Displaying: 301-320 of 468 documents

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301. Lonergan Workshop: Volume > 24
Robin Koning The Human Person in Wojtyla and Lonergan
302. Lonergan Workshop: Volume > 24
Paulette Kidder Cosmopolis and Cosmopolitanism
303. Lonergan Workshop: Volume > 24
Richard Grallo Re-framing Applied Psychology in Terms of Self-Transcendence: Selected Challenges, Problems, and Prospects
304. Lonergan Workshop: Volume > 24
Christian Krokus Louis Massignon’s Secret of History Read in the Light of Bernard Lonergan’s Law of the Cross
305. Lonergan Workshop: Volume > 24
Michael McCarthy An Ethics of Authenticity: Personal and Communal
306. Lonergan Workshop: Volume > 24
Francis M. McLaughlin John Rogers Commons: Are His Insights Important in Teaching Modern Labor Economics?
307. Lonergan Workshop: Volume > 24
Gilles Mongeau A More Cosmopolitan Salvation: Aquinas, Formation for Beatitude, and the Cross
308. Lonergan Workshop: Volume > 24
William E. Murnion Faith and Reason in Aquinas
309. Lonergan Workshop: Volume > 24
R. J. Snell Sloth Transposed: The Friendless Universe
310. Lonergan Workshop: Volume > 24
Maury Schepers The Structure of the Human Good: An Exercise in Personal Appropriation (Reaching up to the Mind of Lonergan)
311. Lonergan Workshop: Volume > 24
Matthew Petillo Identifying and Naming Religious Consciousness in a Friendly Universe
312. Lonergan Workshop: Volume > 24
Donna J. Perry Beyond Negotiation: Combatants for Peace and Authentic Subjectivity in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
313. Lonergan Workshop: Volume > 24
Charles T. Tackney John R. Commons, Heinrich Pesch, and Bernard J. F. Lonergan: Three Seminal Thinkers on the Working Rules of the Going Concern and the Illusion of Free Enterprise
314. Lonergan Workshop: Volume > 24
Jeremy D. Wilkins Grace in the Third Stage of Meaning: Apropos Lonergan’s “Four-Point Hypothesis”
315. Lonergan Workshop: Volume > 25
Fred Lawrence Editor’s Introduction
316. Lonergan Workshop: Volume > 25
David Burrell Lonergan on the Human Good in an African Idiom
317. Lonergan Workshop: Volume > 25
Richard Grallo Expanding Horizons of Question and Insight: Some Conditions and Correlates of Personal Development
318. Lonergan Workshop: Volume > 25
Robert M. Doran The Theological Virtues and Participation in Active and Passive Spiration
319. Lonergan Workshop: Volume > 25
Patrick Daly The Possibility of Hope
320. Lonergan Workshop: Volume > 25
Patrick H. Byrne Moral Value, Personal Value, and History