Displaying: 461-480 of 942 documents

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461. Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy: Volume > 21 > Issue: 41
Prémio Prof. Doutor Joaquim Cerqueira Gonçalves para Alunos do L.° Ciclo/ Cursos de Licenciatura
462. Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy: Volume > 21 > Issue: 42
Francisco Vale Maria João Costa Pereira
463. Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy: Volume > 21 > Issue: 42
Adriana Veríssimo Serrão Editorial
464. Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy: Volume > 21 > Issue: 42
Carlos João Correia João Paulo da Cruz Mendes
465. Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy: Volume > 21 > Issue: 42
Teresa Dugos A Experiência Estético-Metafísica de “Os Alpes”. Sobre a Génese da Stimmung em Georg Simmel
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In The Alps (1911), G. Simmel describes the birth of Stimmung in the absolute Height, as the atmosphere where man and nature dispose themselves towards unity. The narrative of what has happened in the Alps originates the esthetic-metaphysical experience, which is present in the concept of landscape developed by Simmel two years later, in the article Philosophy of the Landscape.
466. Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy: Volume > 21 > Issue: 42
Joana Macedo Luís Vida, Metafísica e Sociedade - 1.a Jornada Portuguesa sobre Georg Simmel
467. Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy: Volume > 21 > Issue: 42
Teresa Sousa Fernandes Figuras Transgressivas da União Dos Contrários na Obra de Georg Simmel
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“Man is the limited being that has no limit”. Simmel’s paradox illustrates the singularity of a way of thinking centered on the unity of contraries. Wandering through a large variety of seemingly disconnected objects - “bridge and door”, “the ruin”, “the handle”, “the adventure”, “the poor”, “the stranger”... - , Simmel has questioned secret affinities, transgressed limits and dissolved borders in order to recognize, at last, the unity of life manifesting in a multiplicity of forms. The most decanted expression of this subject is found in the metaphysical essays published as his “testament” - Vision of Life (Lebensanschauung ). Elucidating the common threads that weave together the diverse themes, objects and disciplines to which Simmel dedicated himself, this last book is the fragment where the totality of his work is best reflected.
468. Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy: Volume > 21 > Issue: 42
Adriana Veríssimo Serrão Condição Humana e Individualidade em Georg Simmel
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A condição humana deixa-se descrever, segundo Simmel, por uma dualidade de referências: por um lado, processa-se no seio de formas do mundo objectivo, que são criação sua (culturais, institucionais, civilizacionais, morais, políticas...), mas que transcendem o indivíduo e ameaçam reduzi-lo ao anonimato; por outro, é movida pelo desejo de salvaguardar a marca pessoal no seio de uma identidade múltipla, apropriando-se, para tal, de novas formas nas quais corre de novo o risco de se anular. Vive como indivíduo (forma separada) e tende a preservar-se como individualidade (forma viva). Procuramos compreender, neste artigo, perante a multiplicidade das teses de Simmel sobre o homem, se o seu pensamento permitirá ainda uma leitura antropológica, elegendo dois aspectos prvilegiados da individualidade: a estética do rosto e a ética da lei individual.
469. Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy: Volume > 21 > Issue: 42
Rafael Marques Por Uma Leitura Corsária de os “Pobres” de Georg Simmel
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In this text we propose an allegoric reading of Georg Simmel’s text “The Poor”, concentrating our analysis in the interactional, dialogical and reciprocal dimensions that constitute the poor as a social category and impose certain character traits and social roles to them. Signaling the continuities between alms giving and the modern Welfare State, we propose a cynical look at the social processes that defined the poor as a non-existence or as a pretext for a moral enrichment of the givers and helpers. We mark a long process that started with the definition of poverty as pathology and culminated in the buildup of an identity of the poor according to statistical categories and rational classificatory systems. The poor is characterized as a combinatorial type, receiving its meaning from the association with other concepts and as an absence of a value in itself.
470. Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy: Volume > 21 > Issue: 42
Francisco Felizol Marques O Método Dinheiro na Economia da Filosofia do Dinheiro
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Being neither the object nor the purpose of the Philosophy of Money, money is rather the materialization and prolongation of an epistemology proposed by Simmel. His relativism, already with ontological implications later developed in his concept of individuality, aims to immunize the knowledge against skeptical attacks. Founding knowledge for not found it, for not base it on a untried, substantial and petrified truth, makes it self-sustains, placing circumstantially in mutual and dynamic dependence all its contents. Money, the reciprocity objective linker of the most unlikely contents in its continuons movement, already imperfectly with the future attributes of the Simmelian life, is the Philosophy of Money's method. Money enables and explains the variety of topics treated there; it is, more than etymologically, the path (Analytical Part) to the purpose (Synthetic Part) of this book and even philosophy: wider stand, by the interdependence of things, the whole.
471. Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy: Volume > 21 > Issue: 42
José Artur Ramos O Auto-Retrato como Consciência da Nossa Vida
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Departing from the work of Georg Simmel on Rembrandt, we try to characterize self-portrait as a moment of inner confrontation and of inner inquiry on our inner self and individuality. All self-portraits are pervaded by the ephemeral character of life, where death is constantly present. The self-portrait is born from the drawing and the drawing develops it in a continuity where the past juts out in the present. The human face is the sum of a duration that moulds its traits, its expression and its variation in a tension that brings the past to a present that is now remade. Thus, the self-portrait, more than the portrait, enables the possibility to transmit what the subject has of unique as an individual. In this sense, the self-portrait represents the knowledge of an individuality felt in the process of life, individuality withdrawn from the stream of life and in the unity of its existence.
472. Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy: Volume > 21 > Issue: 42
Carlos Fortuna Georg Simmel: As Cidades, a Ruína e as Novíssimas Metrópoles
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The scholarly strength of Simmel as a “classical” of sociology and modern urban thinking revolves around the heuristic value that his reading grants to our ability to inquiry. The article in which we reflect on two powerful simmelian allegories - the Großtädte and the ruin - does not question Simmel. Instead, under the guidance of the German intellectual, we question the current metropolitan reality and the way how modernity and ruin mix together and share the eternal present of urbanity.
473. Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy: Volume > 21 > Issue: 42
Francisco Felizol Marques, Teresa Dugos Bibliografia Portuguesa Sobre Georg Simmel
474. Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy: Volume > 21 > Issue: 42
José Luís Garcia Afinidades Electivas Entre Georg Simmel e Natália Correia. Para o Estudo da Recepção de Simmel em Portugal
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A primeira obra de Georg Simmel, traduzida para português e publicada em Portugal, ocorreu apenas em 1969, sob a chancela de uma pequena editora, a Galeria Panorama. O livro é constituido por quatro ensaios de Simmel: “Cultura Feminina”, título que nomeia o livro, “Filosofia do Coquetismo”, “Filosofia da Moda” e “O Masculino e o Feminino”. Conta ainda com um Prefácio de Romeu de Melo e uma Introdução da destacada poeta e intelectual Natália Correia. O artigo centra-se na edição deste volume e incide em especial na recepção realizada por Natália Correia, que advogou uma forma peculiar de feminismo, ao pensamento de Simmel sobre a feminidade.
475. Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy: Volume > 21 > Issue: 42
Ubirajara Rancan de Azevedo Marques Consideraciones Filológicas a Propósito del “Genio” en Kant
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To clarify the definition of “Genius” which Kant employs in the § 46 of the Critique of Judgment is the motto of the considerations of the present article about the meaning of the “innate” in the transcendental philosophy.
476. Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy: Volume > 21 > Issue: 42
Tiago Mesquita Carvalho A Paisagem no Diário de Miguel Torga
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Miguel Torga’s Diário constitutes a unique work in the context of Portuguese literature. Divided in 16 volumes published over 60 years of the XX Century, Diario gives its reader access to several topics of reflection dear to the author. Among these, the topic of landscape is of particular interest, given the originality of its crisscrossing with writing, rurality, the body, technological progress, and Portugal itself. These considerations notwithstanding, Diário does not present a clear and univocal definition of landscape. Given this absence, it is our goal to grasp, in dialogue with other authors, the concept of landscape which Torga himself had in mind. Finally, we will attempt to articulate Torga’s reflections on landscape with the act of diary writing and the related heuristic process of self-gnosis. In consequence, the way in which Diário foreshadows a call for and a valorization of the virtues accompanying a telluric rooting should become clear.
477. Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy: Volume > 21 > Issue: 42
Miguel Rebelo A Ética dos Deveres Prima Facie, de David Ross, será uma Forma Credível de Deontologia?
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W.D. Ross’s contribution to normative ethics is a remarkable attempt to bring together ethics, understood as a philosophical discipline, and the pre-philosophical intuitions which guide the daily decision processes of the average moral agent. Ross achieves this result by assuming intuitionist epistemic foundations as the building blocks of his prima facie duties deontology. Even though such a consideration for the most common ethical intuitions may seem an advantage as a starting point for ethical theory, I attempt to demonstrate in this paper that the main flaws of Ross’s deontology are present precisely in the epistemic principles which serve as its foundation.
478. Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy: Volume > 21 > Issue: 42
Tomás N. Castro Um Corpo em Presença. Uma Aproximação a Marina Abramović
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Describing some of Marina Abramović’s performances, this essay aims to provide one possible philosophical framework in what concerns this form of art. The scope of presence in Abramović is enlightened by employing some vocabulary from a certain body poetics into the embodiment reflection, and ontological issues in performance come out when thinking about re-performance possibilities.
479. Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy: Volume > 21 > Issue: 42
Gonçalo Marcelo Johann Michel, Sociologie du Soi. Essai d'herméneutique apliquée
480. Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy: Volume > 21 > Issue: 42
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