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481. The Modern Schoolman: Volume > 3 > Issue: 6
Philosophers' Academy
482. The Modern Schoolman: Volume > 3 > Issue: 7
John X. Pyne, S.J Scholasticisim and Common Sense
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Father Pyne is professor of philosophy in Fordham University, and author of a new popular psychology, "The Mind". In this article the writer points out most strikingly the influence of Scholasticism in law-court proceedure. The Editor.
483. The Modern Schoolman: Volume > 3 > Issue: 7
Ignotus For Value Received
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THE personal touch of a confesssion characterizes this thoughtful backward glance over the five years that are gone. Most highly we recommend it to all philosophers. The Editor
484. The Modern Schoolman: Volume > 3 > Issue: 7
Gerald H. FitzGibbon, S.J. The Platonic Idea
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A deep analysis and study of the much discussed "Idea" of Plato has yielded this scholarly paper. We welcome further discussion of this problem. The Editor
485. The Modern Schoolman: Volume > 3 > Issue: 7
John J. O'Brien, S.J. "Constitution or Vatican?"
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THIS article concerning Mr. Marshall's open letter to Governor Smith does not pretend to be an answer. It suggests some philosophical considerations on the point at issue. The Editor
486. The Modern Schoolman: Volume > 3 > Issue: 7
John G. McQuiston Romantic Philosophy
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THOROUGHLY refreshing is this novel conception of the "romantic isle of philosophy". The author takes Scholasticism from the dry and tedious study of abstract canons, and transports her to the realm of the imaginative. The Editor
487. The Modern Schoolman: Volume > 3 > Issue: 7
Pierre B. Bouscaren, S.J. How are the Senses True (part 2)
488. The Modern Schoolman: Volume > 3 > Issue: 7
John J. O'Brien, S.J. "Constitution or Vatican?" (part 2)
489. The Modern Schoolman: Volume > 3 > Issue: 7
Pierre B. Bouscaren, S.J. How are the Senses True
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THIS is the second article in an important series which has been attracting considerable attention. Its topic is a problem grey with centuries. The Editor
490. The Modern Schoolman: Volume > 3 > Issue: 7
An Editorial Faith and Philosophy
491. The Modern Schoolman: Volume > 3 > Issue: 7
Gerald H. FitzGibbon, S.J. The Platonic Idea (part 2)
492. The Modern Schoolman: Volume > 3 > Issue: 8
An Editorial "Philosophy's Fortunate Failure"
493. The Modern Schoolman: Volume > 3 > Issue: 8
Pierre B. Bouscaren, S.J. How Are the Senses True
494. The Modern Schoolman: Volume > 3 > Issue: 8
John F. McCormick, S.J. Student Problems
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In this article Father McCormick, professor of philosophy in Marquette University, succinctly unravels two ever-recurring difficulties of the student of metaphysics. In another he will solve the problems of a mutable, non-eternal universe. The Editor
495. The Modern Schoolman: Volume > 3 > Issue: 8
Pierre B. Bouscaren, S.J. How Are the Senses True (part 2)
496. The Modern Schoolman: Volume > 3 > Issue: 8
Augustine C. Klaas A Volte Face in the French Academy
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This is the second paper in an important study of the relation of Science and Religion. In the March issue Mr. Klaas, who is now abroad, showed that between the two there exists no opposition. In this number he points out a reason; it is mutual autonomy. The Editor
497. The Modern Schoolman: Volume > 3 > Issue: 8
Leo C. Brown Suggestion and Its Causes
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The timliness of an investigation into the phenomena of suggestion today can hardly be over estimated. With each succeeding advance it is being given more importance in advertising, in education, and in heath. The author has made it the subject of his master's thesis. Here we have the kernel of his months of thought. The Editor
498. The Modern Schoolman: Volume > 3 > Issue: 8
Richard A. Welfle Transmigration of Souls
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Quite in keeping with Theosophy's modern vogue is this interesting historical study of a leading tenet of all Indian philosophy - the transmigration of souls. The Editor.
499. The Modern Schoolman: Volume > 3 > Issue: 8
James M. Tainter, S.J. The World-Builder
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Undoubtedly H.G. Wells is one of the most widely read writers in the English speaking world. Unfortunately his genius veils for most men his clever sophistries. This removal of the veneer from a seemingly harmless bit of imagination in his "A Fantastic Novel" reveals unseen dangers lurking beneath his humor. The Editor
500. The Modern Schoolman: Volume > 30 > Issue: 1
John J. Pauson Postscripts and Addenda to De Principiis Naturae (Continued)