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Displaying: 361-380 of 638 documents

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361. Mediaevalia: Volume > 28 > Issue: 2
Marco Giovini A Nugace in Castum: L'ltinerario Salvifico di Callimaco, Adulescens Innamorato di Rosvita
362. Mediaevalia: Volume > 28 > Issue: Special Issue
363. Mediaevalia: Volume > 28 > Issue: Special Issue
Citations of Other Literary Uses of the Glossary Words
364. Mediaevalia: Volume > 28 > Issue: Special Issue
365. Mediaevalia: Volume > 28 > Issue: Special Issue
English Translations
366. Mediaevalia: Volume > 28 > Issue: Special Issue
Some Caveats
367. Mediaevalia: Volume > 28 > Issue: Special Issue
Abbreviations and Signs
368. Mediaevalia: Volume > 28 > Issue: Special Issue
The Glossary
369. Mediaevalia: Volume > 28 > Issue: Special Issue
Subsidiary Sources
370. Mediaevalia: Volume > 28 > Issue: Special Issue
371. Mediaevalia: Volume > 28 > Issue: Special Issue
Primaiy Petrarchan Sources
372. Mediaevalia: Volume > 28 > Issue: Special Issue
Books of the Bihlia Sacra Vulgata
373. Mediaevalia: Volume > 28 > Issue: Special Issue
Other Reference Sources
374. Mediaevalia: Volume > 28 > Issue: Special Issue
Ancient and Medieval Authors and Works Cited
375. Mediaevalia: Volume > 29 > Issue: 1
Mariele Nientied Divine Names and Their Theoretical Implications
376. Mediaevalia: Volume > 29 > Issue: 1
Science and Literature at the Crossroads: Introduction
377. Mediaevalia: Volume > 29 > Issue: 1
Suzanne Kocher Gay Knights in Medieval French Fiction: Constructs of Queerness and Non-Transgression
378. Mediaevalia: Volume > 29 > Issue: 1
Laurence Erussard At the Intersection of Religion, Folklore, and Science: Women and Snakes in Old French Arthurian Romance
379. Mediaevalia: Volume > 29 > Issue: 1
Julie Singer "Sa Clarte Premiere": Cataract Removal as Metaphor in Fourteenth-Century French Poetry
380. Mediaevalia: Volume > 29 > Issue: 1
Fiona Harris-Stoertz Pregnancy and Childbirth in Chivalric Literature