Displaying: 381-400 of 512 documents

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381. Augustinian Studies: Volume > 45 > Issue: 2
Amy D. Stackhouse The Golden Cord: A Short Book on the Secular and the Sacred. By Charles Taliaferro
382. Augustinian Studies: Volume > 45 > Issue: 2
Raymond J. Shaw Freud and Augustine in Dialogue: Psychoanalysis, Mysticism, and the Culture of Modern Spirituality. By William B. Parsons
383. Augustinian Studies: Volume > 45 > Issue: 2
Ronald E. Heine Trinität und Kosmos: Zur Gotteslehre des Origenes. By Christoph Bruns
384. Augustinian Studies: Volume > 45 > Issue: 2
Byard Bennett Augustine’s Manichaean Dilemma, 2: Making a “Catholic” Self, 388–401 C.E. By Jason David BeDuhn
385. Augustinian Studies: Volume > 45 > Issue: 2
Helene Russell Eros and Self-Emptying: The Intersections of Augustine and Kierkegaard. By Lee C. Barrett, III.
386. Augustinian Studies: Volume > 45 > Issue: 2
William Stull Cicero’s Practical Philosophy. Ed. Walter Nicgorski
387. Augustinian Studies: Volume > 45 > Issue: 2
Phillip Cary Reason, Faith and Otherness in Neoplatonic and Early Christian Thought. By Kevin Corrigan
388. Augustinian Studies: Volume > 45 > Issue: 2
Franklin T. Harkins Transformations of Religious Practices in Late Antiquity. By Éric Rebillard
389. Augustinian Studies: Volume > 45 > Issue: 2
Scott Bailey Image, Word, and God in the Early Christian Centuries, By Mark Edwards
390. Augustinian Studies: Volume > 45 > Issue: 2
Adam Ployd Trinitarian Theology beyond Participation: Augustine’s de Trinitate and Contemporary Theology. By Maarten Wisse
391. Augustinian Studies: Volume > 45 > Issue: 2
Joshua Nunziato Contemplation and Classical Christianity: A Study in Augustine. By John Peter Kenney
392. Augustinian Studies: Volume > 46 > Issue: 1
John-Paul Spiro Review of Katrin Ettenhuber, Donne’s Augustine: Renaissance Cultures of Interpretation
393. Augustinian Studies: Volume > 46 > Issue: 1
Lee C. Barrett Review of Virginia Burrus and Catherine Keller, editors, Toward a Theology of Eros: Transfiguring Passion at the Limits of Discipline
394. Augustinian Studies: Volume > 46 > Issue: 1
Michael R. Rackett Review of Dominic Keech, The Anti-Pelagian Christology of Augustine of Hippo, 396–430
395. Augustinian Studies: Volume > 46 > Issue: 1
Eric Plumer Review of Ronald E. Heine, Reading the Old Testament with the Ancient Church: Exploring the Formation of Early Christian Thought
396. Augustinian Studies: Volume > 46 > Issue: 1
Joseph Lenow Review of Carol Harrison, The Art of Listening in the Early Church
397. Augustinian Studies: Volume > 46 > Issue: 1
Joshua R. McManaway Review of Joseph T. Kelley, What Are They Saying About Augustine?
398. Augustinian Studies: Volume > 46 > Issue: 1
Sarah Stewart-Kroeker Review of Samuel Kimbriel, Friendship as Sacred Knowing: Overcoming Isolation
399. Augustinian Studies: Volume > 46 > Issue: 1
Andrew McGowan Review of Peter T. Sanlon, Augustine’s Theology of Preaching
400. Augustinian Studies: Volume > 46 > Issue: 1
Daniel M. Bell, Jr. Review of Phillip Wynn, Augustine on War and Military Service