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articles in english
1. Proceedings of the XXII World Congress of Philosophy: Volume > 24
W.A. Borody Vinyl Nothingness and the Philosophy of Transhumanism
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In this paper, I discuss the pros and cons of the movement and philosophy of Transhumanism, with a focus on the concept of nothingness. I argue that all hitherto concepts of nothingness, both Western and Eastern, are inadequate for an understanding of the present technological position humans now find themselves in.
2. Proceedings of the XXII World Congress of Philosophy: Volume > 24
Viorel Guliciuc The Non-generic Universality and the XXIth Century
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We are experiencing a new phase of the crisis of the universality in the transmodern era. In the XXIst century there is room for the common search for the human unity starting from the acceptance of our fundamental diversity and the experiencing of an insular, local universality in the Digital Realm of the Net. There are good reasons to consider the Human Being has a ground non generic universality, inviting us to search the human integrality as a process, not as a result and to accept that the digital natives are naturally adapted to the Transmodern Era.
3. Proceedings of the XXII World Congress of Philosophy: Volume > 24
Shahnoz Kakharova About Necessity of the Global Approach to Understanding of Global Processes
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4. Proceedings of the XXII World Congress of Philosophy: Volume > 24
Pramod Kumar A Critical Examination of Dinnaga’s Views on Sentence
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The idea to work on this topic was come to my mind when I came across Masaaki Hattori’s comment that Dinnaga has accepted Bhartrhari’s views regarding the meaning of a sentence although their theories of word meaning are completely different from each other. According to Bhartrhari, in all phenomenal entities there are two elements viz. jati and vyakti; jati refers to the real element and vyakti to the unreal. Vyakti suffer changes, whereas jati remains constant. Again according to him the real unit of language is a sentence, and not words or letters, because only a sentence conveys one full idea of the speaker. It’s meaning is also an instantaneous flash of pratibha or intuition, which has no parts. Dinnaga, on the other hand did not accept the reality of word‐ meaning (samanya),but maintained that words deal directly with conceptual images or vikalpas, which are purely subjective constructions of the mind, and therefore there can be no direct connection between words and external objects. The function of a word in a sentence is similar to the function of an inferential mark (linga) in the process of inference and it indicates its object through the exclusion of other things (apoha). Thus, there seems to be some contradictions in Dinnaga’s views on sentence meaning. But I think Dinnaga did not accept Bhartrhari’s views in toto. He could not possibly have done so. There is, however, a resemblance between Dinnaga and Bhartrhari in that each accepted that the primary unit of linguistic meaning is the entire sentence; the meaning of an individual word is abstracted from the whole meaning of the sentence. It is only in that respect that the two philosophers can be said to have roughly the same theory of sentential meaning.
5. Proceedings of the XXII World Congress of Philosophy: Volume > 24
Xiaoting Liu Future Idea and Philosophical Understanding
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In any given historical period, the fate of human beings is determined directly by their modes of existence and their ways of understanding to the future. In our time, the process of modernization leaves us uncertain about the future. This situation of uncertainty gives a new way of philosophizing and understandingphilosophy that must be appropriate to our new way of experiencing the future. We must recognize that the future has its own reality: that it transcends us and is also impact within us, and that it is inherently unpredictable. Therefore, the mission of philosophy in our time is to embody this new way of experiencing the future and help people to see the future from the future. This way of living does not rest on the assumption that history has a given aim, but instead seeks to buildthe future that focuses on dialogue among people with different viewpoints.
6. Proceedings of the XXII World Congress of Philosophy: Volume > 24
Benjamin White Heidegger and the Space of Life
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Heidegger is perhaps best known for stressing the function of time as temporality on the phenomena of life. There is a sense, however, in which the full significance of these insights can be best understood only through an exploration of the function of space as spatiality in the phenomena of life. At their juxtaposition, there is a privileged perspective on the meaning of life, and most importantly on what is the most meaningful life on the Heideggerian account, thephilosophical life. The following short exploration uncovers this standpoint through an analysis of the word “clearing” as temporally expansive space. Through this device, there is a clear view of the role of philosophy, of truth, and of the meaning of life in Heidegger’s Being and Time.
7. Proceedings of the XXII World Congress of Philosophy: Volume > 24
Shinae Won John D. Caputo’s Undecidability and Flux Model for Korean Christian Educators
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The goal of this thesis is to undo those assumptions about understanding and the doxastic and social relationships that are concomitant with those assumptions, while offering a different way of construing understanding that is conducive to allowing Christian religious educators to move forward in their work, especially as that work concerns intergenerational strife. This rewriting of our notions of understanding and relationship will be in a direction wherein thedistinctions between faith, knowledge, self-understanding, enculturation, and ethical choice are blurred. Accordingly, this thesis finds the concern with many of those interdisciplinary approaches to the study of philosophy, theology, and education that have been influenced by both Korean Christian religious education and its radical, deconstructive re-positionings. The thesis also attempts to reflexively deploy such approaches throughout.
8. Proceedings of the XXII World Congress of Philosophy: Volume > 24
Alexandr Zakharov Humanity Civilizational Catastrophe and its Basic Categories
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The paper covers the origins, development, perspectives and solutions of the civilizational catastrophe of humanity. Humanity is defined as the restricted number of ideal, material, and temporal qualities of human beings. Its civilizational catastrophe is the contingent evolution of the specific element of human consciousness implementing rationality and technique, knowing no limits and no purposes, progressing outside ideal, material, and temporal boundaries of humanity, overcoming on its way limitations of human savagery and transcendental elements. Due to the particular quality of civilizational development, the law of humanity catastrophe could be stated, as the stage of civilization is inversely proportional to the level of humanity in human beings. Civilization catastrophe couldfinalize into other-being or non-being of humanity. Its evolution canalizes into different fields of activity, which are named categories of humanity civilization catastrophe, because each of them leads towards cardinal qualitative changes of humanity or its annihilation. The basic categories are elimination – civilized ability of humans to kill one another, speedization – permanent acceleration of the overhuman speed of civilizational processes; babylonization – the cobeingof different collective qualitative realizations; supermanization – scientific production of over-human being; transsexualization – the negation of sexual immobility of humanity; ballastization – the overproduction of information; ritualizatin – the murder of simple love activity in Jesus manner into ecclesiastic discourse. The onlysalvation of humanity is the total negation of civilization and selftransformation of humankind on the basis of its transcendental element which is love knowing no exceptions.
articles in russian
9. Proceedings of the XXII World Congress of Philosophy: Volume > 24
Новиков В.М. За жизнь с Разумным Сознанием
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Created in 2002 the Regional public Fund of Chelyabinsk «For Person and of Humanity's life» (Chelyabinsk), had established research institute "Soznaniya". For the moment the institute has elaborated the Unified theory of Consciousness (UTC), the Unified law of Being (ULB) and developed General theory of relativity (GTR). UTC, ULB and GTR are the consistent integration of knowledge of science, philosophy, and religion; and they are exposing the energoinformational essence of Universe and Person's organization. These new theories are postulating the priority of informational interaction by the programs-projects and only after that the objectivity of observed. Meanwhile, the Person is functioning (working) according to the programs-projects, which fill his Consciousness with contents and his life with purposes and senses. The programs-projects are being developing on basis of program of sensuality manifested in actions. The source of program-project for the Evolution is the center of energoinformational area of Universe, called God-Absolute. This knowledge creates the perspective for thedevelopment of science and philosophy. From all these theories the philosophical idea "For the life with Rational Consciousness", pretending on the universal status, is coming out. This idea is a new solution for the way out from the state of bifurcation (choice of the further way of development) by the way of Spiritual and moral rebirth of Humanity, and the weakening of consequences after the present ecological catastrophe.
articles in chinese
10. Proceedings of the XXII World Congress of Philosophy: Volume > 24
Fucang Wang 当代哲学家的社会责任和历史使命
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In last century, the first, mankind was subjected to wars and hunger. The second, the earth was subjected to pollution and consumption. As a result of excessivedevelopment, the environment and the ecosystem was broken, the resources and the energy dried up nearly. This is the common problem that mankind has to face. Until the beginning of this century, this kind of crisis still can not be controlled effectively. Philosophy is the knowledge about world view, Philosopher should be certainly advocate of civilization, self-restraint, protecting environment, maintaining ecosystem long haul and getting away from the crisis. Philosopher should never content with considering with appeal; but there must be more active. The XXII World Congress of Philosophy that we are holding should benefit themankind to obtain more comfortable environment and more rich resources in XXII century.