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1. Philotheos: Volume > 10
Dionysios Skliris Personal Experience and Speculation in Plotinus
2. Philotheos: Volume > 10
Nalin Ranasinghe On the Task of the Smuggler: Meditations on Walter Benjamin, Jacques Derrida, and the Theology of History
3. Philotheos: Volume > 10
Vladimir Vukašinović Die Theologische Quellen und Geschichte der karitativen Tätigkeit der Serbischen Orthodoxen Kirche im Laufe der Jahrhunderte
4. Philotheos: Volume > 10
Stamatios D. Gerogiorgakis The Controversy between Barlaam of Calabria and Gregory Palamas on Demonstrative and Dialectical Syllogisms Revisited
5. Philotheos: Volume > 10
Jean-Michel Charrue Providence et liberté chez Jamblique de Chalcis
6. Philotheos: Volume > 10
Predrag Čičovački Schweitzer’s Ethics of Reverence for Life: Criticism and Defense
7. Philotheos: Volume > 10
Mary C. Sheridan Sophia as Savior in Gnostic Theology: Introduction and Background
8. Philotheos: Volume > 10
Jeffrey Bernstein Antinomical Messianism: Agamben’s Interpretation of Benjamin’s “History” Thesis
9. Philotheos: Volume > 10
Kofi Ackah Aristotle on God
10. Philotheos: Volume > 10
Сергей Анатольевич Нижников Метафизика имяславия в творчестве А. Ф. Лосева: античные и исихастские истоки
11. Philotheos: Volume > 10
Christoph Jamme Die „geistige Geographie“ Europas: Die Geschichte der (philosophischen) Europa-Idee von den Romantikern bis Derrida
12. Philotheos: Volume > 10
Wolfgang Speyer Was bedeutet das Schöne für die Erkenntnis der Wirklichkeit?
13. Philotheos: Volume > 10
Rodoljub Kubat Zwei Aspekte (biblischer) Theologie: Der hermeneutische Entwurf
14. Philotheos: Volume > 10
Frano Prcela Spis Jurja Križanića „Della Missione in Moscovia“ (1641): Prikaz djela i njegove dijaloške i teološke implikacije za aktualni ekumenski dijalog Katoličke crkve s Pravoslavnim crkvama
15. Philotheos: Volume > 10
Bogdan Lubardić Philosophy of Faith: Lev Shestov and Apophatic Deconstruction of Reason
16. Philotheos: Volume > 10
Walter Sparn Was heißt Willensfreiheit?: Ein klassisches Thema der Theologie
17. Philotheos: Volume > 10
Bogoljub Šijaković Hellenic Gifts out of Christian Hands
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Humanism, neo-humanism, third humanism – all of these are noble but unsuccessful attempts to overcome a problematic and critical spiritual situation of the times through a new actualization of Hellenic values of antiquity which are, in the attempt itself, viewed as ideal and self-sufficient. Christianity, which in many ways represents the realisation and completion of classical Hellenic culture, should no more be regarded as an injustice to that culture, since the encounter of Hellenism and Christianity is precisely the event which produced European culture. Apart from a culturological meaning, that may bear a meaning of principle too: we need a new rationality which may acquire salvific meaning today through the Hellenic idea of Logos (not only as cognitive and demonstrative reason, but also as capacity for discerning good from evil) and through the Christian idea of Logos as sacrifice for the other. We need a rationality which will not be of an order of nought, that is, an extended self-survival instinct – which will not be interested in usefulness only but also in goodness, not in legality only but in justice as well. Namely, the problem is that contemporary culture is forgetful both of Socrates and of Christ. That is not to mean that a civilisation which forgets Christ may by the same token appease its conscience by not forgetting Socrates.
18. Philotheos: Volume > 10
Wolfgang Rother Vom Ursprung des Bösen
19. Philotheos: Volume > 10
Jan Helge Solbakk Albert Schweitzer – a Dangerous Man
20. Philotheos: Volume > 10
Jörg Splett „Was Vernünftig ist, das ist Wirklich; und was Wirklich ist, das ist Vernünftig.“