Displaying: 301-320 of 321 documents

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301. Social Philosophy Today: Volume > 9
G. C. Nayak Dharma: An Analytical Retrospect
302. Social Philosophy Today: Volume > 9
G. Sundara Ramaiah The Mimamsa Conception of Life
303. Social Philosophy Today: Volume > 9
Samuel Ajzenstat Hobbes and Manu: The Ambiguous Relationship Between Rights and Obligations
304. Social Philosophy Today: Volume > 9
Donald A. Crosby Civilization and Its Dissents: Moral Pluralism and Political Order
305. Social Philosophy Today: Volume > 9
Shyli Karin-Frank Civil Disobedience as a Moral Postulate
306. Social Philosophy Today: Volume > 9
Neela J. Joshi Jnandeva’s Philosophy of Social Obligation
307. Social Philosophy Today: Volume > 9
Matthew R. Silliman Freedom, Property, and the Rhetoric of Family
308. Social Philosophy Today: Volume > 9
Rajendra Prasad Ability, Obligation, and Option
309. Social Philosophy Today: Volume > 9
W. Creighton Peden Preface
310. Social Philosophy Today: Volume > 9
W. Creighton Peden Duty in F. E. Abbot’s Philosophy
311. Social Philosophy Today: Volume > 9
G. N. Kundargi Dharma and Mahabharata
312. Social Philosophy Today: Volume > 9
Dena S. Davis Equal Treatment or Treatment as an Equal?
313. Social Philosophy Today: Volume > 9
Yeager Hudson Outgrowing Nationalism: Tagore’s Vision of a Better World
314. Social Philosophy Today: Volume > 9
Patricia H. Werhane Individualism, Obligations, and Rights: A Community-Based Notion of Rights
315. Social Philosophy Today: Volume > 9
Hemant Shah Freedom, Obligations, and Rights: A Jaina Perspective
316. Social Philosophy Today: Volume > 9
Geeta S. Mehta Yajna (Sacrifice) as a Cosmic Obligation
317. Social Philosophy Today: Volume > 9
Bhavana Trivedi The Rationale of Gītā’s Concept of Freedom
318. Social Philosophy Today: Volume > 9
Santi Nath Chattopadhyay Good, Evil, and Freedom: A Philosophical Study
319. Social Philosophy Today: Volume > 9
R. C. Sinha The Grounds of Social Obligation: A Conceptual Analysis
320. Social Philosophy Today: Volume > 9
Charles Milligan Dharmic Duty and the Role of Religion in Exacerbating Social Conflict