Cover of International Journal of Philosophical Practice
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logic-based therapy in the east
61. International Journal of Philosophical Practice: Volume > 4 > Issue: 1
Katia Lenehan A Counselee’s Inability to Find Intimacy
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62. International Journal of Philosophical Practice: Volume > 4 > Issue: 1
Hui-Chun Lin Anxiety over Trying to Balance Work and Family
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63. International Journal of Philosophical Practice: Volume > 4 > Issue: 1
Stephen Lam The Death Anxiety of a Retired Teacher
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64. International Journal of Philosophical Practice: Volume > 4 > Issue: 1
Betty Li-Chen Lai Anxiety of a Woman at a Marriageable Age: “Is He Going to Break up with Me?”
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logic-based therapy in college
65. International Journal of Philosophical Practice: Volume > 4 > Issue: 1
Austin Boone Applying Logic-Based Therapy to A Student’s Stress from Parents over Grades
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Utilizing the six-step philosophical practice method of Logic-Based Therapy, this paper analyses and discusses the faulty thinking of a student who feels unworthy because of her parent’s criticisms of her grades. It was written as part of a student mentorship program offered at Indian River State College wherein students coach other students about problems related to their academic life.
66. International Journal of Philosophical Practice: Volume > 3 > Issue: 4
Ho-Ling Hsu Interpretation of the Movie “Peaceful Warrior”: From the Views of Ch’an Philosophy and Logic-Based Therapy (LBT)
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The American movie, “Peaceful Warrior” (2006), starring Scott Mechlowicz and Nick Nolte, is a story about an outstanding athlete’s perplexities and anxieties. The main character in the movie, Dan Millman, aggressively pushes his performance in order to become a top athlete. As a result, he develops feelings of perplexity and anxiety, and suffers daily from these problems, leading to insomnia. The other character in the movie, Socrates, who works at a gas station, is like a philosopher. Socrates not only helps others to feel better, he can also help himself; in other words, he provides philosophical counseling services. In this paper, I utilize a combination of Buddhist philosophy and Logic-based Therapy (LBT) to interpret and analyze scenarios from this Movie, hoping to provide materials for philosophical counseling. The Buddhist philosophy I use includes the Ch’an philosophies of attachment, contemplation, greed, animosity, ignorance, non-duality, and meditation. The Five Steps of Logic-Based Therapy I incorporate include: (1) identifying the counsel­ee’s emotional reasoning; (2) identifying any irrational premises; (3) refuting any irrational premises; (4) finding antidotes to the refuted premises; and (5) exercising willpower in overcoming cognitive dissonance. There are six aspects that I address in this paper. The first is the anxieties of the Movie’s main character, Dan. The second is the philosophical counseling approach attained by combining Ch’an philosophy and Logic-based Therapy. The third is “knowing the dissatisfactions,” i.e. the process of finding one’s emotional reasoning/irrational premises. The fourth is “terminating the causes (of the dissatisfactions),” i.e. refuting the irrational premises. The fifth is “cultivating the path,” i.e. finding an antidote to the refuted premises. And the sixth aspect is “realizing the cessation (awakening),” i.e., exercising willpower in overcoming cognitive dissonance.
67. International Journal of Philosophical Practice: Volume > 3 > Issue: 4
Elliot D. Cohen Counseling Hume: Using Logic-Based Therapy to Address Generalized Anxiety Disorder
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David Hume is well known for his philosophical doubts about such things as whether there is an external world beyond our sense perception, and whether there are any rational grounds for believing that the future will resemble the past. But what would it be like to entertain such doubts in the context of one’s everyday life? In this paper, a fictional dialogue is provided in which a descendent of David Hume who brings such skeptical doubts to life, and consequently suffers from Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), is counseled by a Logic-Based Therapy practitioner.
undergraduate papers on logic-based therapy
68. International Journal of Philosophical Practice: Volume > 3 > Issue: 4
Andrew Caputo Analyzing the Fallacy of Demanding Perfection
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Applying basic concepts of Logic-Based Therapy (LBT), this paper addresses the author’s own struggle with demanding perfection, and seeks to provide a model for others to emulate.
69. International Journal of Philosophical Practice: Volume > 3 > Issue: 4
Jenna Knapp Using Logic-Based Therapy in Recovery
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This paper applies basic concepts of Logic-Based Therapy (LBT) to the case of a person in recovery from drug and alcohol addiction after relapse. The paper has been written in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the online Practical Reasoning course taught by Dr. Elliot D. Cohen at Indian River State College.
70. International Journal of Philosophical Practice: Volume > 3 > Issue: 3
Max H. Sotak A Philosophical Mode of Life: Pierre Hadot’s What is Ancient Philosophy?
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This article presents Pierre Hadot’s treatment of a philosophical mode of life as it originated in ancient philosophy and fared down through the centuries. Hadot contends that philosophical discourse begins with a choice of life—an existential option from which philosophical discourse arises. The concept of philosophy as a purely theoretical attitude developed after the ancient period and reflects the domestication of philosophy within the context of the medieval and modern universities. The ancient schools of philosophy were concerned with a way of life that demanded the conversion of one’s being, a change of life­style, and a specific view of the world. Philosophical discourse, on this view, was designed to reveal, justify, and represent the existential option to the world.
71. International Journal of Philosophical Practice: Volume > 3 > Issue: 3
Elliot D. Cohen What Else Can You Do With Philosophy Besides Teach?
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This article traces the rise of philosophical counseling in the United States, from its roots in the applied philosophy movement to the establishment of the National Philosophical Counseling Association, including a code of ethical standards for practitioners and a program for certification of philosophical counselors. The article demonstrates, through a brief discussion of the philosophical counseling modality of Logic-Based Therapy (LBT), how individuals who have Masters or Ph.D.’s in philosophy can become certified members of this burgeoning new profession.
72. International Journal of Philosophical Practice: Volume > 3 > Issue: 3
James D. Patteson Rational Buddhism: Antidotes to the Eleven Cardinal Fallacies Presented in Elliot D. Cohen’s The New Rational Therapy from Buddha and Some of His Greatest Disciples
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This article shows how Buddhist philosophies are consistent with the rational counseling approach of Logic-Based Therapy (LBT), as presented in Elliot D. Cohen’s book, The New Rational Therapy: Thinking Your Way To Serenity, Success, and Profound Happiness. It presents many Buddhist insights as pathways to the “transcendent” or guiding virtues of LBT, and, accordingly, as philosophical antidotes to its eleven “cardinal fallacies.” It therefore helpfully adds to the repertoire of philosophies that can be used by LBT counselors in helping counselees address their problems of living.
logic-based therapy case studies (selected practicum papers)
73. International Journal of Philosophical Practice: Volume > 3 > Issue: 3
Martha Lang Philosophical Antidotes for Annie’s Anger
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74. International Journal of Philosophical Practice: Volume > 3 > Issue: 3
Stefania Andretta Nadia’s Anxiety About Choosing a Dissertation Topic
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75. International Journal of Philosophical Practice: Volume > 3 > Issue: 3
Dusan Galic A Counselee’s Vicious Cycle of Discontent Over Life Pursuits
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76. International Journal of Philosophical Practice: Volume > 3 > Issue: 3
Mia Massaro Using LBT to Balance a Counselee’s Grief About An Adult Son Who Rejects Her
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77. International Journal of Philosophical Practice: Volume > 3 > Issue: 3
Danny Nichols Molly and the Three Cardinal Fallacies: A Successful Case in Logic-Based Therapy
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78. International Journal of Philosophical Practice: Volume > 3 > Issue: 2
Elliot D. Cohen Editor’s Preface
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79. International Journal of Philosophical Practice: Volume > 3 > Issue: 2
Ching-Tzu Chen A Counselee Who Questions Her Mother’s Authority
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80. International Journal of Philosophical Practice: Volume > 3 > Issue: 2
Yu-Chih Kao A Caregiver’s Problem
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