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Displaying: 261-280 of 638 documents

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261. Mediaevalia: Volume > 23
Ashby Kinch The Danse Macabre and the Medieval Community of Death
262. Mediaevalia: Volume > 24
Michael Winkelman Working in the York Plays
263. Mediaevalia: Volume > 24
Michael Gleason Water, Water, Everywhere: Alcuin's Bede and Balthere
264. Mediaevalia: Volume > 24
Marco Giovini Un Aspetto del "Furto Sacro" Secondo Agostino: Rosvita e il Trionfo della Feminea Fragilitas in Prospettiva Terenziana
265. Mediaevalia: Volume > 24
Candace Barrington "Misframed Fables": Barclay's Gower and the Wantonness of Performance
266. Mediaevalia: Volume > 24
Denise Keyes Filios Rewriting Griselda: From Folktale to Exemplum
267. Mediaevalia: Volume > 24
Brian Repsher The Abecedarium: Catechetical Symbolism in the Rite of Church Dedication
268. Mediaevalia: Volume > 24
Adrian P. Tudor Past and Present: The Voice of an Anonymous Medieval Author
269. Mediaevalia: Volume > 24
Karla Mallette Terra Recognita: Excursus on the Literary History of Sicily
270. Mediaevalia: Volume > 24
Lucie Bonato, Maryse Emery Chypre au Moyen-Âge - Les Cathédrales: L'Influence Française
271. Mediaevalia: Volume > 24
Joy M. Currie Rejecting Natural Law and Society's Dissolution in Chaucer's Troilus
272. Mediaevalia: Volume > 24
Teresa Bargetto-Andrés The XVc Translation of the Divina Comedia: A Product of Dictation?
273. Mediaevalia: Volume > 24
Colleen Donnelly Blame, Silence, and Power: Perceiving Women in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
274. Mediaevalia: Volume > 24
Maureen Gillespie Dawson Reading Conversion in French Medieval Saints' Lives
275. Mediaevalia: Volume > 25 > Issue: 1
Emanuel J. Mickel The Shadow of Oedipus in the Tristan en Prose
276. Mediaevalia: Volume > 25 > Issue: 1
Dinah Hazell Poverty and Plenty: Chaucer's Povre Wydwe and Her Gentil Cok
277. Mediaevalia: Volume > 25 > Issue: 1
Margherita Lecco Orfeo, il King of Fairy e Andrea Cappellano: Quellenforschung e Intertestualttà nel Lay d'Orphey
278. Mediaevalia: Volume > 25 > Issue: 1
Linda Rouillard Speech Acts in the First Prose Erec
279. Mediaevalia: Volume > 25 > Issue: 1
Sebastian Sobecki "And to the Herte She Hireselven Smot": The Loveris Maladye and the Legitimate Suicides of Chaucer's and Gower's Exemplary Lovers
280. Mediaevalia: Volume > 25 > Issue: 1
Reginald Hyatte Happy Endings: Examples of Fathers and Sons in Froissart and Joinville