Displaying: 121-140 of 185 documents

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121. ProtoSociology: Volume > 7
122. ProtoSociology: Volume > 8/9
Volkmar Taube Exemplifikatorische Darstellung: Zu den Grundlagen einer kognitiven Ästhetik
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After having introduced Goodman’s concept of exemplification I discuss his general argument that exemplification would be the best for comprehensible the expressive phenomena of art. But there will arise problems when making differences between features of works of art which are exemplified and which are not, and when reconstructing the variable forms of autoreflexive expressions. I try to demonstrate that Goodman’s concept of exemplification therefore ist too limited: 1. Goodman doesn’t take into account that the caracteristics of works such as colours, form etc. also can be interpreted as materials of artistic expressions. 2. He doesn’t give any idea to solve the question what would make an exemplification work effectively. Therefore I suggest to reformulate the concept of exemplification.
123. ProtoSociology: Volume > 8/9
Alexander Ulfig Stufen der Rechtfertigung
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For the last 30 years there have been debates in philosophy about the concept of rationality. In anglo-american circles they have been primary characterized as discussions about “justified beliefs.” By contrast, the debate in Germany among discourse-theorists (Habermas, Apel) has been linked to the problem of justification of communicative speech-acts (within the concept of the entire communicative situation). Herbert Schnädelbach has modified the discours-theoretical account. His concept can be regarded along a number of dimensions. He has developed a linguistic analysis of the validity claims made in various speech-act situations (following Paul Taylor). In Schnädelbach’s view, normative characterizations of speech acts can be used descriptively, too. Furthermore, the hierarchy of justifications ends on the level of rational choice.My starting point here is: there is a fundamental distinction between justifications in everyday-life and a theoretical level of justification (discoursive justifications). Thus, I discuss the hierarchy of justifications developed by Schnädelbach.Furthermore, I evaluate Schnädelbach’s concept in a semantic perspective. I will show that Schnädelbach’s pragmatical account requires a semantic analysis. Without recourse to such analysis, we cannot understand the universe of normative language.
124. ProtoSociology: Volume > 8/9
Axel Wüstehube Noch einmal: Rationalität und Normativität
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The ongoing discussion about a notion of pragmatic rationality has evolved in a variety of different approaches, mainly because every author tries to combine his genuine philosophical point of view with the interpretation of “rationality”. Nevertheless there is an agreement of sorts that rationality cannot proceed mereley descriptively but has also normative implications.The paper investigates the proposals of Nicholas Rescher and Herbert Schnädelbach concerning the question of a normativity of rationality. Moreover it deals with the problem of “unity of reason” and its interconnectedness with the inherent normativity of rationality.
125. ProtoSociology: Volume > 8/9
Wolfgang Welsch Vernunft heute
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What type of reason will work under the present conditions? To answer this question a meaningful conception of reason (as distinct from rationality) has to be developed, and is contemporary conditions (due to change in the field of rationality) have to be specified.In part I. of the paper, the radically altered structure of rationality is analysed; it turns out to be characterized by rational disorder. Part II. offers a redefinition of reason; guided by the idea of justice reason operates in transition from one rationality to another. This new kind of reason - "transversal reason " - is further elaborated in part III. It is regarded as a key-element of any type of reason.
126. ProtoSociology: Volume > 8/9
Andreas Vieth Axel Wustehube (Hrsg.), Pragmatische Rationalitätstheorien. Studies in Pragmatism, Idealism and Philosophy of Mind
127. ProtoSociology: Volume > 8/9
Andreas Vieth Martina Herrmann, Identität und Moral. Studies in Pragmatism, Idealism and Philosophy of Mind
128. ProtoSociology: Volume > 8/9
Achim Berndzen Wulf Kellerwessel, Referenztheorien in der analytischen Philosophie
129. ProtoSociology: Volume > 8/9
Wolf-Jurgen Cramm John McDowell, Mind and World
130. ProtoSociology: Volume > 8/9
Michael Quante Peter Clark & Bob Hale (eds.), Reading Putnam; Christopher S. Hill (ed.), The Philosophy o f Hilary Putnam
131. ProtoSociology: Volume > 8/9
Peter Hoeres Wolfgang J. Mommsen, Bürgerliche Kultur und künstlerische Avantgarde 1870-1918. Kultur und Politik im Kaiserreich
132. ProtoSociology: Volume > 8/9
Hubert Knoblauch Wolfgang Ludwig Schneider, Die Beobachtung von Kommunikation. Zur kommunikativen Konstruktion sozialen Handelns
133. ProtoSociology: Volume > 8/9
Marcus Birke Externalismus in der Philosophie des Geistes
134. ProtoSociology: Volume > 8/9
135. ProtoSociology: Volume > 8/9
Toni Tholen Bernhard Waldenfels, Antwortregister
136. ProtoSociology: Volume > 8/9
Joseph Agassi Die gegenwartige Rolle des Technik- und Wissenschaftshistorikers
137. ProtoSociology: Volume > 36
Dieter Henrich Stationen einer Freundschaft
138. ProtoSociology: Volume > 6
Axel Wüstehube The Nature of Rationality
139. ProtoSociology: Volume > 6
Wulf Kellerwessel Gewißheit als Norm. Wittgensteins erkenntnistheoretische Untersuchung in "Über Gewißheit"
140. ProtoSociology: Volume > 6
Uwe Wirth Philosophische Aufsätze