Displaying: 1-20 of 1908 documents

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1. Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society: 1990
Robart K. Hogner We are All Social: Institutional Parapaotivaa on tha Placa of SIM in Management and Sociaty
2. Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society: 1990
Mark Starik, Archie B. Carroll In Search of Beneficence: Reflections on the Connections Between Firm Social and Financial Performance
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As research continues to be conducted on the measurement, reporting, and financial connections of corporate social responsibility and firm performance, what appears to be emerging is the realization that the entities being studied are extremely complex and multi-faceted. This complexity is acknowledged by the authors and is addressed by the forwarding of several process and content suggestions based on ideas which may be reemerging from the past or have been developed recently in related research areas. These include the use of descriptive social action cataloging or textual inventories of corporations performing in socially acceptable or unacceptable ways; reputation ratings and descriptions of corporate social actions based on broadly defined criteria; and cases and case-ettes . Including those which highlight a corporation's relationships to its key stakeholder groups.
3. Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society: 1990
Sandra A. Waddock On Becoming Central: A Macrosystems Perspective on Social Issues in Management
4. Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society: 1990
Steven N. Brenner Influences on Corporate Ethics Programs
5. Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society: 1990
Thomas Jones, Tom Thomas, Bradley Agle, Jenifer Ehreth Graduate Business Education and the Moral Development of MBA Students: Theory and Preliminary Results
6. Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society: 1990
David C. Wyld, Sam D. Cappal The Ethical and Legal Conundrums for Health Care Providers in the Age of AIDS
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This article examines the medical, legal, and ethical questions raised by AIDS for health care management. It focuses on two key issues in the age of AIDS, these being the duty of health care professions is to treat and the right of privacy for both patients and employees. The article focuses attention on how classic concepts are being both applied and amended in the wake of tha AIDS epidemic. A concluding discussion is presented, making recommendations to health care management to deal constructively and proaotively with tha often complex legal and moral issues raised by the specter of AIDS with innovation, compassion, education, and understanding.
7. Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society: 1990
Richard N. Ottaway Of Course Ethics Can Be Taught, The Question Is How
8. Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society: 1990
William A. Wines, Kevin E. Learned Managing The External Environment: Preliminary Observations on a Modern Tale of Two Cities
9. Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society: 1990
D. Jeffrey Lenn Managing Government Relations: A Typology of Multinational Enterprise Strategy and Structure
10. Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society: 1990
Jerry M. Calton The Dark Side of Commitment: The Ideological Black Hole in the Literature on Organizational Transformation
11. Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society: 1990
Richard P. Nielsen 'I Am We' Dialog as Organizational Ethics Method
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Herbal medicines used in traditional cultures sometimes are rejected erroneously by modern medical science. Part of the explanation for such rejection is because the herbs are expressed and understood in traditional language and folk culture instead of the modern scientific language of biochemistry For example, it was not until the 20th c that biochemical research was able to transpose, disentangle, rediscover, and reconstruct the heart medicine digitalis from its understanding as the folk herbal medicine foxglove. Analogously, we may be able to do similar research in the humanities, the social sciences, and management. More specifically with respect to this paper, it appears that there is a type of dialogic method, "I Am We " dialog, that can be transposed, disentangled, rediscovered, and reconstructed as organizational ethics method from its historical language ond tradition of 19th contury experience into the modern longuage of organizational ethics action (praxis) method."I Am We" friendly, disentangling, experimental dialog is different from civil, analytic, positional Socratic type dialog as well as win-lose adversarial and win-win integrative conversations It appears that "I Am We" dialog can be understood in modern contexts and reconstructed for present application. "I Am We" dialog as seen in four cases appears to be a concrete method that has some value both as an end in itself and as instrumental means that can: be issue effective, help build ethical organizational/community culture, and help facilitate peaceful, evolutionary change. Limitations of the method are also considered. The method may be a several hundred year anticipation of experiment based pragmatist philosophy that is anthropologically sensitive to cultural entanglements
12. Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society: 1990
William B. Carlln Hierarchical Value Structures: A Convergence Model of Ethical Development
13. Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society: 1990
Vincent di Norda International Business As Ethics Writ Large
14. Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society: 1990
Barbara Bigelow, Liam Fahey, Jolin F. Mahon Political Strategy and Issues Evolution: Toward a Framework for Analysis and Action
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This paper proposes a new way of looking at the issues life cycle that is based on process rather than events. The analysis addresses the relationships among issue determinants, issue evolution, and political strategy. It is proposed that there are four determinants of issues (facts, values, interests, and policies ), and four stages in the issues life cycle (emeergence. interpretation, positioning, and resolution ). The links between action in early stages of the life cycle and the limitations that places on corporate political strategy is also addressed.
15. Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society: 1990
John Holcomb, Marilyn Gittell Corporate External Relations: The Interest Group Component
16. Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society: 1990
Patricia C. Kelley Contextual Influences on Political Strategy: The Case of Trade Associations
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The research objectives were to identify the political behaviors of trade associations and to infer the factors which shaped these behaviors. The findings indicate that trade association's political behavior is shaped by association - specific and environmental factors. A series of hypotheses are presented from the data.
17. Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society: 1990
David C. Wyld, Sam D. Cappel Smoking in the Workplace: The Great Battle in the Air
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Much of the work appearing in the management and legal literature in regards to the issue of smoking in the workplace seeks to frame the issues involved in terms of cost-benefit and cause and effect analyses. This article seeks to present a unique approach to the multifaceted and often complex issues involved in determining the proper policies to balance both the rights of nonsmokers and smokers in the workplace and the interests (legal, ethical, and economic) of management. First, a review of the law in regards to smoking in the workplace is presented, examining the legal issues in terms of constitutional, common law, and statutory perspectives. With this understanding, it is hoped that the discussion framing the delicate legal and ethical tightrope which management must take in setting smoking policies will present new insights for management practitioners and legal and business academicians.
18. Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society: 1990
Wiliiam E. Manello People within Technique: The Human Face of Technology
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While numerous studies on technology and its implementation have examined research and development organizations, strategic planning groups, and the managements delegated with overseeing technological change, they have not considcted in any detail the internal social processes and consequences of the implemetation of technology within the firm. This study examines the intraorganizational application of technique, a construct which encompasses both people and process, to technological change.Technique consists of the process of implementing technologies which are innovative, either to the firm or the environment itself; the boundary spanning people and activities directing this change; and the social impacts on the internal stakeholders who ultimately make technology work within the organization. Ellul's realization of technique as a means to achieve values through the intervention of consciousness and judgment provides the conceptual basis for this focus on the people as well as the mechanisms of technology. Since technique involves innovative change, not merely procedural modifications, it offers the potential for extensive social impacts and dislocations. Boundary spanners then play a critical role as the intrapreneurs who directly influence both the procedures of technology implementation and the acceptance of technology within the organization. Finally, when innovative technology has been introduced into the firm, success or failure hinges on its acceptance and utilization by the people who are directly affected by the changes engendered by its introduction.Understanding technique involves defining the meanings of technology and innovation within this construct, analyzing the boundary spanners and boundary spanning activities which mediate the transition of technology from potential to practical, and examining the impacts on the actual users of technology. The dynamic interaction of these elements establishes a framework for realizing both the social and scientific potential of technological change within an organization.
19. Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society: 1990
James W. Evans, Marc Lampe Profiling Socially Courageous Executive Decisions
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In the United States, most corporate executives make self-interested decisions meaning they focus on shareholder welfare as well as their own. These decisions are primarily concerned with bottom line profitably and tend to be short-term in focus. Occasionally, executives make decisions in behalf of a wider constituency, i.e., the public interest. the latter may or may not be in the company's, or the decisions maker's, best short-term interest, but they are often in its long-term interest. Considerable pressure within and without companies militate against long-term public-interest decisions ever being made. These decisions usually defy trends within the industry, making the decision maker a lone individual without many friends or allies. In addition, they are fraught with considerable personal risk. As such, long-term public interest decisions are better known as socially courageous decisions.Several questions related to the issue of socially courageous decisions are considered. Why are socially courageous decisions courageous? Are such decisions desirable?, for the company?, the shareholders?, society?, a common future? If these decisions are desirable, why are some people against them? Who are they? What motivates them? What motivates the socially courageous decision maker? Beyond our consideration of these questions, there is a need for further research.
20. Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society: 1990
Karen McLandress, Pam Pohl, John Kohls, Willbann Terpening Changing Attitudes of Women In Business: Challenges and Opportunities
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Sex discrimination in the workplace has been and continues to be widespread. In the past two decades the number of women in the workforce has increased dramatically and more and more workplaces and the women they employ must face the problems associated with sex discrimination. These include discrimination in hiring and promotion practices, inequitable pay, and male-oriented work expectations and career paths. There has been little research on the perceptions of women on discrimination issues. Notable studies include Harvard Business Review reported surveys in 1965 and 1985 (Sutton and Moore, 1985), and research by Carol Tavris published in 1972. This paper reports on a modest study of working women which contributes some new perspectives in the effort to understand women's attitudes.