
Semiotics 2001
2001, ISBN 1-894508-54-8

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Displaying: 1-20 of 37 documents

semiotics and contemplation
1. Semiotics: 2001
Eugen Baer Semiotics of the Infinite
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2. Semiotics: 2001
Brooke Williams Deely The Anthroposemiosis of Contemplation: Beyond Patriarchy and Feminism
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3. Semiotics: 2001
Sr. Anne Francis Le Orthodoxy and The Cloud of Unknowing
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4. Semiotics: 2001
Mary Catherine Sommers Imaging the Contemplative Life in Thomas Aquinas
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narrative semiotics
5. Semiotics: 2001
Júnia de Castro Magalhães Alves A Brief Semiotic Study of the Descriptive Act in José Saramago’s A caverna (The cave): Cipriano Algor, the Blackberry Tree and the Dog Achado
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6. Semiotics: 2001
Ted Baenziger Semiotics, Theatre, and Liturgy
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7. Semiotics: 2001
Heidi Bostic Gender and the Subject of Narrative Semiotics
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8. Semiotics: 2001
Olivia Stewart Nomina Nuda Tenemus: The Semiotic Function of Adso of Melk in Eco’s The Name of the Rose
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semiotics of the trickster
9. Semiotics: 2001
Susan Berry Brill de Ramirez The Marginal Centrality of the Trickster Voice: Shifting Ethnographic Significations in Son of Old Man Hat: A Navaho Autobiography
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10. Semiotics: 2001
Sean Day One’s Own Brain as Trickster - Part II: It’s For Your Own Good
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11. Semiotics: 2001
Leora Kornfeld The Trickster’s Way: Transcending the Rational and Reconstituting Media Discourse
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semiosis in the city
12. Semiotics: 2001
Josephine Carubia Urban De-Sign: Passenger Information Symbols and the Ordinary Practitioners of Urban Life
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13. Semiotics: 2001
Vincent Colapietro Walking About A City: Urban Movement as Performative Utterance
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14. Semiotics: 2001
Rebecca Dalvesco Meaning and Power: Air-conditioned Dome New York City
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15. Semiotics: 2001
Vivian Darroch-Lozowski Wandering and Speaking the City
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16. Semiotics: 2001
Benjamin Hufbauer A Capital of Signs: George Washington’s Patronage of the Federal City
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17. Semiotics: 2001
Christina Ljungberg City Maps: The Cartosemiotic Connection
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18. Semiotics: 2001
Anna Makolkin Semiotic Ambiance and Ambiguity in the Post-Modem City
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semiotics of music, art, and film
19. Semiotics: 2001
Victoria Adamenko George Crumb and the Mythic “Wholeness”: A Semiotic Perspective
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20. Semiotics: 2001
Nina Corazzo Helen Frankenthaler’s Madame Butterfly
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