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Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association

Volume 30, 1956
The Role of Philosophy in the Catholic Liberal College

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1. Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association: Volume > 30
Karl J. Alter Greetings to the American Catholic Philosophical Association
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2. Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association: Volume > 30
Vincent E. Smith Wisdom and Science: (Presidential Address)
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3. Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association: Volume > 30
Mortimer J. Adler Controversy in the Life and Teaching of Philosophy: (Annual Association Address)
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4. Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association: Volume > 30
Henri Du Lac The Role of Logic in a Catholic Liberal College
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5. Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association: Volume > 30
Edward D. Simmons Commentary
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6. Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association: Volume > 30
Charles N. R. McCoy The Meaning of Jean Jacques Rousseau and the Structure of Political Theory
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7. Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association: Volume > 30
Benedict M. Ashley The Role of the Philosophy of Nature in Catholic Liberal Education
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8. Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association: Volume > 30
Edwin C. Garvey The Role of Metaphysics in a Catholic Liberal Education
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logic and method
9. Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association: Volume > 30
Anthony Nemetz David Hume and John Scotus Eriugena: Alternatives in Empiricism
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10. Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association: Volume > 30
I. M. Bocheński Scholastic and Aristotelian Logic
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philosophy of nature
11. Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association: Volume > 30
Peter O’Reilly Knowledge of God in Metaphysics and the Philosophy of Nature
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12. Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association: Volume > 30
Ralph Mclnerny The Prime Mover and the Order of Learning
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13. Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association: Volume > 30
Robert E. McCall The Metaphysical Analysis of the Beautiful and the Ugly
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14. Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association: Volume > 30
James P. Reilly Commentary on Father McCall’s Paper
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moral and political philosophy
15. Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association: Volume > 30
Leo R. Ward Maritain on Education for Freedom
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16. Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association: Volume > 30
Journet Kahn The Threat to Academic Freedom
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history of philosophy
17. Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association: Volume > 30
John E. Gurr Some Historical Origins of Rationalism in Catholic Philosophy Manuals
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18. Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association: Volume > 30
Kenneth L. Schmitz Natural Wisdom and Some Recent Philosophy Manuals
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philosophical problems
19. Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association: Volume > 30
Mary Ann Ida Gannon “Knowledge” and “Free Man” in Spinoza’s Ethics
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20. Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association: Volume > 30
Marc F. Griesbach The Judgment and Existence
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