Displaying: 121-140 of 280 documents

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121. Phenomenology 2005: Volume > 5 > Issue: Part 2
Marilyn Nissim-Sabat The Future of Psychiatry and the Naturalization of Phenomenology
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This essay is a critique of the effort of cognitive scientists to naturalize phenomenology, in particular Husserlian phenomenology, in order to legitimate their investigation into conscious phenomena by integrating phenomenality, presumably in Husserl’s sense, with cognitive science. I show that this effort is misguided because it rests on profound misconstruals of the meaning of phenomenology. In conclusion, I show that Husserlian phenomenology cannot be naturalized because its inaugural act is the de-naturalization of the world.
122. Phenomenology 2005: Volume > 5 > Issue: Part 2
Thomas Nenon Seebohm, Husserl, and Dilthey
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This essay outlines the main themes in Thomas Seebohm’s Hermeneutics. Method and Methodology with particular emphasis on his descriptions of animal and elementary understanding. It closes with some remarks about the relationship between human understanding as a whole and more primitive strata of understanding like animal and elementary understanding, on kinaesthesis, and on the way that various philosophical methods, including phenomenology, can contribute to a comprehensive description and critical analysis of hermeneutics.
123. Phenomenology 2005: Volume > 5 > Issue: Part 2
Richard L. Lanigan The Phenomenology of Embodiment in Communicology
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Embodiment is a problematic at the center of philosophic and scientific inquiry where issues of ontology and methodology function in apposition to one another in the study of the human mind and body in a socio-cultural world. A comparison is made between Jakobson’s theory of human communication and the logics offered by Merleau-Ponty and Peirce for analyzing the conjunction of semiotics and phenomenology where the thematic is embodied human conscious experience. In the tradition of Merleau-Ponty and Peirce, the validity and reliability of the eidetic analysis is illustrated empirically using the example of vasospasm (impaired motor muscle function with attending sympathetic stimulation) in the medical research of Jurgen Ruesch. Contextual reference is made to the work of Bateson, Bourdieu, Eco, Erikson, Foucault, Kristeva, and Sapir.
124. Phenomenology 2005: Volume > 5 > Issue: Part 2
William McBride The Sartre Centenary: Why Sartre Now?
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This essay begins by recalling the fact that 2005 was the centenary of Sartre’s birth and hence the occasion for a number of commemorative conferences. Contrary to the claim of one essayist, to the effect that the participants in such conferences seemed to lack a sense of direction concerning Sartre’s contemporary importance, it is argued that there is considerable such importance, as shown in several of the commemorations attended by the author. This claim is then supported by a consideration of Sartre’s contributions, both original and ongoing, in the areas of phenomenology, ontology, and politics.
125. Phenomenology 2005: Volume > 5 > Issue: Part 2
Saulius Geniusas On the Paradox of Perception and the Emergence of the Absolute Consciousness in Husserl’s Phenomenology
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The following investigation addresses the correlation between the given object and its manners of givenness, endorsed by Husserl as the fundamental question of his phenomenology. The essay identifies the origin of this correlation in the paradox of perception as it emerges in the Investigations and proceeds to show how this paradox triggers the emergence of the absolute consciousness in Husserl’s writings on time and Ideas I. Resisting the schematic approaches to Husserl’s work that construe its development in terms of a series of disconnected phases, this essay aims to explicate why Husserl himself considered the correlation between the object and its manners of givenness a theme that provides unity to his lifework.
126. Phenomenology 2005: Volume > 5 > Issue: Part 2
Dennis E. Skocz Husserlian Variations on Nature, Environment, and Earth: Toward a “Green” Phenomenology
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Many have looked to Heidegger’s philosophy as a resource for addressing environmental issues philosophically. It may seem strange to many to suggest that Heidegger’s mentor and the father of phenomenology, Edmund Husserl, may offer a rich and fruitful philosophical language and grammar for reflecting on the natural environmental. In many ways, Husserl seems the antithesis of a “green.” Th e essay examines what Husserl has said about nature, the environment (Umwelt), and the earth. It endeavors to suggest how Husserl’s explications of each can contribute to an environmental theory and practice that is both “green” and pluralistic.
127. Phenomenology 2005: Volume > 3 > Issue: Part 2
Jacques Taminiaux The Platonist Roots of Heidegger’s Political Thought
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The purpose of the essay is to demonstrate that Plato’s political thought, such as it is exposed in the Republic, played a decisive role in Heidegger’s implication in national-socialism. The demonstration is divided into three stages: 1. the analysis of the Platonist elements regarding politics in Heidegger’s thought before 1933; 2. the development of his views during the years following the famous Rectoral Address of 1933; 3. a critical reflection in the light of Hannah Arendt on the prejudices involved in the Platonist approach of political matters.
128. Phenomenology 2005: Volume > 3 > Issue: Part 2
María-Luz Pintos Gurwitsch, Goldstein, and Merleau-Ponty: An Analysis of a Close Relationship
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It is our aim in this essay to acknowledge a debt we owe to Aron Gurwitsch. In fact, we aim to recall the important contribution he made to phenomenology during his years of exile in France (1933–40). While there, he introduced the thought of Kurt Goldstein, and was the first to understand that a new approach in the human and social sciences was emerging and converging with Husserl’s new phenomenological philosophy: a tendency toward things as they are lived and handled by subjects. Th is spirit of confluence between phenomenology and the sciences is something he passed on to his younger colleague, Merleau-Ponty—who, however, failed to acknowledge Gurwitsch as a major “source of inspiration” for his thought. Some evidence of Merleau-Ponty’s unpaid debt to Aron Gurwitsch is presented in this essay.
129. Phenomenology 2005: Volume > 3 > Issue: Part 2
Andrea Pinotti The Touchable and the Untouchable: Merleau-Ponty and Bernard Berenson
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The essay discusses the role played by touch in relation to sight within Merleau-Ponty’s philosophy of the body. In particular this issue will be analyzed in the context of Merleau-Ponty’s aesthetics of painting, taking into consideration his criticism of Berenson’s concept of “tactile values,” volumetric feelings of a third dimension that painting should be able to arouse in spite of its bi-dimensional nature. In rejecting Berenson’s tactile values Merleau-Ponty’s position appears rather closer to the German theorists of pure visibility (reine Sichtbarkeit) in insisting on the exclusive optical destination of painting, a real “total part” which monadologically expresses “la folie de la vision.”
130. Phenomenology 2005: Volume > 3 > Issue: Part 2
Luca Vanzago Temporality of the Flesh and Temporality of the Subject: An Issue in Merleau-Ponty’s Phenomenological Ontology
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In my paper I examine the question of temporality in Merleau-Ponty’s later phenomenological ontology. The aim of this discussion is to show that Merleau-Ponty’s earlier model of temporality, displayed in his Phenomenology of Perception, is not totally rejected but significantly reworked. While in his earlier work Merleau-Ponty maintains the substantial coincidence of temporality and subjectivity, thus bringing together Husserl’s and Heidegger’s analyses into a creative synthesis, in his later development Merleau-Ponty is no longer satisfied with this result. Accordingly he deepens the aspect of passivity and the bonds that attach the subject to (Raw) Being.
131. Phenomenology 2005: Volume > 3 > Issue: Part 2
Ion Copoeru, Hans Rainer Sepp Chronicle of Phenomenological Organizations in Europe and the Mediterranean Area
132. Phenomenology 2005: Volume > 3 > Issue: Part 2
Notes on Contributors
133. Phenomenology 2005: Volume > 3 > Issue: Part 1
Cristian Ciocan Philosophy without Freedom: Constantin Noica and Alexandru Dragomir
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In this paper, I discuss about two major Romanian philosophers: Constantin Noica and Alexandru Dragomir. I narrate their spectacular biographies, in order to show how powerful can be the resistance through philosophy, even in the hard times of political totalitarianism, as they were, for the Eastern Europe, under the communist dictatorship. It is true that Noica and Dragomir are two of the most infl uential personalities for the history of phenomenology in Romania. However, their lives also seem to be exemplary for the philosophical life as such, which reveals its intrinsic value when facing the asperities of misfortune.
134. Phenomenology 2005: Volume > 3 > Issue: Part 1
Eliane Escoubas Phenomenology of Art and of the Image: (Research into Painting)
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Painting paints the conditions of visibility in accordance with their historical modalities and not the conditions of the reproduction of the real. That is why the whole Phenomenology, speaking about Painting, speaks of “phenomenon,” i.e. of “appearing” of that which appears.
135. Phenomenology 2005: Volume > 3 > Issue: Part 1
Ion Copoeru Intersubjectivity: Between Doxa and Praxis: Husserl’s Phenomenology of Communicating Persons
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The concept of intersubjectivity has undergone a strong critique for the fact that the other appears to be constituted by a singular ego through extrapolation from its own “sphere of originality.” Our hypothesis is that the difficulty does not regard the theory of constitution itself, but the fact that the other and the community are thought only in terms of representation. In order to transcend the supposed representational framework of Husserl’s phenomenology, we shall consider the concept of intersubjectivity as an interplay of representational and non-representational modes of encounter.
136. Phenomenology 2005: Volume > 3 > Issue: Part 1
Dimitri Ginev Towards a Phenomenology of Biological Objects of Inquiry
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Th is paper proposes a phenomenological approach to the constitution of biological objects of inquiry. It argues that such an approach can be built upon an extended version of Heidegger’s existential conception of science. Five main thematizing projects of constituting biological objects of inquiry are under examination. Finally, the paper suggests the view that despite the disunity of biology on the level of the main thematizing projects, there is a dynamic and mosaic unity of interrelated practices of scientific research.
137. Phenomenology 2005: Volume > 3 > Issue: Part 1
Hans Rainer Sepp, Ion Copoeru Preface for All Volumes + Introduction
138. Phenomenology 2005: Volume > 3 > Issue: Part 1
Denisa Butnaru The Field of Relevances and the Constitutive Role of Type Structure for Sociality
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In this communication we have tried to underline the main ideas in the constitution of the system of relevances, using as a support Alfred Schutz’s approach. Their importance in the consolidation of experience at the subjective and especially intersubjective level is to be understood as well in terms of a continuous constitution that they engender. They entertain a relation of interdependence with types and the typification processes. This aspect is also important because it confirms the mobility of the significative “organization” of the consciousness, and more than that, the interaction between this one and the surrounding world, where the other subjects are as well to be included.
139. Phenomenology 2005: Volume > 3 > Issue: Part 1
Jad Hatem The Unavoidable: Notes on the Relation of Otherwise than Being to The Essence of Manifestation
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In this essay the author will try to show that the transition from Otherwise than Being to The Essence of Manifestation has necessarily been done under the influence of Henry’s philosophy of immanence, which is highly appreciated by Levinas.
140. Phenomenology 2005: Volume > 3 > Issue: Part 1
Valentina Gueorguieva Phenomenology on the Verge: Alfred Schütz’s Phenomenology of Common-Sense World
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The essay explores the thought of Alfred Schutz with regard to his position on Husserlian transcendentalism. Comparing the “paradox of communication” formulated by Schutz in 1945 with Husserl’s treatment of the life-world in §34 of the Crisis, it arrives at the question of practicing the phenomenological method (the reduction) in the field of the social sciences. As this problem pushes the phenomenological paradigm to its limits, Schutz is seen as a borderline figure between the paradigm of perception and the paradigm of action. Th e transition is illustrated in the example of his idea of “stock of knowledge.”