Displaying: 81-82 of 82 documents

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81. Globalization and Education: Ethical Implications: Year > 2024
J. Randall Groves Ethics and Globalization: The Tribal Threat
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Recent work in ethics has drawn attention to how the evolution of morality has given us moral intuitions that are not universalist but tribal. Joshua Greene has argued that morality arose from the competition between tribes, and that the accordingly evolved moral emotions prevent or at least make truly universal ethics difficult even in modern people. Others, like Buchanan, have argued that we that we can transcend that moment in our moral evolution that gave us narrowly tribal sensibilities. One of the drivers toward wider recognition of the moral status of others has been globalization. This paper will explore the connections between economic and cultural globalization and ethical progress. I argue that despite current trends against globalization, maintaining globalization is required if we are to continue making moral progress.
82. Globalization and Education: Ethical Implications: Year > 2024
Tommi Lehtonen Globalisation and Cultural Diversity in the Finnish School Curriculum: The Perspective of Ethical Implications
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The purpose of this article is to explore and analyse how globalisation and cultural diversi-ty are addressed in the Finnish national curriculum for comprehensive school. The study focuses on both the broad considerations of globalisation and cultural diversity as well as the unique challenges of various school subjects in addressing these topics. The analysis is particularly concerned with the ethical implications of the curriculum’s perspectives on globalisation and cultural diversity. The overarching conclusion is that the Finnish curricu-lum represents a kind of mixed model of ethics in which utilitarian considerations are em-phasised but refined with duty-ethical considerations arising from universal human rights.