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1. NTU Philosophical Review: Year > 2019 > Issue: 58
洪巳軒 Szu-Hsuan Hung
Mozi’s Argumentation and Practical Spirit of “ JianAi”

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2. NTU Philosophical Review: Year > 2019 > Issue: 58
Foong-Ee Pong 馮鳳儀
The Affordance of the Graceful Fish Metaphor: An Interdisciplinary Approach Exploring the Practical Dimension of the Zhuangzi

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This article explains Zhuangzi’s philosophy by analyzing the metaphor of the graceful fish. I argue that to discover the essence of the graceful fish metaphor, we have to look into the relationship between the fish and the water in which it dwells. The article consists of five sections. First, I start by a brief review of common readings of the metaphors of the water and the fish and their insufficiency to relate to the idea of Dao/daos in the Zhuangzi. Second, I propose an interdisciplinary approach based on the notion of “affordance”─a substitute for “value/meaning”─that enables us to unveil the underlying key element pertaining to the image of the graceful fish: the ground. Third, an analysis of the graceful fish metaphor is presented after the explanation of affordance. Forth, I draw on the concept of vulnerability to explain the natural ability we are born with but buried due to a dominant completed heart-mind. I explain how vulnerability steers our way by comparing two images found in the Zhuangzi: infants vs. Hundun. Fifth, I sum up my findings and conclude that the Zhuangzi provides pragmatic advices for individuals─especially those who now live in a modern society that embrace social plurality─to live their lives to the fullest within any given social context by constantly adapting to the situation and therefore creatively exploring the limitless possibilities in the social world.
3. NTU Philosophical Review: Year > 2019 > Issue: 58
許從聖 Tsung-Sheng Hsu
The Construction of Xunzi’s Correspondence Theory

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4. NTU Philosophical Review: Year > 2019 > Issue: 58
林薰香 Shing-Shang Lin
論海德格對康德「敬重」之詮釋─《現象學基本問題》: 和《康德與形上學問題》之研究
On Heidegger’s Interpretation of Kant’s Achtung

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康德於《單純理性限度內的宗教》(Religion innerhalb der Grenzen der blossen Vernunft,1793)指出人格性本身(die Persönlichkeit selbst)乃伴隨與之不可分的敬重之道德法則理念,在《實踐理性批判》(Kritik der praktischen Vernunft,1788)說明敬重是對法則的敬重,是一種通過理智發揮效用的情感,源自純粹實踐理性。海德格對情感與敬重的,於存有論上闡釋道德情感與人格性(海德格稱之為人的本質、主體性)的關係。本文主要討論海德格在《康德與形上學問題》(Kant und das Problem derMetaphysik,1929)與《現象學基本問題》(Die Grundfrage der Phänomenologie,1975)對康德的道德情感與敬重概念進行現象學式之詮釋,以瞭解海德格有關敬重的觀點,進而釐清海德格如何將敬重與人的本質建構關聯起來,藉以進一步瞭解敬重對人的本質與實際的自我之構成有何重要性。
5. NTU Philosophical Review: Year > 2019 > Issue: 58
Kok Yong Lee 李國揚
Knowledge and Pragmatic Factors

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The stakes-shifting cases suggest that pragmatic factors such as stakes play an important role in determining our intuitive judgments of whether or not S knows that p. This seems to be in conflict with intellectualism, according to which pragmatic factors in general should not be taken into account, when considering whether or not S knows that p. This paper develops a theory of judgments of knowledge status that reconciles intellectualism with our intuitive judgments regarding the stakes-shifting cases. I argue that pragmatic factors affect only our epistemic perspectives, i.e., the ways in which we evaluate S’s epistemic position. Therefore, pragmatic factors only have an indirect impact on our judgments of knowledge status.
6. NTU Philosophical Review: Year > 2019 > Issue: 57
黃崇修 Chung-Hsiu Huang
A Study of the Concept of Moderation in Zhang Zai’s Philosophy

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7. NTU Philosophical Review: Year > 2019 > Issue: 57
蕭銘源 Ming-Yuan Hsiao
New Dispositionalism and Intrinsic Fink Problems

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8. NTU Philosophical Review: Year > 2019 > Issue: 57
Wim De Reu, C. Lynne Hong 魏家豪
What is the Wheelwright Bian Story About?

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《莊子•天道》中輪扁斲輪故事,看似旨在說明技藝之不可言傳性;若 連結到其他論及技藝與語言之《莊子》篇章來看,如此詮釋誠然有跡可循,而在現代學界也確實傾向以此脈絡來理解或應用輪扁之故事。鑒於《莊子• 天道》中,另有其他段落以「書」為題,本文擬從《莊子•天道》整章的脈 絡來探討輪扁故事之旨趣。本文將根據輪扁故事中有關書的問題,分別探 究:書的功能何在?為何批判書?書中少了什麼?依據《莊子•天道》提供 之線索探討上述諸問題時,可以發現輪扁之故事應視為政治論述之一環;換 言之,技藝與語言等議題,或許無關於其宏旨。