Displaying: 1-6 of 6 documents

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1. Thought: Volume > 32 > Issue: 2
J. F. Costanzo Philip Hughes: The Reformation in England
2. Thought: Volume > 32 > Issue: 3
W. Norris Clarke St. Thomas and Platonism
3. Thought: Volume > 32 > Issue: 4
James I. Conway Ortega y Gasset’s “Vital Reason”
4. Thought: Volume > 50 > Issue: 4
Francis Canavan Knowledge and Politics
5. Thought: Volume > 56 > Issue: 4
Richard J. Regan Supreme Court Roundup: 1980 Term
6. Thought: Volume > 66 > Issue: 3
Phyllis Carey Contemporary World Drama 101: Vaclav Havel A Book Review Essay