Displaying: 161-180 of 815 documents

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161. Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy: Volume > 14 > Issue: 28
Ubirajara Rancan de Azevedo Marques Victor Cousin e Théodore Jouffroy: Psicologia e História da Filosofia
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Il s’agit d’analyser les différences entre Cousin e Jouffroy à propos du rôle de l’histoire de la philosophie et aussi bien de la psychologie dans la sphère de l’éclectisme spiritualiste, dont l’hégémonie était contestée au sein même de l’école.
162. Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy: Volume > 14 > Issue: 28
Maria Teresa Teixeira Percepção e Linguagem: A Invulgar Perspectiva de Whitehead
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Symbolism is a basic synthetic activity required by human enterprise in order to be able to produce an occasion of actual existence. Whitehead regards perception as the most frequent and fundamental kind of symbolism. Language is another essential sort of symbolism. Immediacy and abstraction are two intersecting phases in the process of symbolism; we need both for the occasions of perception and the emergence of language. Whitehead unites various kinds of experience under the notion of symbolism and enhances the founding roles of perception and language. His doctrine is an outstanding insight into the wholeness of reality.
163. Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy: Volume > 14 > Issue: 28
Flávio Beno Siebeneichler A Compreensão Procedimental do Direito, de Jürgen Habermas, Ante a Folha de Contraste da Teoria Sistêmica, de Niklas Luhmann
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This article consists of a number of initial reflections on concepts inherent to the theoretical paths traced by J. Habermas and N. Luhmann. It was developed with the intention of showing how a confrontation between their ideas allows us to offer contrasts to specific elements of Habermas’s arguments. The understanding of these divergences is necessary for an accurate interpretation of their respective theories of law.
164. Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy: Volume > 14 > Issue: 28
José de Almeida Pereira Arêdes Foucaulte o Poder
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The purpose of this paper is to present some thoughts upon the ever pressing question of the role of justice in our societies, according to Michel Foucault. Centered upon Discipline & Punish: The Birth of the Prison, the paper draws the guidelines which Foucault developed about the aggiornamento of the exercise of power and its changing methods, from torture to the scientific methods which he named technologies of the self. Going from the exercise of violence centered upon the body to its submission by means of idea and mind control, power has associated itself to the scientific (psychiatric) approach of identity, leading to a controllable abnormality (present in prisons). All of this in the name of a population policy, a bio power which ensures the docility of individuals while optimizing their productive force. Hence the remaining epigraph quoted challenge where Plato provocatively States: justice is the same everywhere, it is the rule of the strongest.
165. Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy: Volume > 14 > Issue: 28
Teresa Marques Pode o Deflacionismo Negar o Princípio de Bivalência?
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The simplest and most widely endorsed elucidation of the notions of truth and falsehood is given in Aristotle’s dictum: “to say of what is not that it is, and of what is that it is not, is false; while to say of what is that it is, and of what is not that it is not, is true”. Nowadays, while some take the dictum as the first Statement of truth as correspondence, the dictum may also be seen as a first Statement of deflationism. Deflationism holds that the essential about truth is captured in equivalence schemas for truth. Similar schemas are usually put forward for falsity. Can deflationism coherently deny bivalence? I will argue that it cannot since the putative counterexamples to bivalence also falsify the relevant truth-schemas. The attempts made to render the supposition of counter examples to bivalence compatible with the truth-schemas usually take two steps: in the first place, they try to deal with the way we can reject that a relevant item is bivalent without self-contradiction, and, in the second place, they try to explain how, although there are gaps, the schemas for truth and falsehood are still correct. I will argue that these attempts fail, since they are ad hoc or generally ungrounded. So, either deflationism is in adequate as an account of truth, or there cannot be counterexamples to bivalence. I conclude that it is not only deflationism that faces this dilemma; anyone who defends that some version or other of the truth-schemas is correct faces the same difficulties as the deflationist. This would corne as no surprise for Aristotle. His dictum about truth was followed by a Statement of bivalence: “so that he who says of anything that it is, or that it is not, will say either what is true or what is false”.
166. Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy: Volume > 14 > Issue: 28
Amon Pinho Davi Hermenêutica e Materialismo Histórico na Encruzilhada da História: Leituras Especulares de Gadamer e Benjamin
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This paper intends to approach Hans-Georg Gadamer’s hermeneutical view of history to Walter Benjamin’s dialectical concept of it, choosing, as a contrasting point of view, historicism, which overlaps fact by comprehension on behalf of a so-called scientific neutrality. To the impossibility of ignoring the “being-there” of the historian, peculiar to gadamerian hermeneutics, Benjamin adds both the presuppositions of historical materialism and the concept of time present in Jewish-Christian theology and Jewish mystics, turning History into science and remembrance, conservation and redemption.
167. Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy: Volume > 14 > Issue: 28
Paulo Tunhas A Intimidade: Do Indivíduo ao Segredo
168. Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy: Volume > 14 > Issue: 28
António Pedro Mesquita O Lugar Da História Dos Animais Na Obra De Aristóteles
169. Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy: Volume > 14 > Issue: 28
Maria Luísa Ribeiro Ferreira Ciência e Género. Quatro Textos de Quatro Mulheres
170. Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy: Volume > 14 > Issue: 28
Maria Teresa Nobre Quirino da Fonseca A Cidade Azul - Uma Visão Ecológica em Vieira da Silva - Um Contributo para a Participação Democrática
171. Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy: Volume > 14 > Issue: 28
Carlos Café O Pensamento Ecológico de Alberto Caeiro
172. Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy: Volume > 14 > Issue: 28
Actividades do Centro de Filosofia da Universidade de Lisboa / Actividades do Departamento de Filosofia da Universidade de Lisboa
173. Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy: Volume > 15 > Issue: 29
Cristina Beckert A Estética do Invisível Na Natureza
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This paper aims at showing the interdependence between aesthetic and ethic values in appreciating nature. The Kantian concept of sublime guides us in the first part, exhibiting the primacy of ethics over aesthetics, as the sublime reveals it self to be an analogon of the moral law and the respect due to it. The second part, based on the holistic tendency in Environmental Ethics hold by Holmes Rolston III and others, analyses how the relation is inverted by means of an aesthetic of the invisible, where the sublime in nature refers to the whole and is hidden under the apparent ugliness of the parts.
174. Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy: Volume > 15 > Issue: 29
Leonel Ribeiro dos Santos Kant e a Ideia de Uma Poética da Natureza
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Notre propos c’est de méditer le rapport reversible d’analogie qui, d’après la Critique du Jugement de Kant, on doit supposer entre l’art et la nature (entre l’esthétique et la téléologie), et de voir en quel sens cette idée, si blâmée par Schopenhauer comme appréciée par Goethe, peut encore donner à penser autrement les problèmes qui pose la conscience é cologique contemporaine, dans la mesure où elle nous dévoile une relation de l’homme vis-à-vis de la nature qui n’est plus seulement de maîtrise et de possession, mais plutôt d’admiration profonde et de respect gracieux. Seront thèmes majeures de notre exposition la notion kantienne d’une “technique de la nature” (qu’on propose de traduire par “poétique de la nature”) et surtout le rôle qui joue l’expérience esthétique (du beau et du sublime) de la nature dans l’économie de l’esthétique kantienne et dans l’architectonique même de la troisième Critique.
175. Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy: Volume > 15 > Issue: 29
Clademir Luís Araldi Organismo e Arte na Filosofia de Nietzsche
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This article aims at analyzing the relations between art and organism in Nietzsche’s thought, having as its guiding line the attempt to build a new interpretation of the nature, beyond the ancient and modern teleological models. Using Nietzsche’s critique to Kant’s and Espinosas’s models of organism, it is questioned if the creation of artistic matrix expresses the effective relations of power in the world, or if it is a manifestation of the will to power, while being human will for illusion.
176. Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy: Volume > 15 > Issue: 29
Andreia Saavedra Cardoso Paisagem e Complexidade Ecológica: A Necessidade das Narrativas
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The approach to landscape complexity, elapses from the interpretation of its visible face while constellation of objective signs, which landscape architecture engages to code, inferring the action of the systemic processes as the result of the actualization of patterns or changeable configurations of existing relations between the mosaic of ecosystems, that in its relation to socio-cultural Systems have a particular expression on landscape structure. The present article clears the need of landscape narratives generated by its complexity, approaching the concept of evolutions by instability, implied on the self-organizing-systems theory due to the high connection between spatial and temporal scales, that characterize the complex interactions and the determinism-indeterminism involved in its autopoietic behaviour, causing the need of environmental narratives.
177. Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy: Volume > 15 > Issue: 29
Paulo Frazão Roberto A Harmoniosa Pregnância Vital da Paisagem Natural em Georg Simmel
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Dans cette lecture de la “Philosophie der Landschaft” de Georg Simmel, on essaie de comprendre la signification profonde de l’expérience esthétique qui est immanente à la contemplation, vécue en présence, d’un paysage naturel. Prenant en considération les principes vitalistes de l’esthétique simmélienne, on montre que l’unité esthétique inhérente à chaque paysage naturel est l’expression d’un sentiment d’harmonie - vital et non seulement formel - entre l’être humain et ce paysage; leur unité s’éprouve comme une “ambiance” spirituelle (Stimmung) commune et partagée.
178. Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy: Volume > 15 > Issue: 29
Manuela Raposo Magalhães Paisagem - Perspectiva da Arquitectura Paisagista
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This paper aims to contribute for the clarification of the concept of Landscape, from the Portuguese Landscape Architecture school’s point of view. It begins to place the origins of this school within the occidental context. It describes synthetically the evolution of the concept since the word was registered and put in the context of earlier world representation symbolic Systems’. It tries to explain the meaning of Landscape, before the emergence of ecology, as a fundamental base to its scientific approach, and how did it evolve since then. A synthesis of the Landscape representation/construction modes along the times is presented, as well as a proposal of a classification of the correspondent paradigms.
179. Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy: Volume > 15 > Issue: 29
Maria Francisca Machado Lima Estéticas da Paisagem e Arquitectura Paisagista
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This dissertation aims to explore the role and potencial of Aesthetics to Landscape Architecture. Starting by discussing some of the most relevant aesthetical theories, this work explores the concepts of aesthetics of nature, environment and landscape, highlighting its differences and similarities. The implications of these philosophical theories to Landscape Architecture are critically reviewed. From the theoretical investigation, it may be concluded that has been a growing interest in the landscape concept. This increase can potentially be due to the growing need for identity, contextualization and contact with nature.
180. Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy: Volume > 15 > Issue: 29
Aurora Carapinha O Jardim da Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian: A Poética da Materialidade e da Temporalidade
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This article introduces the Gulbenkian garden as an example of the idea of Garden in Portuguese Culture. Though the Gulbenkian garden was designed in the sixties and influenced by the modern movement the study of the ideas and of the all process of design reveals that this garden exceeds dogmatic principies of the modern garden. The garden is much more a framework where light, water, vegetation were designed by their materiality and their temporality than a product of artistic mediation. The reasons of this approach to the landscape design are cultural ones. Above all an aristotelic Nature’s idea and the sense of fraternity with Nature that we may find in our culture.