Displaying: 481-494 of 494 documents

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481. Environmental Philosophy: Volume > 20 > Issue: 2
Johanna Oksala The Existential Threat of Climate Change: From Climate Anxiety to Post-Nihilist Politics
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The article analyzes the experience of climate anxiety. The investigation is phenomenological in the sense that I will attempt to show that contemporary climate anxiety has a distinctive structure and philosophical meaning, which make it different from both psychological anxiety and existential anxiety, as commonly understood. I will also draw out the consequences of my phenomenological analysis for climate politics. My contention is that forms of prefigurative climate politics can respond to the profound disorientation and apathy regarding our future and help us face down the hyperbolic nihilism shadowing us.
482. Environmental Philosophy: Volume > 20 > Issue: 2
Robert Booth On the Dubious Merit of Ontologizing Bohr: Reading Barad (Diffractively) with Merleau-Ponty
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Despite thinking that an appropriately nonanthropocentric approach to the more-than-human world requires understanding phenomena to be ontologically basic, Karen Barad engages with phenomenology only fleetingly. Here, I suggest that Barad ought to take Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s phenomenology more seriously for two reasons. First, Barad’s objections to his prospects for a suitably nonanthropocentric phenomenology rely upon a misdirected charge of representationalism. Second, Merleau-Ponty offers theoretical and methodological tools corrective to our tendencies toward metaphysical and behavioral colonialism which align with Barad’s project, yet, insofar as her agential realism remains committed to a very strong metaphysical naturalism, appear unavailable to her.
483. Environmental Philosophy: Volume > 20 > Issue: 2
Chad Córdova From the Dialectic of Power to the Posthumanist Sublime: Rereading Kant in a Time of Climate Catastrophe
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This essay rereads the Kantian sublime both as an epitome of humanism and as a lesson for posthumanist thought. First, I unfold “On the Dynamically Sublime” as a failed dialectic in which “reason” seeks to sublate the power of “nature.” But Kant’s sublime is irreducible to the “Analytic,” I argue: it exemplifies a quasi-dialectical relation between human and nonhuman that recurs across the third Critique and defines its humanist teleology as a whole. Rereading Kant against that telos, and heeding the natural-historical concerns animating his project, I uncover paths towards a posthumanist or “natural-historical” sublime of “nature” as anarchic phusis.
484. Environmental Philosophy: Volume > 20 > Issue: 2
Jared L. Talley Of Imaginaries, Places, and Fences
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We are in places. Some places beckon us, some are to be avoided, and some are banal. However, this emplacement urges reflection. In this essay I consider the role of place in environmental experiences, beginning with analysis of the concepts of place and space that motivate the development of four environmental imaginaries (extractive, wilderness, managed, and reciprocal). Ultimately, through a discussion of fences, I aim to show how place-meanings are materially inscribed on the landscape while evidencing the value of place-based analysis to understanding the ways these landscapes are shaped by and serve to shape experience.
485. Environmental Philosophy: Volume > 20 > Issue: 2
J. Michael Scoville On The Concept of Independent Nature
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Multiple concepts of nature are at play in environmental theory and practice. One that has gripped several theorists is the idea of nature as referring to that which is independent of humans and human activity. This concept has been subject to forceful criticism, notably in the recent work of Steven Vogel. After clarifying problematic and promising ways of charac­terizing independent nature, I engage Vogel’s critique. While the critique is compelling in certain respects, I argue that it fails to appreciate what I take to be an important motivating concern of those drawn to the concept of independent nature, or something like it. I offer a characterization of that concern—a worry about problematic instrumentalization of the nonhuman world—and suggest why this concern, and the idea of independent nature which helps to make it intelligible, should continue to inform environmental theory and practice. In offering a qualified defense of the concept of independent nature, and of its value, I assume that such a concept is only one possible tool in a multi-pronged approach to environmental theorizing, deliberation, action, and policy.
486. Environmental Philosophy: Volume > 21 > Issue: 1
Emily Anne Parker Nancy Tuana. Racial Climates, Ecological Indifference: An Ecointersectional Analysis
487. Environmental Philosophy: Volume > 21 > Issue: 1
Kevin Siefert Cameron Fioret. The Ethics of Water: From Commodification to Common Ownership
488. Environmental Philosophy: Volume > 21 > Issue: 1
Joshua Jones Nina Lykke. Vibrant Death: A Posthuman Phenomenology of Mourning
489. Environmental Philosophy: Volume > 21 > Issue: 1
Matthias Kramm Tilo Wesche. Die Rechte der Natur: Vom nachhaltigen Eigentum
490. Environmental Philosophy: Volume > 21 > Issue: 1
Andrea Natan Feltrin Fostering Ecocentric Subjects: Self-Rewilding as a Potential Path to Overcome Nature Detachment and Achieve Ecological Rewilding
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This paper introduces self-rewilding, a philosophy prioritizing ecologically aware, ecocentric living. It examines human-environment interactions, advocating for an ecological consciousness and multispecies sensibility. Within this framework, unlike traditional views of nature, “wild” is preferred to signify the interconnectedness of all ecosystem agents. Self-rewilding is presented as a method to foster coexistence and multispecies justice, encouraging societal shifts towards ecocentric practices through ecological re-enchantment and discomfort acceptance. Aimed at enriching lives and catalyzing positive ecological change, this concept underscores the potential for a thriving biosphere and equitable multispecies community, positioning self-rewilding as essential for contemporary ecological awareness and active ecosystem restoration.
491. Environmental Philosophy: Volume > 21 > Issue: 1
David Fenner Experiencing a Garden
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This paper identifies and discusses eight perspectives one can take toward preparing to experience a garden, experiencing it, and then reflecting on that experience. The paper does not argue that one is better than another but rather explores the options, encouraging the garden visitor to adopt a plurality as means to enhance their appreciation of gardens.
492. Environmental Philosophy: Volume > 21 > Issue: 1
Inês Salgueiro Kantian Animal Ethics, Deep Dignity, and the Moral Game
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This paper explores Kant’s concept of dignity to claim that animals deserve moral consideration. The central notion in the paper is of that of “moral game,” a hypothetical scenario that illustrates our obligations to cooperate with rational agents and the natural world. This game displays how rational agents can collaborate with non-rational animals despite their inability to engage in reciprocal legislation. From reflection on what this game shows and by introducing a notion of “deep dignity,” I argue that rational beings have a duty to respect the moral status of non-human creatures through indirect moral rights.
493. Environmental Philosophy: Volume > 21 > Issue: 1
Marjolein Oele, Jeremy Bendik-Keymer, Russell Duvernoy, Daniele Fulvi, Hayden Kee Introductory Notes to the Spring 2024 Issue of Environmental Philosophy
494. Environmental Philosophy: Volume > 21 > Issue: 1
Julie Van der Wielen Cybernetic or Machinic Ecology? Guattari’s Parting Ways with Bateson
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In this article, I examine the relation between Bateson and Guattari’s ecological thoughts: two thinkers whose ecological ideas at first sight have a lot in common. In order to show the difference between the thoughts of both thinkers, I will take my clue from Guattari’s remark that he parts ways with Bateson on the role of context. Explaining the role of context in both authors will allow me to show how Guattari’s thought implies both an endorsement and a critique of cybernetics, and, specifically, promoting a machinic rather than cybernetic ecology. I will conclude by indicating what is at stake in this distinction.