Cover of The Journal of Philosophy
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Displaying: 21-40 of 47 documents

book reviews
21. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 92 > Issue: 7
Lorraine Daston A Social History of Truth: Civility and Science in Seventeenth-century England by Steven Shapin
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22. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 92 > Issue: 7
Richard Kuhns The Psychoanalytic Mind: From Freud to Philosophy by Marcia Cavell
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23. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 92 > Issue: 7
New Books: Translations
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24. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 92 > Issue: 7
New Books: Paperbacks
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25. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 92 > Issue: 6
Catherine Z. Elgin Unnatural Science
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26. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 92 > Issue: 6
Harold Langsam Why Pains Are Mental Objects
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comments and criticism
27. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 92 > Issue: 6
Michael Levin Tortuous Dualism
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28. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 92 > Issue: 6
Alex Byrne, David Hilbert Perception and Causation
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book reviews
29. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 92 > Issue: 6
Akeel Bilgrami A Theory of Content and Other Essays by Jerry A. Fodor and Holism: A Shopper's Guide by Jerry A. Fodor and Ernest Lepore
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30. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 92 > Issue: 5
Cheshire Calhoun Standing for Something
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31. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 92 > Issue: 5
Walter Glannon Responsibility and the Principle of Possible Action
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book reviews
32. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 92 > Issue: 5
Joshua Cohen Inequality Reexamined by Amartya Sen
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33. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 92 > Issue: 4
Ronald Milo Contractarian Constructivism
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34. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 92 > Issue: 4
Graeme Forbes Realism and Skepticism: Brains in a Vat Revisited
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comments and criticism
35. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 92 > Issue: 4
Andrea Christofidou First Person: The Demand for Identification-Free Self-Reference
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36. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 92 > Issue: 3
Jürgen Habermas Reconciliation Through the Public Use of Reason: Remarks on John Rawls's Political Liberalism
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37. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 92 > Issue: 3
John Rawls Reply to Habermas
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38. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 92 > Issue: 2
Jenefer Robinson Startle
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39. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 92 > Issue: 2
Robert Merrihew Adams Moral Faith
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comments and criticism
40. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 92 > Issue: 2
Daniel M. Hausman Rational Choice and Social Theory: A Comment
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