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1. Augustinianum: Volume > 53 > Issue: 1
David W. Kim A new Branch Sprung: Judas Scholarship in Gnostic Studies
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The popularity of the Nag Hammadi texts has not been exhausted in the field of Gnostic studies over the last thirty years. The Gospels or Acts of female characters or marginalised male characters were the main sources scholars used to draw the picture of ancient dual mythology. The ongoing fascination with Coptic manuscripts gave birth to a new branch of scholarship in contemporary history when the Codex Tchacos was unveiled. Judas scholarship began in themiddle of the last decade (2004-2006), even though it is claimed that the Codex Tchacos was unearthed in the 1970s. What kind of process did the ancient manuscript go through since its discovery? Where do readers stand with the new gospel? What is the future direction of Judas studies? This article not only chronologically discloses the ideas of individual scholars based on a field survey, but also argues that Judas studies can be developed beyond the general conclusion of second-century Sethian Gnosticism.
2. Augustinianum: Volume > 53 > Issue: 1
Vito Limone Il Dio Uno. Dalla henologia alla teologia trinitaria: Plotino ed Origene
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The aim of this article is to show that the trinitarian theology of Origen of Alexandria shares the same theoretical structure as the henology of Plotinus. In particular, there is a strong correspondence between the trinitarian hypostases in Origen and the moments of the One in Plotinus: the Father is the One; the Son-Logos is the Intelligence; finally, the Holy Spirit is the Soul. Both Origen and Plotinus seem to assume the ontological difference between God, who, on the one hand, comes before the generation of the Son, i.e., before the distinction between Father and Son, and who is indeed God, and, on the other hand, God who is the Father as he generates the Son and who, by doing so, distinguishes himself from himself. The system of ideas which represents the basis of both the theology of Origen and the henology of Plotinus is evidently a Platonic one.
3. Augustinianum: Volume > 53 > Issue: 1
Giovanni Marcotullio Invidia mortalitatis. Circa le fonti e le implicazioni di un discusso passo del De Trinitate di Novaziano
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In Novatian’s De Trinitate there is a passage which, while it makes a reference to an “invidia mortalitatis”, has been to some extent the torment of editors and of translators. On the one hand, the genitive tends mostly to be read as objective, on the other, the text is manipulated at times (even in recent editions) on the basis of a lectio facilior derived from conjecture. The article summarizes the history of criticism relative to the above-mentioned passage, highlighting some of its limits. From there it searches for historical-philological bases of a reading of the passage in which the genitive is understood as subjective. The evidence gathered seems to point to an Origenist source, and that would lean us toward welcoming the invitation, already formulated by Manlio Simonetti, to new research inNovatian and his sources.
4. Augustinianum: Volume > 53 > Issue: 1
Manlio Simonetti Note Novazianee
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Notwithstanding the fact that Novatian’s De trinitate follows Tertullian’s Adversus Praxean as a pre-eminent source, the former parted company with the latter on some crucial doctrinal points. This article examines Novatian’s approach to the doctrine of the Holy Spirit in his De trinitate, analyzing at the same time its Stoicbackground. The paper illustrates how a meticulous research of Novatian’s De trinitate prompts scholars to discover hidden motives in ancient Christian literature.
5. Augustinianum: Volume > 53 > Issue: 1
René Roux Antimarcionitica in the Syriac Liber Graduum: A Few Remarks
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The anonymous author of the Syriac Liber Graduum never mentions his theological opponents. The article analyses a few examples taken from his biblical exegesis and from his most typical theological concepts and shows that these peculiar features are better explained as a hidden polemic against Marcionism, thus casting new light on the nature of the Liber Graduum and providing new data for the study of Syriac Marcionism.
6. Augustinianum: Volume > 53 > Issue: 1
Giulio Maspero Relazione e Silenzio: Apofatismo ed ontologia trinitaria in Gregorio di Nissa
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This in-depth study of the apophatic dimension crafted by Gregory of Nissa is the translation on the epistemological level of a new ontology, developed in debates with Arianism, and intended to expand classical metaphysics on the meaning of relationship. In Neoplatonic philosophy silence protects the absolute nature of the First Principle leaving expressive mediation to degrees of intermediate ontologies. Through trinitarian revelation God is manifested as a communion of love within which the external Logos is identified with the divine essence itself, in a unity founded upon relationship and will. Beginning from this new trinitarian ontology, Gregory sees in contemplation and in adoration, made up of silence and word, the human response to a free creative act of divine love and thus cognitive instruments, paths of access to the personal relationship of union with the Beloved.
7. Augustinianum: Volume > 53 > Issue: 1
Manuel Rodríguez Gervás El ayuno y el alimento en Agustín de Hipona. Consideraciones históricas
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Augustine of Hippo wanted to establish differences in everyday life between the Catholic Church and other religious movements. With this goal in mind, the Bishop of Hippo reflected upon the eating habits of a good Christian. Through analysis of different works of the Augustinian corpus it can be observed how he approached food from a dual point of view: a hierarchical difference between “earthly food and heavenly food” and rules that should govern the habits of faithful Christians, among them fasting.
8. Augustinianum: Volume > 53 > Issue: 1
Raul Villegas Marin Fieles sub lege, fieles sub gratia: eclesiología y teología de la gracia en Juan Casiano
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According to John Cassian, God bestows his supernatural grace only upon men who transcend Christian legalism and take up Christ’s consilium perfectionis. God’s grace is merited by men who strive to perfection. In so doing, they place themselves sub gratia Christi. For Cassian, the true Christian community is composed solely of ascetics who have set themselves apart from ordinary Christians in order to attain the highest good to which human nature must aspire – theperennial contemplation of God. As Cassian has it, it is the main concern of the ascetic bishop to convey to ordinary Christians the call to perfection.
9. Augustinianum: Volume > 53 > Issue: 1
Roberta Rizzo Papa Gregorio Magno e la Simoniaca haeresis
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Pope Gregory the Great’s homilies and letters document his fight against simony, widely spread among all patriarchates, where sacraments, first of all Holy Orders, were sold, and where one could become a bishop solely through the donations and support of influential people. The Pope asked both laity and bishops to help in eradicating this terrible plague which he considered a real heresy, inasmuch as it debased the dignity of the priesthood and the action of Holy Spirit and undermined the unity of the Church. In an eschatological perspective he invited bishops and laity to cooperate in his reform of ecclesiastical custom according to the Holy Scriptures, the tradition of the Church Fathers and canon law.
10. Augustinianum: Volume > 53 > Issue: 1
Rocco Ronzani La tradizione manoscritta dei Dialogi di Gregorio Magno. Nota su una recente ricognizione
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This contribution presents some results of recent research carried out on the Spanish manuscript tradition of the Dialogues of Gregory the Great (590-604). After a panoramic review of the present state of philological research and the expectations that such investigations have raised in the last three decades, this article analyses the situation of the Iberian manuscript tradition in general terms and afterwards illustrates the results of the research carried out on the so-called fragment of the Barcelona Dialogues (CLA 1626), a folio in uncial characters that transmits a passage of the Homilies on the Gospels of Gregory but which, nevertheless, offers the opportunity for some reflections on the lexis gregoriana. This article also offers some details concerning three codices in Visigothic characters from the libraries of La Seu d’Urgell, Santo Domingo de Silos and the British Library of London, which are either complete or which conservelarge parts of the text. Finally, this investigation provides some hints concerning Spanish manuscripts in Carolingian characters which, as exemplars of the Vulgate text from the Frankish area, were completely unhelpful for the purpose of preparing a critical edition of the text.
11. Augustinianum: Volume > 53 > Issue: 1
Tito Orlandi Nel centenario della nascita di Alan Turing. Alle origini dell’informatica
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It seems opportune to commemorate in ‘Augustinianum’ the centenary of the birth of Alan Turing, insofar as he is an outstanding figure whose theoritical insight gave birth to the computer revolution of the twentieth centur y. His theories are equally important for the methodology supporting studies in the humanities.
12. Augustinianum: Volume > 53 > Issue: 1
Enrico Moro Agostino, La Trinità. Testo latino a fronte. Saggio introduttivo e note al testo latino di Giovanni Catapano. Traduzione, note e apparati di Beatrice Cillerai
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13. Augustinianum: Volume > 53 > Issue: 1
Giuseppe Caruso Sant’Agostino, Sermoni di Erfurt. Introduzione, traduzione e note di Giovanni Catapano
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14. Augustinianum: Volume > 53 > Issue: 1
Nello Cipriani Agostino, Commento alla lettera ai Galati. Introduzione, traduzione e note di Francesca Cocchini
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15. Augustinianum: Volume > 53 > Issue: 1
Giuseppe Caruso Giuseppe Di Corrado, Pietro pastore della Chiesa. Il primato petrino negli scritti di Agostino d’Ippona. Prefazione di Nello Cipriani.
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16. Augustinianum: Volume > 53 > Issue: 1
Philippe Blaudeau Carlo dell’Osso, Cristo e Logos. Il calcedonismo del VI secolo in Oriente. Prefazione di Manlio Simonetti
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17. Augustinianum: Volume > 53 > Issue: 1
Hubertus R. Drobner Carlo dell’Osso, Cristo e Logos. Il calcedonismo del VI secolo in Oriente. Prefazione di Manlio Simonetti
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18. Augustinianum: Volume > 53 > Issue: 1
Juan Antonio Cabrera Montero Profeti e profezia: figure profetiche nel cristianesimo del II secolo, a cura di Anna Carfora ed Enrico Cattaneo. . Un altro Gesù?: i vangeli apocrifi, il Gesùu storico e il cristianesimo delle origini, a cura di Annalisa Guida ed Enrico Norelli
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19. Augustinianum: Volume > 53 > Issue: 1
Rocco Ronzani F. Martello, All’ombra di Gregorio Magno, il notaio Paterio e il Liber testimoniorum
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