Displaying: 481-500 of 2205 documents

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481. The Chesterton Review: Volume > 43 > Issue: 3/4
Understanding the Las Vegas Killer
482. The Chesterton Review: Volume > 8 > Issue: 4
News and Comments
483. Catholic Social Science Review: Volume > 1
Patrick Foley, R.A. Herrera Frederick D. Wilhelmsen: Two Remembrances
484. Catholic Social Science Review: Volume > 1
Dominic A. Aquila In Memoriam: John J. Mulloy
485. Catholic Social Science Review: Volume > 12
Members' Accomplishments
486. Catholic Social Science Review: Volume > 12
14th Annual National Conference Schedule
487. Catholic Social Science Review: Volume > 12
Robert P. George Elizabeth Fox-Genovese R.I.P.
488. Catholic Social Science Review: Volume > 14
Msgr. George P. Graham Monsignor Michael J. Wrenn, posthumous recipient of a Special Award for Contributions to the Church from the Society of Catholic Social Scientists
489. Catholic Social Science Review: Volume > 14
Msgr. Robert Batule In Memoriam: Fr. Richard John Neuhaus
490. Catholic Social Science Review: Volume > 14
Sr. Margherita Marchione A Commemoration of the 70th Anniversary of Pius XII's Coronation on March 12, 2009
491. Catholic Social Science Review: Volume > 14
Kenneth L. Grasso, Robert P. Hunt In Memoriam: Francis Canavan, S.J.
492. Catholic Social Science Review: Volume > 14
Msgr. Robert Batule In Memoriam: Avery Cardinal Dulles
493. Catholic Social Science Review: Volume > 15
Joseph A. Varacalli The Necessity of the Catholic School in America in a Time of Cultural Crisis: Propositions and Proposals
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Without factoring in the possibility of some direct or mediated intervention “from above,” the present sociological prospects for the Church, the Catholic school system, and American civilization are not particularly good. The only chance for our civilization lies with the possibility of a massive cultural revival centered on the resurrection of the natural law, Biblical wisdom, and Catholic social teaching. On the one hand, cultural revivals cannot be merely engineered. But, on the other hand, there will be no chance of a cultural revival in either Church or society without a revitalized Catholic educational system manned by dedicated Catholic professionals and buttressed by cadres of Catholics who are willing to volunteer their services. This paper, first, offers a list of propositions about the state of the contemporary Catholic school in our present time of cultural crisis, and then, second, follows with a list of proposals aimed at assisting in its revitalization.
494. Catholic Social Science Review: Volume > 15
In Memoriam, Donald J. D’Elia
495. Catholic Social Science Review: Volume > 15
Jean-Francois Orsini In Memoriam, David Pittman
496. Catholic Social Science Review: Volume > 15
Members’ Accomplishments
497. Catholic Social Science Review: Volume > 15
Brian Simboli In Memoriam, Ralph McInerny
498. Catholic Social Science Review: Volume > 16
Rev. Msgr. Robert Batule Homily of Msgr. Robert Batule for the Mass Marking the 25th Anniversary of His Ordination
499. Catholic Social Science Review: Volume > 16
Juan José Ramírez Ochoa In Memoriam: Br. Joseph Keckeissen
500. Catholic Social Science Review: Volume > 16
William F. Campbell In Memoriam: Andrew W. Foshee