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Displaying: 1-18 of 18 documents

1. Mediaevalia: Volume > 8
Earl R. Anderson Grendel's Glof (Beowulf 2085b-88) and Various Latin Analogues
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2. Mediaevalia: Volume > 8
Madeleine M. Bergman Supplement to a Concordance to "The Anglo-Saxon Poetic Records"
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3. Mediaevalia: Volume > 8
Marc M. Pelen Thematic Irony and Unity in the Latin Love Vision
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4. Mediaevalia: Volume > 8
Beverly Taylor Phyllis, Canacee, Biblis, and Dido: Keys to Understanding the Minnegrotte of Gottfried's Tristan
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5. Mediaevalia: Volume > 8
James Thomas Chiampi From Unlikeness to Writing Dante's "Visible Speech" in: Canto Ten Purgatorio
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6. Mediaevalia: Volume > 8
Nancy F. Partner Rosamund Redux: The Monk of Eynsham and the Salvation of Fair Rosamund Clifford
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7. Mediaevalia: Volume > 8
Sheila Delany "Loi" and "Foi" in the Man of Laws Introduction, Prologue and Tale
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8. Mediaevalia: Volume > 8
Bruce Kent Cowgill Chaucer's "Myghty Men" and "Wommannes Conseil"
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9. Mediaevalia: Volume > 8
Marta Powell Harley The Middle English Contents of a Fifteenth-Century Medical Handbook
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10. Mediaevalia: Volume > 8
Alan H. Nelson "King I Sit": Problems in Medieval Titulus Verse
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11. Mediaevalia: Volume > 8
Joel T. Rosenthal Old Men's Lives: Elderly English Peers, 1350-1500
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12. Mediaevalia: Volume > 8
J. Stephen Russell Lady Meed, Pardons, and the Piers Plowman Visio
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13. Mediaevalia: Volume > 8
Judith M. Davidoff Flouting Literary Convention: Structural Irony in the Assembly of Ladies
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14. Mediaevalia: Volume > 8
Gordon Whadey The Middle English St. Erkenwald and its Liturgical Context
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15. Mediaevalia: Volume > 8
R. F. Yeager John Gower and the Exemplum Form: Tale Models in the Confessio Amantis
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16. Mediaevalia: Volume > 8
C. David Benson Chaucer's Pardoner: His Sexuality and Modern Critics
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17. Mediaevalia: Volume > 8
Richard Firth Green The Sexual Normality of Chaucer's Pardoner
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18. Mediaevalia: Volume > 8
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