Cover of The Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods
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1. The Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods: Volume > 3 > Issue: 13
William James G. Papini and the Pragmatist Movement in Italy
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2. The Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods: Volume > 3 > Issue: 13
Vivian A. C. Henmon The Detection of Color-Blindness
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3. The Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods: Volume > 3 > Issue: 13
Walter B. Pitkin Why Solipsism is Rejected
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4. The Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods: Volume > 3 > Issue: 13
James R. Angell A Reply to Mr. Marshall
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5. The Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods: Volume > 3 > Issue: 13
R. S. Woodworth Section of Anthropology and Psychology of the New York Academy of Sciences
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reviews and abstracts of literature
6. The Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods: Volume > 3 > Issue: 13
Theodore De Laguna The Relation of the Principles of Logic to the Foundations of Geometry
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7. The Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods: Volume > 3 > Issue: 13
Journals and New Books
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8. The Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods: Volume > 3 > Issue: 13
Notes and News
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