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Displaying: 121-140 of 181 documents

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121. Philosophy, Culture, and Traditions: Volume > 3
Kuan-Min Huang Philosophy? A Question of Cultural Identity
122. Philosophy, Culture, and Traditions: Volume > 3
Jove Jim S. Aguas Promoting Human Dignity in a Culture of Violence
123. Philosophy, Culture, and Traditions: Volume > 3
Tran Van Doan Response as Duty: A Reflection on Responsibility
124. Philosophy, Culture, and Traditions: Volume > 3
Ramatoulaye Diagne La Métaphysique: Entre Quête du Sens et Non-Sens
125. Philosophy, Culture, and Traditions: Volume > 3
Chih-Sheng Yang Right has to be Right: Why Hegel Presents his Ethics in a Philosophy of Right
126. Philosophy, Culture, and Traditions: Volume > 3
Marc Lalonde Fragments of Religion: An Exercise in Critical Post-Religious Thought
127. Philosophy, Culture, and Traditions: Volume > 3
David Lea The Ideals of Democracy: Are They Appropriate Goals for Developing States?
128. Philosophy, Culture, and Traditions: Volume > 3
Ahmad Rahmanian Moral Realism, Anti-Realism, and Sociable Affections
129. Philosophy, Culture, and Traditions: Volume > 5
Edward J. Alam, William Sweet Introduction
130. Philosophy, Culture, and Traditions: Volume > 5
Jānis Ozolins Religion, Science and the Culture of Credulity
131. Philosophy, Culture, and Traditions: Volume > 5
Tran Van Doan Globalization and the Emergence of Philosophy in Southeast Asia
132. Philosophy, Culture, and Traditions: Volume > 5
Joseph C. A. Agbakoba Building Cultural Bridges in the Era of Globalization
133. Philosophy, Culture, and Traditions: Volume > 5
Warayuth Sriwarakuel Holistic Postmodernism: A New Paradigm for the Integration of the One and the Many
134. Philosophy, Culture, and Traditions: Volume > 5
Richard Khuri Reality Thought, Reality Lived
135. Philosophy, Culture, and Traditions: Volume > 5
William Sweet What Remains of Modernity?: Philosophy and Culture in the Transition to a Global Era
136. Philosophy, Culture, and Traditions: Volume > 5
Silja Graupe Facing the Global Crisis: The Role of Philosophy in Challenging Economic Powers
137. Philosophy, Culture, and Traditions: Volume > 5
Karim Crow Rehabilitating Value: Questions of Meaning and Adequacy
138. Philosophy, Culture, and Traditions: Volume > 5
Donny Gahral Adian A War on Distrust: Reinventing the Mode of Togetherness in the Age of Conflict
139. Philosophy, Culture, and Traditions: Volume > 5
Gholamreza Aavani Rethinking Philosophy in an Oriental Way
140. Philosophy, Culture, and Traditions: Volume > 5
David Lorenzo Izquierdo Human Rights, Practices, and Codes of Ethics