Cover of The Journal of Philosophy
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1. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 25 > Issue: 22
Ralph S. Lillie The Scientific View of Life
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book reviews
2. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 25 > Issue: 22
Harold A. Larrabee The Misbehaviorists
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3. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 25 > Issue: 22
Richard McKeon Opera Hactenus Inedita Rogeri Baconi: Fasciculus VI. Compotus Fratris Rogeri, Accedunt Compotus Roberti Grossecapitis, Lincolniensis Episcopi, Massa Compoti Alexandri de Villa Dei
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4. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 25 > Issue: 22
William H. Roberts The Gospel for Asia, A Study of Three Religious Masterpieces: Gita, Lotus, and Fourth Gospel
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5. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 25 > Issue: 22
Paul W. Ward Some Aspects of the Philosophy of L. T. Hobhouse, Logic and Social Theory
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6. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 25 > Issue: 22
Journals and New Books
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7. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 25 > Issue: 22
Notes and News
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