Displaying: 241-260 of 1840 documents

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241. Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society: 2003
Sandra Rothenberg, Monica Becker The Evolution of Experimental Environmental Programs in the Printing Industry
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In the 1990s there was an explosion of experimental technical assistance programs at the national, state and local levels. These programs were designed to promote compliance (for those firms that needed to comply) and pollution prevention. Promoting the adoption of environmentally friendly technologies in small firms, however, has been difficult. The goals of this paper are to examine how environmental programs in the U.S. for small businesses have evolved over the past two decades and to begin to explore the effectiveness of these programs from the perspective of small companies.
242. Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society: 2003
Linda M. Sama, Stephanie A. Welcomer, Virginia W. Gerde Ecological Citizenship: Principles, Processes, and Outcomes
243. Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society: 2003
Bettina B. F. Wittneben Empowering Institutional Theory: A Discussion of Power Relations in Climate Change Policy
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This article links the contributions of institutional theory with the analysis of power differentials between actors in an organizational field. Organizations vie for power in the societal, policy and project dimension. Power relations are examined in the global climate change policy arena where the institution of providing technology transfer through a model of foreign aid is being challenged by the proto-institution of allotting projects through a venture capital investment model. The paper discusses the shift in power differentials in order to expose whose interests this institutional change is furthering.
244. Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society: 2003
David S. Harrison, Pavel Smirnov The Integration of Social Issues in Russian Business Management Training Programs
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With the drastic changes in political, social, and economic systems in Russia came the need for changes in education and training. Under the previous government educational institutions were primarily directed toward scientific and technological disciplines, at which the Soviets excelled. Current needs have moved toward the more pragmatic business disciplines of management, marketing and finance. The somewhat stoic institutions of higher education in Russia are reacting to changes largely driven by student expectations and outside political influences, and being supplemented with various sources of independently organized and sponsored business training programs. Not surprisingly these programs, while delivering needed business skills have largely ignored issues of corporate social responsibility.
245. Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society: 2003
Bahman P. Ebrahimi, Joseph A. Petrick Managerial Role Motivation and Role-Related Ethical Orientation in Hong Kong: Preliminary Results
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This empirical paper found that 71 undergraduate business students in Hong Kong with higher levels of general managerial motivation and five of seven subscales of motivation to manage were more likely to demonstrate higher managerial role- related ethical orientations as compared with their less managerially motivated counterparts. Discussion of implications and study limits are provided.
246. Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society: 2003
Tineke A. de Vries, Karen Paul, David Bray Green Consumers and Natural Chewing Gum: How Can Sustainability Be Marketed?
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Expansion of the market for natural chewing gum would help efforts to boost the sustainability of the tropical forest in Quintana Roo, Mexico and to support indigenous workers. The three companies that have developed natural chewing gums for the market in the United States have used marketing approaches that emphasize sustainability in varying degrees. These companies do not have a good understanding of the values most appealing to green consumers (those who prefer to buy natural or organic products or products produced by methods that promote sustainability), as is shown by the fact that they have not yet emphasized the health qualities that could be associated with a chewing gum product based on chicle, a natural product. Since most consumers do not realize that conventional chewing gums contain petroleum or plastic, there is a possibility for growth in the market emphasizing health aspect of natural chewing gum.
247. Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society: 2003
Juha Näsi, Johanna Kujala, Salme Näsi From Entrepreneurial Heroism to MNC Colonialism
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This paper describes and examines the story of an entrepreneurial firm concentrated on electronic manufacturing services. The company was operating in a small rural village in Finland. A rocket-like growth created worldwide attention and attracted larger corporations. An acquisition followed soon. After the acquisition by a MNC the development gradually turned to a downsizing slide. The paper discusses the drastic consequences of MNC management at that level from the local stakeholders’ point of view and challenges the praised effects of globalization and shareholder value thinking.
248. Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society: 2003
Paul Steidlmeier Transforming Government Governance of Markets: Emerging Patterns of Globalization
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The global operating environment is global as never before. While the operating environment of global business is being radically transformed, the development of effective socio-political dynamics and government policies to deal with it lags behind. This paper examines government governance of markets in light of three dynamics: 1) the need for government governance of markets, 2) the mechanisms of government governance of markets and 3) the continual and dynamic transformations of government governance of markets.
249. Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society: 2003
Johanna Kujala, Juha Näsi Minding Management: A Framework for Stakeholder Inclusion
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In this paper, we outline a framework and concept of minding management. The paper stems from an intertwined relation of business and morality, and our understanding is that the stakeholder approach is a suitable ground for combining business and ethics. The framework is based on one hand on the stakeholder approach and on the other hand on business ethics, especially postmodern ethical thinking. The concept of minding management is based on these two dimensions: taking into account the stakeholders’ views and acting as a mediator in stakeholder dialogue. The role and importance of dialogue and stakeholder inclusion in everyday managerial practices is emphasised in the developed framework.
250. Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society: 2003
Lorne S. Cummings Managerial Attitudes Toward Stakeholder Salience Within Selected Western Pacific-Rim Economies
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This study empirically examines the attitudes of managers and managerial students in Australia, China and Indonesia, toward the perceived salience (legitimacy, power and urgency) of selected organisational stakeholders. A development model (based on economic and social factors) is used to argue that Australian respondents will perceive greater equality in prominence between the selected organisational stakeholders, than their Chinese and Indonesian counterparts. Results indicated that Chinese respondents attributed greater prominence toward Government as an organisational stakeholder, and contrary to expectations, perceived greater equality (less variance) in prominence between stakeholders.
251. Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society: 2003
Suzanne Beaulieu, Jean Pasquero Understanding Organizational Legitimacy: A Field-Based Model
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In this article, we present a field-based model of organizational legitimacy. The theoretical background draws on both management literature and sociology. The preliminary model that guided our work rests on four theoretical traditions: institutionalist, stakeholder, negotiated order and impression management theories. Our empirical study, conducted in the specific context of a professional corporation, led us to a fully-developed model, which we call the “Synthetic Model of Organizational Legitimacy”.Many authors have mentioned the importance of preserving an organization's legitimacy in order for it to survive. The concept lies at the heart of the relationship between the organization and its stakeholders. However, it is still not well defined, is understudied, and is usually discussed in very abstract terms. One major shortcoming is that little empirical work has been conducted on this construct in management. Another is that little is known about how organizations manage the various dimensions of their legitimacy. In presenting our field-based model, we contend that the construct integrates several other intangibles and loosely-defined concepts such as organizational identity, reputation, credibility, and ultimately trustworthiness. It therefore helps to add some coherence to a still unbounded field.Two concepts need to be captured in the study of organizational legitimacy. One - legitimacy, is structural, and the other - legitimation, is a dynamic process.
252. Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society: 2003
Shawn Berman, Robert Phillips, Andrew Wicks A Resource Dependence Perspective on Stakeholder Performance
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Since Freeman’s (1984) work on stakeholder theory, many authors have suggested that resource dependence theory provides a useful lens through which to view firm-stakeholder relationships (Froooman, 1999; Mitchell, Agle, & Wood, 1997; Rowley, 1997). Frooman (1999) was most explicit about the link he saw between the two theories, providing a typology of strategies for shifting firm actions toward those favored by the particular stakeholder group. Frooman (1999) was looking at firm-stakeholder problems from a stakeholder perspective, theorizing how stakeholders might influence firm decision-making. The current research looks at firm- stakeholder issues from the firm perspective. To that end, we develop three hypotheses based on Boyd’s (1990, 1995) operationalization of the three dimensions of uncertainty in the operating environment identified by Dess and Beard (1984): munificence, dynamism, and power. In the final study, we estimate ten different regression models using a different measure of stakeholder performance as the dependent variable in each model. The aim of this work is an understanding of the stakeholders to whom managers perceive as more “salient” (in Mitchell et al.’s terminology). Based on preliminary data, we do not find unqualified support for a resource dependence perspective, but environmental uncertainty is consistently a significant factor in explaining stakeholder performance levels.
253. Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society: 2003
Barry M. Mitnick, John F. Mahon Aggregating Reputation: The Role and Use of Reputation-Sets
254. Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society: 2003
Salme Näsi, Juha Näsi Accountability as a Stakeholder Thinking Concept
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This paper considers the most important elements of both the stakeholder theory and accountability as an accounting concept. The main aim of the paper is to find the common elements of these two approaches. The stakeholder theory is based on the stakeholder concept, and the accountabilty concept on obligations to give an account and rights to know among interested parties. Both the stakeholder thinking and accountability concept are based on a more general responsibility thinking: someone being responsible for someone else for something. By combining the stakeholder thinking and accountabiliy concept it seems to be possible to form a framework for the functions of accounting and other information systems of an organisation.
255. Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society: 2003
Tara J. Radin, Susan McTiernan Out of the Mouths of Leaders...: A Comparative Study of Nonprofit and For-profit Leadership Approaches as Manifested in Annual Management Letters
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Understanding the varied approaches to leadership remains an ongoing challenge, especially as it relates to different sorts of organizations. Of particular interest are the specific considerations to which leaders pay attention. The management letters contained in the annual reports of both for-profit and nonprofit organizations reveal the nature of many of these considerations. This paper examines the management letters contained in the annual reports of for-profit and nonprofit organizations in order to discern the major differences and similarities between the approaches of for-profit and nonprofit leaders. Through this research a number of themes emerge that lead to general conclusions regarding leadership.
256. Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society: 2003
Josetta McLaughlin, Deborah Pavelka, Gerald McLaughlin Watchdog Organizations: Assessing the Integrity of Third-Party Organization Websites Providing Data and Information on Corporate Behavior
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This paper contains an overview of materials developed for a workshop designed to provide guidance for participants to be able to evaluate: 1) the types of websites, 2) the quality of those websites, and 3) the integrity of data available on the internet. The workshop identifies criteria that may be used to assess whether the data and information found on the websites are useable for research and teaching purposes. The focus is primarily on non-government websites concerned with corporate behavior and economic development, in particular "watchdog" or advocacy organizations. For purposes of the workshop, "watchdog" organizations are defined as not-for-profit organizations founded for the purpose of impacting a particular societal goal, such as discouraging corruption in the workplace.
257. Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society: 2003
Brosh M. Teucher Employee Centered Convergent Stakeholder Model
258. Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society: 2003
Sybille Sachs, Edwin Rühli, Daniel Peter Implementing the Stakeholder View: Changing Managers’ Values to Enhance Strategic Success
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Challenged by recent incidents as they occurred at Enron, WorldCom, Disney and Xerox, management has to rethink its values. In reality, it can be observed that some firms are already on a learning path to adopt a broader stakeholder-oriented view than before. In order to implement the stakeholder view better into strategic thinking of management, top managers have to change their values which are challenged by stakeholder-oriented incentives. Based on three comparative case studies some first propositions are developed.
259. Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society: 2003
Helen Juliette Muller Integrating American Indian Business in Contemporary Management Education
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Tribes in many parts of the U.S. are exercising their sovereign rights to create sustainable economic infrastructures to generate employment opportunities and businesses enterprises, yet college education for management and business continues to be drawn from mainstream management courses. This article analyzes one unique effort at addressing the subject matter of American Indian business and management in a business school curriculum in which three models emerged. Distinct features of native business and management that differ fundamentally from the dominant culture are explored; the paper concludes with management education implications.
260. Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society: 2003
Duane Windsor The Business in Society Curriculum in Europe and the United States: A Comparative Analysis and Conversation, “An Open Letter on Business School Responsibility”
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In his formal presentation, the author summarized the main points made in his “An Open Letter on Business School Responsibility” (reprinted at the end of this document and earlier posted at <iabs.net>) and added further information and comments. AACSB should require for MBA and undergraduate curricula some course in business and society subjects as a condition of business school accreditation. The author suggests legislative policy to compel such a mandate might occur in the absence of voluntary AACSB action.