Displaying: 381-400 of 1591 documents

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381. Dialogue and Universalism: Volume > 19 > Issue: 1/2
Piotr Bołtuć In Memoriam: Andrzej Zabłudowski
382. Dialogue and Universalism: Volume > 19 > Issue: 1/2
Viorel Guliciuc How Do We Need Universities in a Technological World?
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The changing of our way of being, toward homo sapiens digital, is also responsible for the transformation of the learning/teaching in the 21st century. In K12 education we could speak about “Digital Natives/Digital Immigrants” “herding”, “digital multipliers” etc. In Academe, the focus has to be on creativity and digital wisdom.
383. Dialogue and Universalism: Volume > 19 > Issue: 11/12
Mariusz M. Czarniecki, Maciej Bańkowski Transitional Humanity (poetical-metaphilosophical sketches)
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The author’s firm belief is that transitional humanity is not yet humanity proper but pre-humanity. He is especially intrigued by the essence and purpose of today’s contradiction between humanity’s immense advancement in micro-electronics, digital technology and social lore and its shocking moral shortcomings, best visible in its stagnant unchangeability—especially regarding the passionate quest for ever-better weaponry. Will our transience turn out to be nothing more but a phase on the road to human perfection, or will it petrify into an “inborn” scar? These are the main questions the author attempts to answer.As a species we are praehomine, pre-humans, a natural phase of ethical and esthetic imperfection. Typical for transitional humanity is the coexistence of progress. Nonetheless transitional humanity also carries the potential necessary to attain Wisdom, Good, Completeness and Perfection.
384. Dialogue and Universalism: Volume > 19 > Issue: 11/12
Roman Zawadzki Values as Determinants of National and Historical Identity in Individual and Community Life
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The main goal of this paper (presentation) is to prove the thesis that the attempts to transpose the cultural differentiation into the social and economical universalism and globalism must lead to repressive psychosocial totalitarianism on a large scale. Modern human sciences and politics tend to classify the individual in respect to his adaptive efficiency in interactive relation with programmed environment and to qualify him according to given imposed criteria of social functionalism. The correctly socialized individual is expected to be an exchangeable functional unit assessed according to its usefulness in performing a set of particular tasks, despite his cultural background being considered as a second-rate factor, which may affect (in a positive or negative way) the social acceptance and correctness of his behavior. However, no community is an exact representation of society because it is held together not by functions but by the values aswell as the forms of their actualization and implementation into the common organization and their way of life. The community is not a contract upon which society is based. The identity of the individual must not be removed from the culture of the community in which he lives and from its constitutive values. It is also rooted in the past and history of striving for self-determination and cultural as well as personal subjectivity. Without these significant cultural and historical components the individual identity is nothing but an operational, programmable algorithm of functional living unit assigned to perform short-term utilitarian tasks. This approach stands in contradiction to the Aristotelian concept of wellbeing and happiness considered as striving for the common good of spiritual values by individuals as well as by human communities. Any extensive and effective civilization neglecting the higher values of moral, symbolic and religious sense of the individual, must face totalitarianism or extinction.
385. Dialogue and Universalism: Volume > 19 > Issue: 11/12
Charles Brown Commentary: Solidarity and Universalism as Premises of Overcoming the Perils of Liberal Globalisation
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Many scholars have argued that neoliberal economic theory articulates the justifying ideology for contemporary globalization. This ideology claims that “free market” solutions are always the best mechanisms for not only promoting economic growth but for all human problems. This first part of this paper provides a conceptual and historical overview of neoliberal economic theory with critical commentary on two key neoliberal dogma, viz., the idea that markets know best and that privatization and deregulation are inevitable. The second part of the paper discusses the impact of neoliberal policies on the environment and on indigenous peoples around the world. The paper concludes by arguing that neoliberal ideology differs from classical liberalism by privileging the Hobbesian theory of human nature and human rationality over the Kantian understanding of human nature and human rationality. The result is the ascendancy of economic liberty over political liberty.
386. Dialogue and Universalism: Volume > 19 > Issue: 11/12
Jerzy Dzik, Maciej Bańkowski The Benefits of the Theory of Evolution
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Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution by means of natural selection finds application far outside biology, for which it was originally invented. Its consequences for science proved far-going, influencing practically every field from thermodynamics to the humanities. While acting on biological systems, the Darwinian mechanism is a source of progress and the local-scale abandonment of the universe’s general tendency towards chaos. However, observations of changes taking place in selection-exposed organisms show that evolutionary success requires some essential limitations. The application of this reasoning to social evolution may appear thought-provoking: stable evolution requires not only intense selection but also a conservative approach to ideas.
387. Dialogue and Universalism: Volume > 19 > Issue: 11/12
Włodzimierz J. Korab-Karpowicz On the Righteousness of Life: Global Solidarity Values for the 21st Century
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Many scholars have argued that unity of humankind can be established on the basis of some basic or core human values. Instead of engaging in a comparative empirical research, compiling lists of core values derived from different cultures, discuss their relevance for human fellowship, I examine the simple values of life that during the 1980s united people in Poland and made them to form the powerful civic movement, which was Solidarity.Poland’s Solidarity of the 1980s has not yet entered a canon of routinely studied great social movements. However, it has initiated a profound world transformation. We are no longer divided by a global confrontation between communism and liberal democracy. The main today’s issue is globalization. Although altered in many respects, the world has still been affected by many serious problems. They necessitate another positive world transformation and a new Global Solidarity that can undertake it.A Global Solidarity movement can learn from Poland’s Solidarity. My contention is that it should not be grounded in any ideological thinking, but in inclusive values—values that do not divide but can potentially unite all human beings—and these values can be derived from basic human needs. In short, Global Solidarity should be based on what I call the “righteousness of life”. It can be achieved if there is a growing recognition of what is right for life and a growing interest in protecting and enhancing life.Building a Global Solidarity is not an attempt to replace governments, but rather to exert pressure on them, so that they support international organizations and consider the welfare of all humanity. While wielding power that at present none of the NGOs represent, Global Solidarity can be a life promoting and enhancing instrument of global society through which a more humane world will be achieved.
388. Dialogue and Universalism: Volume > 19 > Issue: 11/12
Andrew Targowski The Philosophical Approach towards Wisdom Viewed by the User of Philosophy
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This investigation of wisdom reflects the view of a user of philosophy. His position is that every mentally healthy person has some level of wisdom. This view was not shared by majority of famous philosophers who wisdom attributed to God only. A review of philosophers‘ perception of wisdom is evaluated through the centuries and different civilizations. A graphic model of Aristotle‘s approach to wisdom is provided. A model of the ends of live is provided by the author to fulfill Aristotle‘s postulate that since people do not know their ends of life therefore cannot be wise. The question-can philosophy deliver wisdom is raised and answered. The transformation of today‘s society towards the wise society and civilization is characterized.
389. Dialogue and Universalism: Volume > 19 > Issue: 11/12
Dariusz Góra-Szopiński Universalizing the Polish Pope. Arkadiusz Modrzejewski’s Attempt to Describe the World Order According to John Paul II
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Among contemporary authors whose philosophical and social thought can be regarded as universalistic, Karol Wojtyła (1920–2005), who became the Pope John Paul II(1978–2005), seems to hold a particular place. An attempt to present the thought of Karol Wojtyła/John Paul II in universalistic categories has been recently made by thePolish philosopher and political scientist Arkadiusz Modrzejewski. The article discusses the advantages and drawbacks of his proposition.
390. Dialogue and Universalism: Volume > 19 > Issue: 11/12
Wit Hubert Experts and Laymen in the Battle for Information, Opening of Access to Knowledge and Wisdom Via the Internet
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The subject of the article encompasses the change in social communication concerning the creation of new competition between two knowledge systems: the expert system and the system of dispersed knowledge. The expert model is the one in which knowledge is created only by the sender endowed with institutional authority. In opposition to this, there exist an alternative model which is characterized by so many existing decentralized, not-institutionalized centers of information processing and dissemination. This division can be described only in a strictly informative dimension. Social aspect is also important, more precisely the question of social stratification forming on the basis of access criteria to every source of knowledge defined this way.The article tries to describe the relation between the worlds of: producers and consumers of information, experts and laymen, professionals and amateurs. The analysis of the problem, in author’s mind, is the beginning of the debate over the role and forms of scientific knowledge protection functioning in the time of development of information society.
391. Dialogue and Universalism: Volume > 19 > Issue: 11/12
Katarzyna Chałasińska-Macukow Inaugural Address by Her Magnificence the Rector of Warsaw University
392. Dialogue and Universalism: Volume > 19 > Issue: 3/5
Marian Hillar The Polish Socinians: Contribution to Freedom of Conscience and the American Constitution
393. Dialogue and Universalism: Volume > 19 > Issue: 3/5
Timothy Snyder Obama and Wojtyła
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The historical record of an individual depends upon context. The United States of the last decade has suffered a series of crisis that are comparable in some ways to those of Poland in the 1970s. Taken together, they have created a mood of misery, but also the possibility for a hopeful transformation of politics. Barack Obama serves a function in American politics today similar to that served by Karol Wojtyła three decades ago.
394. Dialogue and Universalism: Volume > 19 > Issue: 3/5
Napoleon Ono Imaah The Architecture of History
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The paper examines the bond between architecture and history on the premise that everybody is familiar with both architecture and history. The paper views architecture as a profession that is satiated with imaginative and creative thinking; and contends that architecture extends, historically, into wherever human beings live their life. The author opines that architecture easily extends its influence, as a vivid universal metaphor into every sphere of human activity as a synonym, in building either concrete or abstract forms. Thus, the paper proceeds to demonstrate that architecture chronicles the achievements of peoples in creatively constructed concrete forms, which it infuses with the histories of abstract concepts in time and space. Conversely, the paper points out that history, which highlights the living memories of humanity, chronicles the antecedences, precedence, sequences, and consequences of man’s concrete achievements incogent abstract forms. Consequently, the paper concludes that while architecture builds conceptualized concrete forms from and for history; history builds its concrete abstract forms from and for architecture. Thus, the paper concludes that The Architecture of History and The History of Architecture ultimately coincides in their complementarity, as mutual witnesses to the activities of man in time and space.
395. Dialogue and Universalism: Volume > 19 > Issue: 3/5
Adam Daniel Rotfeld Shaping a New International System for the Twenty First Century
396. Dialogue and Universalism: Volume > 19 > Issue: 3/5
Alicja Sawicka George Steiner: the Primariness and Secondariness of the Creation Act
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The paper presents George Steiner’s view of the right conditions for the contemplation of art. The position has been presented as motivated by a certain concept of artistic creation and the reception of art.Steiner’s vision of art finds its legitimacy in a belief which describes the linguistic activity of man as one which is at the same time creative (innovative) and conditioned by external discourses. In this view both the speaking subject and the subject of an artistic activity are motivated by a desire to become independent from an impartial discourse of mind. An artist is someone who opposes the past and present forms of expression in an attempt to incarnate a sense which in the light of the established forms of discourse appears inexpressible. The key point of Steiner's concept is his argumentation in favor of the ambiguity of dividing the human activity into the original and the derived (mediated by secondary narratives). An artist, a recipient of art or a theorist do not have the tools which could point at the divide.The analysis sets out to make an outline of Steiner’s rendition of the problem of interpretation and development o art. The originality of the position on the issue results from attributing a major significance to interpretative errors for the survival and the constant appeal of art. The process of interpretation is also described as one which yields to no theoretical taxonomy. According to Steiner, a recipient of art disposes of no tools that would warrant access to a transcendental sense of a work of art. Therefore, it ought to be ascertained that a reliable act of reception is one which does not pursue agreement with its object. The recipient must remain detached from the work of art. Paradoxically, only thanks to such an attitude can they make art part of their experience.
397. Dialogue and Universalism: Volume > 19 > Issue: 3/5
Charles S. Brown Can Neoliberalism Become the Ideology for a New World Order?
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The paper is a response to Adam Daniel Rotfeld’s essay, “Shaping a New International System for the Twenty First Century”. Rotfeld’s essay offers provocative insights to current world affairs while asking timely questions. In the following pages I respond to a few of the large and important ideas Rotfeld raises. I do not attempt to engage in a direct dialogue with the details or justifications of Rotfeld’s analysis but rather explore some of his insights in new directions. I do argue that while neoliberalism has emerged as a candidate for a new ideology of globalization it is likely to fail in that quest. Instead, I argue that any new ideological framework for a new world order must emerge through a bottom-up dialogue that includes previously silenced voices. I argue that the zone of conflict between the pre-modern, modern, and post-modern worlds is also a zone of creativity.
398. Dialogue and Universalism: Volume > 19 > Issue: 3/5
Paolo Costa, Katarzyna Kasia Constructing Europe Step by Step?
399. Dialogue and Universalism: Volume > 19 > Issue: 3/5
Maciej Magura Góralski “We Need Universal Responsibility”. The Dalai Lama in Poland, December 2008
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The present, XIVth Dalai Lama of Tibet since the Chinese occupation of his native land 50 years ago (March 10.1959) has gone into exile in India. Since the seventies the Dalai Lama has started traveling the whole world, meeting with all important political leaders and scientists of all major Universities, giving thousands of lectures to crowds of people and advanced Buddhist teachings and initiations to Western Buddhists. Since receiving the Nobel Peace Przie in 1989 the Dalai Lama has become a person with the worldwide moral authority, comparable only with that of the Polish Pope John Paul II. During his third visit to Poland in December 2008 the Dalai Lama has met with many important people and has given a lot of advice and inspiration. This major visit is recountedhere by the author.His Holiness the Dalai Lama of Tibet visited Poland for the third time, between the 5th and the 12th of December 2008. The previous visits happened in 1993 and 2000, but were much smaller in scope. This time the visit was a major media and social event, drawing the nation’s attention. The Dalai Lama visited the four main cities in Poland.
400. Dialogue and Universalism: Volume > 19 > Issue: 3/5
Andrew Targowski The World Political System at the Crossroads in the 21st Century