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401. Mayéutica: Volume > 44 > Issue: 98
Enrique A. Eguiarte B. Enrique A. Eguiarte B.
Presupuestos de una ética ecológica: San Agustín y la encíclica Laudato Si’
Presupuestos de una ética ecológica

402. Mayéutica: Volume > 44 > Issue: 98
Luke Murray Luke Murray
Los Estudios bíblicos católicos después de Trento: Francisco Toledo (Franciscus Toletus)
Los Estudios bíblicos católicos después de Trento

403. Mayéutica: Volume > 45 > Issue: 99
Noel Basilio Andrés La oración sálmica y su fuerza atractivo/melódica en el Prólogo del Comentario a los salmos de Basilio de Cesarea
404. Mayéutica: Volume > 45 > Issue: 99
Josiah Baker Amore amoris tui facio istuc: L’emploi par Augustin du témoinage dans les Confessions
405. Mayéutica: Volume > 45 > Issue: 99
Enrique A. Eguiarte B. Metáforas místicas en la obra de Madre Juana de la Encarnación (1672-1715)
406. Mayéutica: Volume > 45 > Issue: 99
Antonio Carrón De La Torre Aportaciones del pensamiento de María Zambrano a la educación de la interioridad
407. Mayéutica: Volume > 45 > Issue: 99
Leonardo Suárez Montoya Encuentro entre la adúltera y Jesús: el triple juicio: Un tratado agustiniano sobre la misericordia y el compromiso de quien la recibe
408. Mayéutica: Volume > 45 > Issue: 99
Miguel Oñate Carvajal San Agustín de Hipona en el magisterio del Papa Francisco
409. Mayéutica: Volume > 45 > Issue: 99
Julián A. Hincapié López La dinámica de la conversión en san Agustín
410. Mayéutica: Volume > 45 > Issue: 99
Jesús Ignacio Panedas Galindo La aporofobia y la discriminación de los ancianos en México
411. Mayéutica: Volume > 45 > Issue: 99
Enrique A. Eguiarte, Mauricio Saavedra The Psalms in Early Christian North Africa (200-430 AD)
412. Mayéutica: Volume > 46 > Issue: 101
Graciano María Malgeri Graciano María Malgeri
Quis non tristitia carere optet? (Cypr. Mortal. 5): L’insegnamento cristiano del vescovo cartaginese in tempo di pestilenza e pandemia
Quis non tristitia carere optet?

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The article addresses Saint Cyprian’s Work De mortalitate, making, a contextualization of the work, to later discuss each one of the chapters of this books, highlighting the diverse perspective that Saint Cyprian has of death and adversities in contrast with the pagan philosophical view. Subsequently, the article points out the four reasons that cause fear when facing trials or death, such as the imbecilitas animi, the parvitas fidei, the dulcedo saecularis and the error veritatis. The article makes an application of Saint Cyprian’s thoughts on adversity and death to the current context of Covid-19.
413. Mayéutica: Volume > 46 > Issue: 101
Kolawole Chabi Kolawole Chabi
Augustine on Temptation to suicide: A Reading of his Letter 244 to Chrisimus
Augustine on Temptation to suicide

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The article discusses Augustine’s teaching on suicide, especially in the way he exposed it when a Christian facing despair is tempted to take his own life. In the first part, the article examines some basic aspects of Augustine’s teaching on suicide in some of his works outside the letter 244. In a second part, the article presents an analytic reading Augustine’s Letter 244 to Chrisimus. The article also discusses some important remarks to show the relevance of Augustine’s recommendations nowadays.
414. Mayéutica: Volume > 46 > Issue: 101
Radni Caparas Radni Caparas
The Christological hermeneutics of Augustine in Benedict XVI’s Mind
The Christological hermeneutics of Augustine in Benedict XVI’s Mind

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This article attempts to explore the Christological hermeneutics of Augustine in Benedict XVI’s method of reading Christ. The study is divided into three parts. The first part explores the Christological issues and methods since Vatican II. The proliferation of the Christological hermeneutics ignited the Church (Dei Verbum and Pontifical Biblical Commission) to set some guidelines and controls in order to pave the way to a better quest for the real Jesus. Within this context, Benedict XVI proposed a Christological hermeneutics which present a convincing figure of the real Jesus of Nazareth. The second part of the article deals with the commonalities and distinction of the hermeneutics of Augustine and of Benedict XVI. It highlights the similarities of the theological context of both theologians. Likewise, it presents the continuity of the thought of Augustine and Benedict XVI. The last part explains the Christological Hermeneutics of Augustine in the mind of Benedict XVI. It investigates and defines the Augustinian method of knowing Christ within the framework of Benedict XVI’s personal quest for Christ.
415. Mayéutica: Volume > 46 > Issue: 101
Bruno A. Do Espirito Santo Bruno A. Do Espirito Santo
El Timeo de Platón y otras cosmologías de la antigüedad anteriores a san Agustín
El Timeo de Platón y otras cosmologías de la antigüedad anteriores a san Agustín

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The article provides a detailed exposition of the essential points of Platonic cosmology collected in the Timaeus, to later see its continuity or discontinuity in other cosmologies such as the one exposed within Cicero’s Somnium Scipionis. Special importance has Philo of Alexandria’s thought and particularly the doctrine of Plotinus, from which the main ideas are exposed. Presenting their relationship with Christian thought.
416. Mayéutica: Volume > 46 > Issue: 101
William Clemence William Clemence
The Pasio Vincentii in Augustine’s Sermones de Sanctis
The Pasio Vincentii in Augustine’s Sermones de Sanctis

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The article makes a brief exposition of the context of the first persecutions against the Christians, particularly highlighting the persecution of Diocletian, to later analyze the effects of the Constantinian peace. The importance that within the context of the Constantinian peace acquired the cult of martyrs, like the first Christian heroes, is exposed. Later the importance of the literature about martyrs of the first centuries is revealed. In a second part of the article, the sermons that Saint Augustine dedicated to Saint Vincent are studied, namely, sermons 4; 274-277 / A; 359 / B. A detailed study is made of each one of them, both at the rhetorical level and mainly in terms of content, to highlight the ideas and Augustine’s theology. The role that the sermons of Saint Augustine played in the transmission of the Passio Vincentii is particularly stressed.
417. Mayéutica: Volume > 46 > Issue: 101
Enrique A. Eguiarte Enrique A. Eguiarte
Secutio Dei beatitatis appetitio est (mor. 1, 11, 18). La santidad en los primeros escritos de san Agustín
Secutio Dei beatitatis appetitio est (mor. 1, 11, 18). La santidad en los primeros escritos de san Agustín

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The article discusses St. Augustine’s idea about holiness, and how this idea develops itself through the years. The article focuses on St. Augutine’s Works written before the Confessions, namely mor., an. quant., Gen. adu. Man., uera rel., s. dom. m., c. Adim., exp.prop. Rom., doctr. chr. The article discusses that there is no discontinuity between the Works written before the Confessions and the Works written after.
418. Mayéutica: Volume > 46 > Issue: 102
Enrique A. Eguiarte, Mauricio Saavedra La ecología en el De Genesi contra manicheos y el De Genesi ad litteram opus inperfectum de san Agustín
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The article deals with Augustine’s idea about Creation and Ecology in the first two commentaries that the Bishop of Hippo wrote, namely, De Genesi contra manicheos and De Genesi ad litteram opus inperfectum. The article stresses that in those Works, St. Augustine underlines that the triune God is the creator of all things. The article also stresses God’s omnipotence, the Creation ex/de nihilo, and also the ecological ideas that Augustine presents in those commentaries, such as the Philocalia as a path to discover the Beauty of God in his works; the Order of the Creation in which all creatures are necessary and are interconnected between them; the Creation as a House in which God as the paterfamilias takes care of all things; the human being as the one who has to take charge of Creation in the Name of God, and how all Creation is directed towards God.
419. Mayéutica: Volume > 46 > Issue: 102
Graziano Maria Malgeri La esperanza en los salmos graduales, según el comentario de san Agustín (I)
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The article offers a study of the Ascensional Psalms 119 to 125. First of all, the article presents the Latin Text used by Augustine, making a reconstruction of the Psalm’s Text, based on what Augustine comments in his explanation of the Psalms. After that, the Psalms are studied in a Biblical Context, to present afterwards the interpretation that Augustine makes of the Psalms, highlighting the Topic of Hope according to Augustine’s interpretation.
420. Mayéutica: Volume > 46 > Issue: 102
Antonio Carrón de la Torre La purificación del corazón y el ascenso hacia Dios en los comentarios de san Agustín a los salmos graduales (119-133)
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The article presents a brief description of the background and the times of the Ascensional Psalms (Ps. 119-133). Then the sense and the main content of Augustine’s commentary on the Psalms is dealt. The article also presents Augustine’s doctrine on Prayer, as it is presented in the Commentary to the Ascensional Psalms. Finally, the article presents some conclusions.