Cover of The Journal of Philosophy
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1. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 92 > Issue: 6
Catherine Z. Elgin Unnatural Science
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2. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 92 > Issue: 6
Harold Langsam Why Pains Are Mental Objects
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comments and criticism
3. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 92 > Issue: 6
Michael Levin Tortuous Dualism
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4. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 92 > Issue: 6
Alex Byrne, David Hilbert Perception and Causation
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book reviews
5. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 92 > Issue: 6
Akeel Bilgrami A Theory of Content and Other Essays by Jerry A. Fodor and Holism: A Shopper's Guide by Jerry A. Fodor and Ernest Lepore
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