Cover of The Philosophical Review
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Displaying: 1-20 of 28 documents

1. The Philosophical Review: Volume > 63 > Issue: 1
Walter A. Kaufmann Hegel's Early Antitheological Phase
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2. The Philosophical Review: Volume > 63 > Issue: 1
Frederick L. Will Kneale's Theories of Probability and Induction
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3. The Philosophical Review: Volume > 63 > Issue: 1
William P. Alston Are Positivists Metaphysicians?
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4. The Philosophical Review: Volume > 63 > Issue: 1
John Passmore Professor Ryle's Use of "Use" and "Usage"
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5. The Philosophical Review: Volume > 63 > Issue: 1
Norwood R. Hanson Uncertainty
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6. The Philosophical Review: Volume > 63 > Issue: 1
Charles H. Monson, Jr. Prichard, Green, and Moral Obligation
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7. The Philosophical Review: Volume > 63 > Issue: 1
C. J. Ducasse How Does One Discover What a Term Means?
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8. The Philosophical Review: Volume > 63 > Issue: 1
A. Cornelius Benjamin A Reply to Professor Ducasse
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book reviews
9. The Philosophical Review: Volume > 63 > Issue: 1
Norman Malcolm Thinking and Experience
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10. The Philosophical Review: Volume > 63 > Issue: 1
Everett W. Hall Science, Language, and Human Rights
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11. The Philosophical Review: Volume > 63 > Issue: 1
Charles A. Baylis Bentham and the Ethics of Today
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12. The Philosophical Review: Volume > 63 > Issue: 1
Paul L. Holmer The Religious Philosophy of Josiah Royce
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13. The Philosophical Review: Volume > 63 > Issue: 1
Paul Schrecker Theodicy
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14. The Philosophical Review: Volume > 63 > Issue: 1
Kingsley Price Hume's Intentions
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15. The Philosophical Review: Volume > 63 > Issue: 1
William H. Hay Roger Bacon and His Search for a Universal Science
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16. The Philosophical Review: Volume > 63 > Issue: 1
Arthur Smullyan Introduction to Logical Theory
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17. The Philosophical Review: Volume > 63 > Issue: 1
William Marshall Translations from the Philosophical Writings of Gottlob Frege
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18. The Philosophical Review: Volume > 63 > Issue: 1
G. Watts Cunningham Adventurous Idealism
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19. The Philosophical Review: Volume > 63 > Issue: 1
David Baumgardt Hauptströmungen der Gegenwartsphilosophie
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20. The Philosophical Review: Volume > 63 > Issue: 1
Wayne A. R. Leys Moral Principles of Action
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