Cover of The Journal of Philosophy
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1. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 24 > Issue: 7
Sidney Hook Categorial Analysis and Pragmatic-Realism
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book reviews
2. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 24 > Issue: 7
G. Watts Cunningham Le Primat de l'Intelligence dans l'Histoire de la Pensée
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3. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 24 > Issue: 7
Zora Schaupp Readings in Abnormal Psychology and Mental Hygiene
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4. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 24 > Issue: 7
W. A. Heidel Thirteen Epistles of Plato
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5. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 24 > Issue: 7
Journals and New Books
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6. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 24 > Issue: 7
Notes and News
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