Displaying: 501-520 of 1515 documents

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501. Social Theory and Practice: Volume > 28 > Issue: 3
B.C. Postow The Unity and Authority of Reason
502. Social Theory and Practice: Volume > 28 > Issue: 3
Monique Deveaux Political Morality and Culture: What Difference Do Differences Make?
503. Social Theory and Practice: Volume > 28 > Issue: 3
David Kahane Artisans of Democracy: How Ordinary People, Families in Extreme Poverty, and Social Institutions Become Allies to Overcome Social Exclusion
504. Social Theory and Practice: Volume > 28 > Issue: 4
Index to Volume 28
505. Social Theory and Practice: Volume > 28 > Issue: 4
Books Received
506. Social Theory and Practice: Volume > 28 > Issue: 4
Marc Ramsay Pluralism and Gray’s “Liberal Syndrome”
507. Social Theory and Practice: Volume > 28 > Issue: 4
David Zimmerman Taking Liberties: The Perils of “Moralizing” Freedom and Coercion in Social Theory and Practice
508. Social Theory and Practice: Volume > 28 > Issue: 4
Simon Keller Expensive Tastes and Distributive Justice
509. Social Theory and Practice: Volume > 28 > Issue: 4
William R. Lund Perfectionism, Freedom, and Virtue: Sandel’s “Formative Project”
510. Social Theory and Practice: Volume > 28 > Issue: 4
P. A. Woodward Shue on Basic Rights
511. Social Theory and Practice: Volume > 28 > Issue: 4
Stephen Scales Intergenerational Justice and Care in Parenting
512. Social Theory and Practice: Volume > 28 > Issue: 4
Jeffrey Paris After Rawls
513. Social Theory and Practice: Volume > 29 > Issue: 1
Carl Wellman A Legal Right to Physician-Assisted Suicide Defended
514. Social Theory and Practice: Volume > 29 > Issue: 1
Kristján Kristjánsson Justice, Desert, and Virtue Revisited
515. Social Theory and Practice: Volume > 29 > Issue: 1
Christopher Ciocchetti Wrongdoing and Relationships: An Expressive Justification of Punishment
516. Social Theory and Practice: Volume > 29 > Issue: 1
Veikko Launis Solidarity, Genetic Discrimination, and Insurance: A Defense of Weak Genetic Exceptionalism
517. Social Theory and Practice: Volume > 29 > Issue: 1
Mark Alfino, G. Randolph Mayes Reconstructing the Right to Privacy
518. Social Theory and Practice: Volume > 29 > Issue: 1
Peter Lindsay, Christopher Heath Wellman Lincoln on Secession
519. Social Theory and Practice: Volume > 29 > Issue: 1
Jordy Rocheleau The Politics of Critical Theory: Discursive Proceduralism and Its Discontents
520. Social Theory and Practice: Volume > 29 > Issue: 1
Ronald R. Sundstrom Arrogance, Love, and Identity in the American Struggle with Race