Cover of Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal
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1. Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal: Volume > 14/15 > Issue: 2/1
Marcus Brainard Preface and Acknowledgments
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2. Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal: Volume > 14/15 > Issue: 2/1
Robert Bernasconi Habermas and Arendt on the Philosopher’s “Error”: Tracking the Diabolical In Heidegger
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3. Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal: Volume > 14/15 > Issue: 2/1
Peg Birmingham The Time of the Political
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4. Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal: Volume > 14/15 > Issue: 2/1
Heribert Boeder Action or/and Dwelling (Translated by Marcus Brainard and Friederike-Andrea Dorner)
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5. Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal: Volume > 14/15 > Issue: 2/1
John D. Caputo Heidegger’s Kampf The Difficulty of Life
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6. Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal: Volume > 14/15 > Issue: 2/1
Jean Grondin Prolegomena to an Understanding of Heidegger’s Turn (Translated by Gail Softer)
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7. Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal: Volume > 14/15 > Issue: 2/1
Michel Haar The Ambivalent Unthought of the Overman and the Duality of Heidegger’s Political Thinking (Translated by Madeleine Dobie)
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8. Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal: Volume > 14/15 > Issue: 2/1
Dominique Janicaud Reconstructing the Political
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9. Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal: Volume > 14/15 > Issue: 2/1
David Farrell Krell Shattering: Toward a Politics of Daimonic Life
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10. Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal: Volume > 14/15 > Issue: 2/1
William McNeill Porosity: Violence and the Question of Politics in Heidegger's Introduction to Metaphysics
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11. Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal: Volume > 14/15 > Issue: 2/1
Reiner Schürmann Ultimate Double Binds
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12. Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal: Volume > 14/15 > Issue: 2/1
Charles Scott Heidegger’s Rector’s Address: A Loss of the Question of Ethics
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13. Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal: Volume > 14/15 > Issue: 2/1
Paul Davies Telling Tales: Notes on Heidegger’s “Career,” the “Heidegger Affair,” and the Assumptions of Narrativity
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14. Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal: Volume > 14/15 > Issue: 2/1
Frank H. W. Edler Retreat from Radicdlity: Poggeler on Heidegger’s Politics
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15. Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal: Volume > 14/15 > Issue: 2/1
Veronique M. Foti Politics and the Limits of Metaphysics: Heidegger, Ferry and Renaut, and Lyotard
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16. Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal: Volume > 14/15 > Issue: 2/1
Christopher Fynsk But Suppose We Were to Take the Rectorial Address Seriously... Gérard Granel’s De l’université
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17. Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal: Volume > 14/15 > Issue: 2/1
Theodore Kisiel Heidegger’s Apology: Biography as Philosophy and Ideology
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18. Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal: Volume > 14/15 > Issue: 2/1
William Richardson The Subject of Hermeneutics and the Hermeneutics of the Subject
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19. Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal: Volume > 14/15 > Issue: 2/1
Tom Rockmore On Heidegger and National Socialism: A Triple Turn?
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20. Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal: Volume > 14/15 > Issue: 2/1
Dennis J. Schmidt Changing the Subject: Heidegger, “the” National and Epochal
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