Displaying: 481-500 of 1155 documents

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481. Augustinianum: Volume > 56 > Issue: 1
Giuseppe Peressotti Simboli ecclesiali dal Commento a Matteo in area aquileiese
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Writing in his pamphlet, De viris illustribus, St. Jerome informs us that Fortunatianus, bishop of Aquileia, wrote a Commentary on the Gospels. However, until a few years ago, we knew only a few fragments of this work. Now, thanks to the scholar Lukas Dorfbauer and to the manuscript Köln – D, we have the complete work. This paper presents this work, pending a critical edition, in which the Author dwells on the text of the Gospel of Matthew, capturing Fortunatianus’s interpretation and his references to the Church. To this are added some thoughts about the Church found in the commentaries of other Church Fathers of the fourth century.
482. Augustinianum: Volume > 56 > Issue: 1
Roberta Franchi “Ferita d’amore io sono” (CT. 2,5): La Vita di Macrina e le Omelie sul Cantico dei Cantici di Gregorio di Nissa
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This article analyzes the Life of Macrina by comparing it with the mystical experience of the bride in the Commentary on the Song of Songs, both works written by Gregory of Nyssa. In the Life of Macrina, Gregory adopts the same imagery that he uses to portray the bride in the Commentary on the Song of Songs in order to emphasize Macrina’s angelic status and her pure love for God. Although scholars have pointed out the value of virginity in the life of Macrina, another aspect has to be taken into account: her spousal virginity. Since Gregory uses the paradox within theological reflection and a theological context, Macrina's condition as bride of Christ comes to be realized paradoxically through her choice of virginity. Thanks to her spousal virginity, she joins Christ as His bride. Thus, in keeping with the Commentary on the Song of Songs, Macrina is the bride, Christ is the Bridegroom, and the mystical union is reached.
483. Augustinianum: Volume > 56 > Issue: 1
Clara Burini de Lorenzi Gli epistolari cristiani dei primi cinque secoli e il trasformarsi delle lettere
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The immense wealth of Greek and Latin Christian epistolography shows that in the first five centuries, the type of the letter reflects particularly the numerous topics in which theological and doctrinal issues, ecclesial and liturgical matters, and moral and social developmental questions are addressed. The epistolary genre increasingly becomes richer and more diversified as each letter bears witness to the faith and culture of its author. The pedagogical purpose remains dominant while the contents reflect the many issues and problems that concern both the sender and receiver in matters of doctrine, the Church, and the reality of social life. The line of argument and style indicate at the same time the author’s culture and heritage as received from the classical tradition.
484. Augustinianum: Volume > 56 > Issue: 1
Vittorino Grossi L’immagine musicale nelle Enarrationes in Psalmos di Agostino: L’interazione con la teologia ‘affettiva’
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This article regarding musical language and its interaction with affective theology according to the study carried out by Laurence Wuidar (La Simbologia musicale nei Commenti ai salmi di Agostino, Mimesis 11, Milano - Udine 2014, 127) explains musical images in relation to inner images, as in the Commentaries on the Psalms by Augustine of Hippo. By combining beauty and love, the Augustinian coordinates for the singing of Psalms as a perception of a love received as a gift and of a response composed of a love which expresses itself by “singing well” leads to an interaction between musical language and affective theology, the latter being one of the privileged sources of the former. When developing the relationship between musical language and feelings, Augustine works out with regard to the singing of Psalms, a form of Christian paideia which in turn becomes a locus theologicus of affective theology, the story of God’s love for human beings set to music.
485. Augustinianum: Volume > 56 > Issue: 1
Sever J. Voicu La data di Leonzio presbitero di Costantinopoli
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According to Cornelis Datema, the still mysterious Leontius of Con-stantinople preached sometime around 557, whereas Michel Asmus places him between the end of the 4th century and the mid-5th century. This paper contends that the memory of a deceased bishop that closes the homily Nat. refers to Theodore I, patriarch of Constantinople, who died on 28 December 687. The article also shows that Leontius cannot possibly have lived earlier than the mid-6th century.
486. Augustinianum: Volume > 56 > Issue: 1
Donato de Gianni Nota critico-testuale a Niceta di Remesiana
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In lines 9, 5-6 Turner [=9, 9-10 Burn]) of Nicetas of Remesiana’s De uigiliis seruorum Dei the Author suggests reading, in accordance with the majority of relevant manuscripts and with the passage as a whole, ne cruditatem ructantes et crapulam, against the text established by the pamphlet’s most recent editor on the sole basis of codex R (nec foeditate ructantes et crapula). The re-use in the passage of a locus of Cyprian (laps. 30 [ed. M. Bévenot, CCSL 3, 237-238]) supports the restitutio textus and is a significant example of the imitational method employed by Nicetas.
487. Augustinianum: Volume > 56 > Issue: 1
Francesco Fiorentino La recente edizione di una traduzione trecentesca del De Civitate Dei
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This article presents the recent edition which the research team, direct-ed by Olivier Bertrand, undertook in order to give back to the schol-arly community concerned with Augustine of Hippo the translation, in Middle French, by Raoul de Presles (1371-1375) of De civitate Dei commissioned by Charles V, the Good, King of France, while he was involved in the recapture of Brittany after the Treaty of Bretigny dur-ing the Hundred Years’ War. This translation, which originally enjoyed an enormous market success, has finally appeared in a critical edition consisting of five volumes. Until now, only the first two volumes have been available, containing, respectively, books I-III and IV-V.
488. Augustinianum: Volume > 56 > Issue: 1
Juan Antonio Gaytán Luna La risurrezione di Gesù: In margine ad una recente pubblicazione
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This article describes and analyzes the book by L. Novakovic, Resurrection, (London – New York 2016) which studies the complex topic of the resurrection of Jesus and its consequences, including, primarily, the faith of Christians in their own resurrection. The Author presents the contents of the book, and indicates the merits and limits of the research and the value of its conclusions.
489. Augustinianum: Volume > 57 > Issue: 1
Rossana Barcellona La natività nei Vangeli apocrifi dell’infanzia: costruzione di un racconto ‘mitico’
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This article examines the story of Jesus’ birth as it is presented in some of the so-called Apocryphal Infancy Gospels that have always aroused great interest in popular culture and in the arts. These texts describe the birth of Jesus by means of an important ‘narrative expansion’: the childbirth of Mary takes place in a cave, one or more midwives as well as two animals, the ox and the donkey, are added to the scene. These narratives do not relate the preaching of Jesus, his death on the cross and his resurrection, but they present the event of his birth as a new beginning for all mankind. In doing so they reflect early Christian questions concerning Jesus’ nature. Examining some characteristic elements of this narrative development of the birth of Jesus, this article tries to show how this nativity may correspond to the construction of a myth.
490. Augustinianum: Volume > 57 > Issue: 1
Fabio Ruggiero Spirabat paululum iam. Una nuova congettura per un noto locus desperatus agostiniano
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This short article is intended to contribute to the solution of a known locus desperatus of the Augustinian Confessions. The Author proposes that 8, 2, 3 should be read spirabat paululum iam instead of spirabat † popilios iam †. The conjecture is reminiscent of Catil. 61, 4 paululum etian spirans concerning Catilina’s death (Augustine remembers this famous Sallustian locus when he writes civ. 3, 27 vix paululum respirante civitate). Catilina’s death is a metaphor for the fall of Roman paganism, and for Marius Victorinus’s and Augustine's personal lives as well as their conversions. Ruggiero adds further evidence to Manlio Simonetti’s arguments as shown in the «Nota al Testo» (vol. I, 1992, pp. CLXIIICLXVIII) preceding his edition of Confessiones for the Italian collection “Lorenzo Valla”: common mistakes such as popilios iam were already in the edition’s manuscript.
491. Augustinianum: Volume > 57 > Issue: 1
Giovanna Stefanelli Cristiani, giudei e pagani: lessico, esegesi e polemica nei Tractatus in Psalmos di Gerolamo
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This article analyses the Tractatus in psalmos 82, 83 and 84, reported in the two series that transmit Jerome’s homilies. The first part analyses the polemical terminology employed in regard to heretics and Jews, and the juxtaposition between the simplicity of the Christian style and the eloquence of rhetoricians. In the second part, the homilies of the two series are compared, and exegetical differences are pointed out. Lastly, an overview of a possible chronology of the Tractatus is proposed.
492. Augustinianum: Volume > 57 > Issue: 1
Sergio Gerardo Americano Ignazio d’Antiochia nel ‘Pandette della Sacra Scrittura’ di Antioco di San Saba (CPG 7842-7844): Tradizione manoscritta
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Written in 620 ca., the Pandectes of the Holy Scripture (CPG 7842-7844) of Antiochus, monk of the Great Laura of Saint-Sabas (Jerusalem), represents a remarkable example of the kefavlaia literary genre in the early Byzantine period. It includes, among its many patristic sources, a series of 26 passages borrowed from the Epistles of Ignatius of Antioch (CPG 1025), used in their recensio media. The quotations are distributed in 13 of the 130 total chapters of the work. The present study aims not only to evaluate the textual contribution of the Pandectes to the study of the Epistles of Ignatius, but also attempts a critical outline of its wide manuscript tradition and text.
493. Augustinianum: Volume > 57 > Issue: 1
Juan Antonio Cabrera Montero La doctrina Pneumatológica de las Sententiae de Isidoro de Sevilla
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Isidore of Seville did not leave behind any specifically trinitarian, Christological or pneumatological treatises. We find his theological doctrine evident in sections throughout his works although, as a result of the effort of a good compiler and synthesizer, it is not difficult to trace the passages in which the bishop of Seville deals with each one of these subjects. With regard to the doctrine on the Holy Spirit, the chapter dedicated to the third person of the Trinity in the first book of the Sententiae offers a fairly complete summary of the matter. The following pages are intended to present the content of that chapter and to place it within the context of the rest of Isidore’s theological output. Therefore, in addition to paying close attention to the text of the Sententiae, we will seek its dependence or influence, as the case may be, on other treatises of Isidore, mainly in these three: Etymologiae, De fide catholica and Liber differentiarum [II]. Augustine, Gregory the Great and the theological contribution of the Spanish councils are presented as Isidore’s main sources.
494. Augustinianum: Volume > 57 > Issue: 1
Vittorino Grossi In margine alla politica e all’ortodossia di Ossio di Cordova (313-357)
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This study aims to delineate some aspects relating to Hosius of Corduba, especially in regard to the nexus between ecclesiastical politics and faithfulness to Nicene orthodoxy found on the margins of the often discussed concessions by the Spanish bishop to the pressures of Emperor Constantius II, when the former signed the homoiousian formula of the Council of Sirmium in 357. Through an analysis of the ancient historiographical witnesses, one notes a clear divergence between the Eastern and Western sources. While Hosius’s orthodoxy and sanctity are a given in the tradition of the Greek Church, Latin historiography considered him a crazy old man and traitor of the Nicene faith. These contrasting judgments come from the differing evaluations attributed to the Spanish bishop’s concessions when he was confronted by Constantius II: for those of the East, it is simply a question of ecclesiastical politics; for the West, faithfulness to Nicene orthodoxy involved taking a much greater risk. This note wishes to foster a reading of the Orthodoxy of Hosius that is more juridical than doctrinal.
495. Augustinianum: Volume > 57 > Issue: 1
Carlo dell’Osso Le origini del monoenergismo/monotelismo
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This article re-examines the attention scholars have given to the origins of monoergenism and monotheletism and proposes a rebuttal to the positions of J. Tannous who, in an article in Dumbarton Oaks Papers in 2014, holds that these doctrines represented in Syro/Palestine certain “regional doctrinal hegemonies, at least among Chalcedonian communities, and were not artificial concoctions”. For the author, on the other hand, the episcopal sees in these regions had to have been for the most part in the hands of monophysites, without in any way excluding the possibility that there were also Chalcedonian bishops and communities as well, as in the case of Abraham of Rusafa. Thus, for the Author, monoenergism and monotheletism, from an epistemological and theological point of view, were the last glimmer of Apollinarism which was continually re-emerging from the ashes and given a new life by Severian monophysitism.
496. Augustinianum: Volume > 57 > Issue: 1
Cettina Militello Donne e ministeri nella Chiesa antica
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The comments in this Note are not exhaustive, but intentionally offer a path (1. Feminine Typologies; 2. Testimonials relating to ministry; 3. Rites of Ordination (?); 4. The sacramental bond) wherein theological interpretation has a privileged place, deeply inscribed in the present commentary in regard to women’s problems and expectations in today’s Church. Although nothing certain and irrefutable emerges from the documentary evidence, in regard to women’s ministry, the situation of the Church has changed, as has the situation of women. The true sacramental bond concerns the theological understanding of ordained ministry. If this bond is reconnected to its original and constitutive character of service (diakonia), perhaps some of the reasons for excluding women will crumble. For there are women in the Church who continue to live and work within and for the Church.
497. Augustinianum: Volume > 57 > Issue: 1
Emanuela Prinzivalli Donne e ministeri nella Chiesa antica: alcune osservazioni preliminari
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The question of the role of women in the Church, in other words, of women’s ministries, is still conditioned today, especially in the Catholic Church, by theological a priori and by anachronism. This essay aims to discuss and to point out the difficulties arising from both of these factors.
498. Augustinianum: Volume > 57 > Issue: 1
Giuseppe Caruso Le accuse di Pelagio nel Commentarium in Hieremiam di Girolamo
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In his Commentarium in Hieremiam, as well as in other contemporary works, Jerome accuses Pelagius of conducting a defamatory campaign against him by accusing him of Origenism, contempt for marriage (regarding such charges Jerome had already needed to defend himself!) and more generally, of wishing others ill. Did Jerome really seek to discredit his adversary, or were such accusations even circulating? This paper takes into consideration Pelagius’s surviving works and intends to give – within the limits admitted by the sources – an answer to this question, coming to the conclusion that the conflict between the two writers was not lacking in personal attacks, and that Jerome’s report is thus trustworthy.
499. Augustinianum: Volume > 57 > Issue: 1
Alberto D’Anna Sul testo della Passio Petri et Pauli: Alcune varianti riconsiderate
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In anticipation of a new edition of the Passio apostolorum Petri et Pauli (CANT n. 193), this article analyzes the recensio conducted by Lipsius for his edition of 1891. The review of the main variants highlighted by the editor reverses his thesis: they depend on innovations by reduction, not by interpolation. Such innovations could perhaps depend on early medieval liturgical use of the work. With regard to the methodology, the comparison with the Greek tradition of the work, as an external criterion of evaluation, appears misleading, since it is unlikely that Greek is the original language.
500. Augustinianum: Volume > 57 > Issue: 2
Roberta Franchi Il martirio e gli animali: Blandina, Perpetua e Tecla
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Replete with stories of gods and men interacting with animals, classical literature also affords a broad range of relationships between women and animals. Such a rich series of symbolic animals finds fertile ground in the biblical world, too. Apart from symbolic animals, early Christianity knows a direct contact with wild animals during the persecutions carried out by the Roman Empire. By analyzing the martyrdom of some women (Blandina, Perpetua and Thecla) in connection with the animals they had to face, we can note that animals acquire a symbolic meaning. They become the pieces of an allegorical and exegetical framework whose major purpose is to celebrate God.