a. Numa relação entre amigos que possua uma valência moral existe de facto um precioso equilíbrio entre amor e respeito que cria o espaço comum em que se realizam a comunicação e a partilha. O amor tem portanto a tutelá-lo as exigências do respeito. Justamente por isto, Kant coloca reservas à compaixão que, sobretudo quando se exprime em termos de simpatia empática, priva o outro da sua dignidade.
16. Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy: Volume > 12 > Issue: 23
W. R. Daros Una Educación para un Futuro Mejor en la Concepción de Richard Rorty
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R. Rorty's Posmodern philosophy has its own bases and consequences. One of this consequences is found in the interpretation of education's fact. Truth is changed by a pragmatic way of thinking. Conscience is no more the typical center of a person. The practice way of doing is now the very important thing, without expecting any help from any transcendent Being. Education becomes a social problem and truth is a not real problem and not even a logical justification is required. The distintion between Literature and Philosophy is abolished and the idea of a general text wholly framed is arised. The desconstruction's method is then applied to the text, where the true interpretation is irrelevant.
17. Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy: Volume > 12 > Issue: 23
Pedro Braga Falcão O ‘Deus’ em Heraclito ou dos Deuses ao Deus
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18. Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy: Volume > 12 > Issue: 23
Ana Maria Bijóias Mendonça Vergílio Ferreira e María Zambrano ou uma Estética do “Exílio”
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De um modo sucinto e claro, pretendemos abordar a figura do exílio como força motriz, aglutinadora, e porque não, omnipresente na obra literária e filosófica dos autores que nos propomos agora tratar. Com efeito, forçada a abandonar Espanha em 1939 juntamente com outros intelectuais, rumo a um doloroso exílio de quarenta e cinco anos, María Zambrano matura, a partir desta condição (e por causa dela?) as que serão linhas mestras do seu pensamento. Vergílio Ferreira viveu, se assim se pode chamar, um exílio de carácter mais “metafórico”. Não obstante, tomou para si também o desconforto e a des-pertença dos que não têm um lugar próprio, ou dos que o perderam. Os se us livros, escritos ao sabor da memória (e de memórias), procuram, buscam, escavam quase arqueologicamente um tempo feliz de raízes, um espaço topofílico perdido.
19. Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy: Volume > 12 > Issue: 23
Adriana Veríssimo Serrão Filosofia e Paisagem Aproximações a uma Categoria Estética
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The article aims, first of all, to understand the general significance of the category of landscape in the Contemporary aesthetical reflection. In a second moment it analyzes how some doctrines have discussed the following aspects of the problem: a. the definition of landscape as an intrinsic value of nature; b. the place of the aesthetical appreciation of landscape; c. the relations between aesthetical attitude and ethical respect to landscape.
estado da questão
20. Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy: Volume > 12 > Issue: 23
Jesús Blanco Echauri Espinosa Revisitado en Lengua Portuguesa: Filosofia y Política en el Fin de Siècle
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