Displaying: 441-460 of 1753 documents

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441. International Philosophical Quarterly: Volume > 26 > Issue: 1
David Gordon Ethics, Efficiency, and the Market
442. International Philosophical Quarterly: Volume > 26 > Issue: 1
Christopher Devine The Mystery of Life’s Origins: Reassessing Current Theories
443. International Philosophical Quarterly: Volume > 26 > Issue: 1
Brian Leftow Philosophy and Atheism
444. International Philosophical Quarterly: Volume > 26 > Issue: 1
Howard Harriott Ethics and the Limits of Philosophy
445. International Philosophical Quarterly: Volume > 26 > Issue: 2
Richard L. Purtill C.S. Lewis and the Search for Rational Religion
446. International Philosophical Quarterly: Volume > 26 > Issue: 2
Allen Wall Knowledge of Freedom: Time to Change
447. International Philosophical Quarterly: Volume > 26 > Issue: 2
Yeager Hudson German Recollections: Some of My Best Friends were Philosophers
448. International Philosophical Quarterly: Volume > 26 > Issue: 2
Jan Narveson Equality and Liberty
449. International Philosophical Quarterly: Volume > 26 > Issue: 2
Michael E. Zimmerman Deep Ecology
450. International Philosophical Quarterly: Volume > 26 > Issue: 2
David Ramsay Steele Marxism: Philosophy and Economics
451. International Philosophical Quarterly: Volume > 26 > Issue: 2
Ron Santoni Sartre and Marxist Existentialism: The Test Case of Collective Responsibility
452. International Philosophical Quarterly: Volume > 26 > Issue: 2
John J. McDermott William James on the Courage to Believe
453. International Philosophical Quarterly: Volume > 26 > Issue: 3
David Gordon Freedom and Alienation
454. International Philosophical Quarterly: Volume > 26 > Issue: 3
H. E. Baber Alvin Plantinga
455. International Philosophical Quarterly: Volume > 26 > Issue: 3
Robert F. Harvanek Grundkurs Philosophie
456. International Philosophical Quarterly: Volume > 26 > Issue: 3
Bonnie Kent A Treatise on God as First Principle
457. International Philosophical Quarterly: Volume > 26 > Issue: 3
John W. Murphy The Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledg
458. International Philosophical Quarterly: Volume > 26 > Issue: 3
Thomas Talbott Free Will and Values
459. International Philosophical Quarterly: Volume > 26 > Issue: 4
Vincent M. Cooke The Argument of the “Tractatus”: Its Relevance to Contemporary Theories of Logic, Language, Mind and Philosophical Truth
460. International Philosophical Quarterly: Volume > 26 > Issue: 4
Robert E. Lauder Vatican II and Phenomenology: Reflections on the Life-World of the Church