Cover of The Journal of Philosophy
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1. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 90 > Issue: 10
Philip Kitcher The Evolution of Human Altruism
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2. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 90 > Issue: 10
James W. Lamb Evaluative Compatibilism and the Principle of Alternate Possiblities
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book reviews
3. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 90 > Issue: 10
Edward Craig Truth and Historicity by Richard Campbell
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4. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 90 > Issue: 10
Martin Hollis Understanding Action: An Essay on Reasons by Frederic Schick
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5. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 90 > Issue: 10
Alex Rosenberg The Inexact and Separate Science of Economics by Daniel M. Hausman
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6. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 90 > Issue: 10
Mary Mothersill The Limits of Morality by Shelly Kagan
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7. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 90 > Issue: 10
Notes and News
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8. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 90 > Issue: 10
New Books
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9. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 90 > Issue: 10
New Books: Anthologies
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10. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 90 > Issue: 10
New Books: Translations
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