Displaying: 601-620 of 1022 documents

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601. Environmental Philosophy: Volume > 7 > Issue: 2
William Edelglass Getting Back into Place: Toward a Renewed Understanding of the Place-World
602. Environmental Philosophy: Volume > 7 > Issue: 2
James Hatley If Creation is a Gift
603. Environmental Philosophy: Volume > 7 > Issue: 2
Chelsea Snelgrove Nested Ecology: The Place of Humans in the Ecological Hierarchy
604. Environmental Philosophy: Volume > 8 > Issue: 2
David Storey Nietzsche’s Anti-Darwinism
605. Environmental Philosophy: Volume > 8 > Issue: 2
Samantha Noll Bioregionalism and Global Ethics: A Transactional Approach to Achieving Ecological Sustainability, Social Justice, and Human Well-being
606. Environmental Philosophy: Volume > 8 > Issue: 2
Meg Mott Wild Dog Dreaming: Love and Extinction
607. Environmental Philosophy: Volume > 8 > Issue: 2
James Hatley Becoming Animal: An Earthly Cosmology
608. Environmental Philosophy: Volume > 8 > Issue: 2
Aaron G. Rizzieri Ecotheology and the Practice of Hope
609. Environmental Philosophy: Volume > 9 > Issue: 1
David Utsler Beyond Romantic Ecocriticism: Toward Urbanatural Roosting
610. Environmental Philosophy: Volume > 9 > Issue: 1
Walter Riker Governing the Wild: Ecotours of Power
611. Environmental Philosophy: Volume > 9 > Issue: 1
Loren Cannon Conservation Refugees: The Hundred-Year Conflict between Global Conservation and Native Peoples
612. Environmental Philosophy: Volume > 9 > Issue: 1
Sarah Kenehan The Inquisition of Climate Science
613. Environmental Philosophy: Volume > 9 > Issue: 2
Jasper Van de Vijver Jeff Malpas, editor. The Place of Landscape: Concepts, Contexts, Studies
614. Environmental Philosophy: Volume > 9 > Issue: 2
Kelly Oliver Love Bites! Or Taking Ethics to Heart: Response to Critics on Animal Lessons
615. Environmental Philosophy: Volume > 9 > Issue: 2
David Wood The Truth about Animals
616. Environmental Philosophy: Volume > 9 > Issue: 2
Nathan M. Bell Forrest Clingerman and Mark H. Dixon, editors. Placing Nature on the Borders of Religion, Philosophy and Ethics
617. Environmental Philosophy: Volume > 9 > Issue: 2
Brett Buchanan Most Beautiful Companion
618. Environmental Philosophy: Volume > 9 > Issue: 2
Rebecca Tuvel Mick Smith. Against Ecological Sovereignty: Ethics, Biopolitics, and Saving the Natural World
619. Environmental Philosophy: Volume > 9 > Issue: 2
Forrest Clingerman Ingrid Leman Stefanovic and Stephen Bede Scharper, editors. The Natural City: Re-Envisioning the Built Environment
620. Environmental Philosophy: Volume > 9 > Issue: 2
Wendy Lynne Lee Nicholas A. Robins. Mercury, Mining, and Empire: The Human and Ecological Cost of Colonial Silver in the Andes