Displaying: 501-520 of 3465 documents

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501. The Annual of the Society of Christian Ethics: Volume > 19
Patricia A. Lamoreaux The Relation of Private and Public Life: A Conundrum
502. The Annual of the Society of Christian Ethics: Volume > 19
Richard B. Miller On Identity, Rights, and Multicultural Justice
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This essay critically examines justificatory arguments on behalf of justice for nonmainstream groups, focusing on two demands. The first is for mainstream groups to provide recognition by "fusing horizons" with the oral traditions of nonmainstream groups. Fusing horizons requires members of mainstream cultures to be transformed by the study of the other and thus to avoid ethnocentric evaluations of others. This demand involves the problematic idea that mainstream cultural norms and traditions are a priori morally deficient to evaluate alternative cultural norms. The second demand is to provide group-differentiated rights on terms that aim to protect disadvantaged minority cultures because they provide a horizon for autonomous choice, not because their customs make a presumptive claim for others' recognition. This demand may produce legal rights, but not recognition in a psychologically robust sense insofar as it secures rights on terms that are foreign to the comprehensive goods according to which minority cultures understand and esteem themselves. The aim of this paper is to distinguish between these two demands, explain each as resulting from different specifications of equality, and suggest how the need to balance recognition and rights might occur in political practical reasoning.
503. The Annual of the Society of Christian Ethics: Volume > 19
Audrey R. Chapman Coming to Terms with the Past: Truth, Justice, and/or Reconciliation
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This paper explores one of the major issues before transitional societies, the balance among truth, justice, and/or reconciliation. It focusses on the role of truth commissions, with an emphasis on the experience of South Africa. A central thesis of the paper is that establishing a shared truth that documents the causes, nature, and extent of severe and gross human rights abuses and/or collective violence under antecedent regimes is a prerequisite for achieving accountability, meaningful reconciliation, and a foundation for a common future. It develops and applies an approach to reconciliation based on and extending Donald Shriver's concept of "political forgiveness."
504. The Annual of the Society of Christian Ethics: Volume > 19
Judith W. Kay Why Procedures are Important in Addressing Sexual Harassment
505. The Annual of the Society of Christian Ethics: Volume > 19
Robert H. Craig Institutionalized Relationality: A Native American Perspective on Law, Justice and Community
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A vision of law and justice that is rooted in relationality stands at the heart of this paper. To tribal people, such as the Lakota and Dakota, what sustains the lives of people are bonds of kinship relations that bind human and nonhuman life together with a sense of mutual responsibility and caring that is most aptly captured by the Lakota phrase Mitakuye Oysain, "all are relatives." What are important to tribal communities are collective rights and obligations as embodied in Indian law and justice. Indian societies, thereby, have established their own tribal courts and legal systems that are markedly different from mainstream society. Indian people, it is argued, have much to teach about the limitations of the dominant legal culture and ways in which relationality serves a far better basis for law and justice than an adversarial system that demands winners and losers.
506. The Annual of the Society of Christian Ethics: Volume > 19
Ronald M. Green Jewish and Christian Ethics: What Can We Learn from One Another?
507. The Annual of the Society of Christian Ethics: Volume > 19
Stephen J. Pope Compassion and Self-Deception: The Unity of Love and Truthfulness in Leo Tolstoy's "The Death of Ivan Ilyich"
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This essay examines Tolstoy's The Death of Ivan Ilyich in light of the moral status of self-deception, particularly as defended on grounds of compassion. It argues that Tolstoy's powerful depiction of the interconnection of love and truthfulness reveals the spiritual and moral dangers of self-deception and particularly its destructive consequences for interpersonal love and friendship.
508. The Annual of the Society of Christian Ethics: Volume > 19
Amy Laura Hall Complicating the Command: Agape in Scriptural Context
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While some of Anders Nygren's critics supplant agape with eros or philia, we may best correct the false simplicity of Nygren's account through a scriptural retrieval of agape itself. I suggest what this textual turn may impart by discussing agape in passages from Exodus, Leviticus, Hosea, Luke, and John. Agape in these texts reflects motivations as disparate as passionate desire, parental longing, committed dutifulness, and protective seclusion—depictions at odds with Nygren's atemporal portrayal of agape as unmotivated and spontaneous. We may be called at times to heed one of these scriptural strains more than another, but to say either that impassivity (Nygren) or any one of these motivations represents the apex of love is misleading. I suggest that we resist the urge to condense our intentionally enigmatic canon.
509. The Annual of the Society of Christian Ethics: Volume > 19
Jennifer A. Herdt Cudworth, Autonomy and the Love of God: Transcending Enlightenment (and Anti-Enlightenment) Christian Ethics
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Recent attempts by Christian ethicists to mine the tradition of Christian Platonism have overlooked seventeenth-century Cambridge Platonist Ralph Cudworth. Cudworth's significance lies in his creative extension of Christian Platonism in response to the early modern situation of religious conflict. He develops an account of autonomy as the self-rule of the "redoubled soul," while retaining a teleological account of the soul's final end as participation in God. Cudworth can help contemporary Christian ethicists imagine a way beyond pro-Enlightenment secular accounts of autonomy and anti-Enlightenment rejections of autonomy in the name of tradition.
510. The Annual of the Society of Christian Ethics: Volume > 19
Ernest Wallwork Psychodynamic Contributions to Religious Ethics: Toward Reconfiguring "Askesis"
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Contemporary ethicists largely ignore the recent, revolutionary findings of psychodynamic psychology. The author argues that ethicists have been dissuaded from taking psychodynamic psychology seriously by (1) hostile attacks on the credibility of the psychodynamic paradigm, and (2) confusion about the contribution that clinical findings can make to ethics. With respect to these obstacles, the credibility of the psychodynamic paradigm is vouchsafed by a growing body of empirical studies that support the main psychodynamic hypotheses, particularly those of interest to ethicists. This new research points toward the need to expand the range of issues covered by contemporary ethics by retrieving and updating the ancient tradition of askesis, involving thought-exercises oriented towards cultivation of habits of mind conducive to acting morally in one's daily activities. The paper concludes by sketching several ways in which self-reflection may improve moral decision-making.
511. The Annual of the Society of Christian Ethics: Volume > 19
512. The Annual of the Society of Christian Ethics: Volume > 19
Traci C. West The Harms of Sexual Harassment
513. The Annual of the Society of Christian Ethics: Volume > 19
William J. Meyer On Keeping Theological Ethics Theological: An Alternative to Hauerwas's Diagnosis and Prescription
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Stanley Hauerwas argues that Christian ethics has lost its theological voice because it has accommodated itself to the secular assumptions of modern philosophical ethics. What has led to this fateful accommodation, he argues, is that theology has sought to translate its insights into a nontheological idiom in order to remain publicly intelligible and relevant. My thesis is that Hauerwas rightly recognizes that a fateful accommodation has occurred but wrongly identifies what it is. The real accommodation is found not in theology's attempt to be publicly intelligible and credible but in its widespread acceptance of the modern denial of metaphysics.
514. The Annual of the Society of Christian Ethics: Volume > 2
Daniel C. Maguire The Feminization of God and Ethics
515. The Annual of the Society of Christian Ethics: Volume > 2
Robin W. Lovin Empiricism and Christian Social Thought
516. The Annual of the Society of Christian Ethics: Volume > 2
Thomas W. Ogletree In Quest of Blessing: Feminist Wrestling with Scripture
517. The Annual of the Society of Christian Ethics: Volume > 2
Warren T. Reich Towards a Theory of Autonomy and Informed Consent
518. The Annual of the Society of Christian Ethics: Volume > 2
Terence R. Anderson Ethics, Uranium Mining, and Public Participation in Development Decisions
519. The Annual of the Society of Christian Ethics: Volume > 2
James H. Weaver, J. Philip Wogaman The American University/Wesley Theological Seminary Joint Seminar on Economic Justice
520. The Annual of the Society of Christian Ethics: Volume > 2
Robert L. Shinn Ethical Responsibility and the Corporate World: An Educational Experiment