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341. Journal of Business Ethics Education: Volume > 8 > Issue: 1
Susanna Cahn, Victor Glas Teaching Business Ethics with Cases: The Effect of Personal Experience
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As a final project for a business and society course, students presented analyses of ethical dilemmas in business settings; each dilemma was different, chosen either from the student’s personal business experience or from a recent business news event. Students identified multiple decision criteria (financial, ethical, etc.) relevant to the dilemma and then recommended a decision, reflecting a prioritizing of the multiple decision criteria. The goal of this research was to learn whether personal experience led to different decision priorities. Analyses from 121 students taken from six semesters of the course were sorted by choice of topic, as well as by which decision criterion was given top priority. Results showed significant differences (Chi-square value of 38.50562, significance level of 5.45963E-10) between the personal examples and the news examples. Students typically put ethical concerns first when analyzing news events. However, whenit came to personal events, more self-serving concerns often took priority. These disparate results suggest that even when knowledge is gained from study of theory and cases, it may not be applied to dilemmas that arise in students’ own experiences.
342. Journal of Business Ethics Education: Volume > 8 > Issue: 1
Laura P. Hartman, Jenny Mead, Patricia H. Werhane, Danielle Christmas “Connecting the World Through Games”: Creating Shared Value in the Case of Zynga’s Corporate Social Strategy
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When using cases to teach corporate strategy and ethical decision-making, the aim is to demonstrate to students that leadership decision-making is at its most effective when all affected stakeholders are considered, from shareholders and employees, to the local, national, and global societies in which the company operates. This paper challenges the obstructive perception of many Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) advocates that the interests of private organizations in the alleviation of social problems should not be vested, but instead should originate from charitable purposes. We evaluate an alternative approach to the role of business in contributing to social progress - Creating Shared Value (CSV), and present a case study that illuminates key features of CSV. We share pedagogical strategies for a classroom discussion of the Zynga.org case that encourage students to investigate the merits and hurdles of CSV as a pathway to harmonize the twin goals of economic value creation and social change.
343. Journal of Business Ethics Education: Volume > 8 > Issue: 1
Stacie Chappell, Dave Webb, Mark Edwards A Required GVV Ethics Course: Conscripting Ethical Conversations
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Business schools around the globe are seeking effective ways of incorporating business ethics into their programs (Melé 2008, Swanson 2004). Indications from both the market and accrediting bodies suggest best-practice programs will include ethics education. However, the debate continues as to whether meaningful learning is best achieved through stand-alone ethics experiences or via an integrated theme across the program of study (Tesfayohannes & Driscoll 2010, Wilhelm 2005). While many examples of required ethics-experiences can be found, to date, there is only one business school that we are aware of that has implemented a required full-term postgraduate ethics course based on the Giving Voice To Values (GVV) (Gentile 2008) philosophy and content.The purpose of this article is to share the tacit knowledge gained in the authors’ experience of implementing such a course at the University of Western Australia’s Business School.
344. Journal of Business Ethics Education: Volume > 8 > Issue: 1
Jennifer J. Griffin Wheelen and Hunger’s Strategic Management and Business Policy: Toward Global Sustainability, 13th Edition
345. Journal of Business Ethics Education: Volume > 9
Bala Mulloth, Marc D. Griffiths, Jill Kickul Verdant Power: A Case of Ethical Leadership
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We describe the ethical leadership dilemmas confronting Verdant Power. Formed in 2000, this New York City marine renewable energy company develops projects and technology that delivers electricity directly into the local power grid. Set in early 2010, the case outlines the tensions, challenges and costs (both financial and time) that management faces as it attempts to commercialize a technology in an industry with strict and rigid regulatory policies. The key teaching objectives of the case include a) understanding the leadership role that the company must assume in paving the way for regulatory reform for US-based marine renewable technology ventures, and b) appreciating the importance and implications of sustainability given the pursuit of the financial and environmental mission of the founders.
346. Journal of Business Ethics Education: Volume > 9
Michael Elmes, Katie King Moral Sensemaking Through Digital Storytelling
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Beginning with the idea that digital storytelling can be a useful tool for moral sensemaking and development for undergraduates, the paper reviews the process of digital storytelling and details how the lead author incorporated a digital storytelling project into a course on leadership ethics. The paper provides a theoretical basis for the project in Gentile’s (2010, 2011) work on Giving Voice to Values, and in perspectives from aesthetics, phenomenology, and personal narrative. This is followed by two autoethnographic narratives of the experience: one from the course designer and professor who discusses his motivation for the project and the moral dilemma he faced in assigning it, and another from one of the students in the class who investigates the challenges she faced in engaging a deeply-felt moral dilemma in a public way. Finally, the paper discusses the implications for this approach with respect to leadership development and research.
347. Journal of Business Ethics Education: Volume > 9
Margaret Brunton, Gabriel Eweje Teaching Ethics: The Role of Culture in Ethical Perceptions
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This paper reports research carried out in a New Zealand university to revisit the question of whether national culture influences the perceptions of business students about ethical dimensions in somewhat ambiguous cases. Although this study demonstrated mixed results, the identified patterns in the data provide useful insight into the perceptions of diverse cultural groups. There are two main findings. First, the study provides an example which demonstrates that althoughHofstede’s (1991) dimensions of individualism and collectivism illustrate important differences, using these dimensions without consideration of the micro-context within geographical borders may result in variable outcomes. Second, the qualitative data revealed greater variability within cultures than would have been the case using purely quantitative data. Despite the similarity of the educational qualification these students receive, their perceptions of ethical and moral dilemmas in workplace scenarios do vary, primarily explained as an appeal to a deontological or teleological rationale, within as well as between cultural cohorts. Such insight into cultural differences is an integral component for those educators involved in curriculum development in the future.
348. Journal of Business Ethics Education: Volume > 9
Katherina Glac, Christopher Michaelson What is a Good Answer to an Ethical Question?
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Instructors of business ethics now have a wealth of cases and other pedagogical material to draw on to contribute to achieving ethics learning goals now required at most business schools. However, standard ethics case pedagogy seems to provide more guidance regarding the form and process for getting to a good answer than on the ethical content of the answer itself. Indeed, instructors often withhold their own judgments on what is a good answer so as not to indoctrinate students with the instructor’s views. To answer our question on what is a good answer to an ethical question, we asked three master teachers of business ethics to share their perspectives on a good answer. Their answers revealed stark differences—regarding the starting point of business ethics, the purpose of business, prioritization of analytical disciplines, and research methods—but also a common thread demanding that a good answer articulates a student's own moral voice. Moral voice is a genuine expression of an individual’s considered moral judgment that is reflective of personal values and cognizant of professional expectations. Cultivating the expression of moral voice goes beyond formal and theoretical proficiency to overcome human tendencies toward idealism, insincerity, and rationalization. Moral voice does not by itself fill the gap in business ethics pedagogy on the content of a good answer, but it demands that students support an answer that they can genuinely believe in while encouraging instructors to cultivate in their students sincerity and engagement, conscience, and a sense of self that are indispensable to genuine ethical commitment.
349. Journal of Business Ethics Education: Volume > 9
Susan L. Kirby, Eric G. Kirby, Douglas W. Lyon Expectations and Disappointments: Ethical Legitimacy of the U.S. Financial Sector
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The 2008 financial crisis has raised serious ethical questions about behaviors associated with the free market system and the effectiveness of undergraduate business ethics education. We offer opposing interpretations of the crisis, a “Markets Work” and a “Critical” perspective, in order to provide students with an opportunity to examine their ethical assumptions. We frame our discussion around legitimacy; therefore, we utilize an institutional theory lens to frame the processes by which financial organizations are rewarded with social legitimacy for using “proper” structures and following “appropriate” procedures and punished when they do not. By presenting these two opposing narratives of the crisis, we provide a richer framework for discussing the crisis and relating it to the larger issue of corporate malfeasance. We draw upon a wealth of readily available, easily accessible material. We identify films, readings, and provide notes that may use to set the direction and tenor of classroom discussion.
350. Journal of Business Ethics Education: Volume > 9
Nimruji Jammulamadaka Smart Strategy or Great Tragedy? Vedanta Alumina and the Dongria Kondhs
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The case recounts the ongoing conflict between Vedanta Alumina and the indigenous people and environmentalists over the mining and refining of aluminium at Niyamgiri in Orissa in India. Vedanta Alumina is a subsidiary of FTSE listed Vedanta Resources Plc. The company acquired a license for mining alumina from the state owned Orissa Mining Corporation and began work on the project that would make it the world’s largest integrated producer of aluminium. Sincethe very beginning, this project has faced stiff resistance from the endangered indigenous tribes of the area and the environmentalists for its adverse impact. The case depicts the several ups and downs of both the company and the resistance movement and the methods employed by each of them during the decade old struggle that has been fought over continents and is now a very charged political issue in India. The case also illustrates how the state and political leadership has, at times supported the indigenous people, and at other times the corporate interests.
351. Journal of Business Ethics Education: Volume > 9
Robert A. Giacalone, Lisa Calvano An Aspirational Reframing of Business Ethics Education
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The past decade has seen an increasing number of critiques of business schools and the education they provide, particularly at the MBA level. In this paper, we summarize the limitations of a minimalist approach to business ethics education and then provide a new direction that enlarges its scope and reframes its educational goals, course content, and analytical methods to inculcate higher-order aspirations among students. We propose that the outcome of business ethics education should be a desire among students to use business to enhance the well-being of all stakeholders, repair damage done to the economy, society, and the environment, and leave the world better than they found it.
352. Journal of Business Ethics Education: Volume > 9
Wade M. Chumney Organization Ethics: A Practical Approach, 2nd Edition by Craig E. Johnson
353. Journal of Business Ethics Education: Volume > 9
Aundrea Kay Guess, Carolyn Conn Heaven Help Us: Embezzlement in a Religious Organization
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Larry Barnes, Executive Director of the Southwest Missouri Baptist Association (SMBA), received a telephone call that no executive wants to receive. The pastor at Hilltop Baptist Church reported suspicions of embezzlement by the church bookkeeper. Whatever decision Barnes made in advising the pastor would impact Hilltop, the church members, the SMBA, and a number of stakeholders, including himself. His primary duty as Executive Director was to provide guidance and advice to pastors of SMBA churches, help them expand, and assist in establishing new churches. However, did his professional responsibilities encompass this situation? If not, did he have an ethical obligation to help? What if his involvement caused legal and financial problems for the SMBA? What was the likelihood the bookkeeper and her family might sue the SMBA and Barnes? Many Hilltop Church members were personal friends of Barnes. He worried about jeopardizing hisfriendship with them, particularly if the accusations were incorrect. An equally important concern was whether Hilltop Church would continue to exist. Financial problems had plagued the church in recent years and the relationship between the pastor and members was already contentious. An embezzlement scandal could cause the 150 year old church to close its doors. Barnes had to decide whether to get involved and, if so, what to recommend as a course of action to Hilltop’s pastor.
354. Journal of Business Ethics Education: Volume > 9
Barrie E. Litzky Review of EthicsGame Simulation
355. Journal of Business Ethics Education: Volume > 9
Claus Strue Frederiksen The Presentation of Utilitarianism within the Field of Business Ethics
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This article presents a discussion of the presentation of utilitarianism in textbooks and research articles within the field of business ethics. My objective is twofold. First, I will demonstrate that the presentation of utilitarianism, by a substantial number of prominent business ethicists, is characterized by a lack of precision and includes faulty descriptions. In this regard, I focus on presentations of utilitarianism in relation to distributive principles and on the demanding nature of utilitarianism. Second, I will demonstrate that these imprecise and faulty presentations result in a misguided critique of utilitarianism and dubious conclusions within the field of business ethics. Here, I will discuss and reject conclusions regarding utilitarianism and its relation to capitalism, theclaim that utilitarianism is not much more sophisticated than a simple majority vote and that utilitarianism is in accordance with harmful actions such as bribery and child labor.
356. Journal of Business Ethics Education: Volume > 9
Albert D. Spalding, Jr., Rita A. Franks Religion as the Third Rail of Ethics Education: What to Do about the R-Word
357. Journal of Business Ethics Education: Volume > 9
Carlo Carrascoso Business Ethics by K. Praveen Parboteeah and John B. Cullen
358. Journal of Business Ethics Education: Volume > 9
Gerard Magill White Coat, Black Hat: Adventures on the Dark Side of Medicine by Carl Elliott
359. Journal of Business Ethics Education: Volume > 9
Helena Knorr The Ethics of Management, 6th Edition by LaRue Tone Hosmer
360. Journal of Business Ethics Education: Volume > 9
Ying Han Fan, Gordon Woodbine, Glennda Scully, Ross Taplin Accounting Students’ Perceptions of Guanxi and Their Ethical Judgments
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A cross sectional study of a sample of Australian accounting students during 2011 is used to test whether the relationship concept of guanxi is accepted as a social networking concept across cultures. While favour-seeking guanxi appears to be equally important across cultural groups (as a universal set of values), its negative variant, rent-seeking guanxi continues to be sanctioned to a greater extent by students holding temporary visas from Mainland China. Contrary to the findings of Fan, Woodbine, and Scully (2012) involving Chinese auditors, this study of Australian and Chinese students did not identify favour-seeking guanxi as a factor influencing ethical judgment, whereas rent-seeking guanxi was strongly significant as a predictor of judgment making for Australian students. Major concerns are expressed about the need to sensitize Chinese students to make them more aware of unethical practices prevalent in their home country. These findings have significant implications for educators delivering ethics courses to cohorts that include international students as well as the professional bodies involved in designing development programs.