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Displaying: 441-460 of 673 documents

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441. Janus Head: Volume > 7 > Issue: 1
Jochen Thermann Fly Plague
442. Janus Head: Volume > 7 > Issue: 1
Alex Lang Four Poems
443. Janus Head: Volume > 7 > Issue: 1
Jeremy Biles I, Insect, or Bataille and the Crush Freaks
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Among the many obscure sects of sexual fetishism, few remain as perplexing as that of the “crush freaks,” who are aroused by the sight of an insect exploded beneath a human foot. Moving beyond the glib discussions of those entomologists and sexologists who classify this fetish as a subset of foot worship and/or macrophilia, I propose an analysis of the crush freaks through the writings of French thinker Georges Bataille. Employing Bataille’s notions of sacrificial eroticism and mysticism to approach the religio-sexual dimensions of crush freakism, I argue that these practices are best understood as ambivalent manifestations of technophilia (sexual arousal associated with machinery). More specifically, crush freakism, I submit, devolves on a violent literalization of the analogies between insects and machines.
444. Janus Head: Volume > 7 > Issue: 1
Michael Cohen Metaddiction: Addiction at Work in Martin Amis’ Money
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This paper aims to explore the complex manner in which Martin Amis defines the state of addiction–as the sustained collapse of objectivity and subjectivity for any inhabitant of a social system–as well as how the systemic patterns of life impose, imprint, and perpetuate themselves upon the individual.
445. Janus Head: Volume > 7 > Issue: 1
Marc Jampole Three Poems
446. Janus Head: Volume > 7 > Issue: 1
Jen Royce Severns A Sociohistorical View of Addiction and Alcoholism
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This essay is framed by the work of Edward Sampson (1993), and is a sociohistorical analysis of the institutional vicissitudes in American history that have formed the ground of our current version of the “truth” about drugs, alcohol, the drug addict and the alcoholic. The drug and alcohol discourse has been used throughout American history to institute and maintain normative ideals. These ideals are contoured by Western individualistic understandings of human being. They revolve around a theme of freedom seen as access to unlimited possibilities, which arises as a right for those individuals who are self-reliant. Alcoholics and addicts have been used as political identities, silently portraying the opposite and living out the underside of these normative ideals. As political identities they are used discursively to maintain mainstream illusions of self-reliance and to hide the falsehood of the capitalist promise of unfettered access to unlimited possibilities. Capitalist interests flourish through the maintenance of these illusions, and are able to disown responsibility via the silencing, through embodiment, of those who have been marginalized. This self-celebratory discourse is, hence, a monologue that undermines the possibility of hierarchical revolutions. Encapsulated in the embodiment of the alcoholic and addict are the covering over of political conflicts, the leveling down of difference, and the marginalizing of those who represent dialogical possibility. Twelve-step mutual help organizations participate in self-celebratory monologues that maintain the version of truth supportive of the agendas of the wealthy; however, they also offer an other-centered strategy by which dialogue again becomes possible.
447. Janus Head: Volume > 7 > Issue: 1
Joaquin Trujillo An Existential-Phenomenology of Crack Cocaine Abuse
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This paper explores the human significance of crack cocaine abuse by submitting its manifestation (logos) to existential-phenomenological analysis. The author conducted over fifty, first-hand interviews of recovering and active crack cocaine abusers toward disclosing the meaning of his to-be.What is revealed is the way the addiction reacts upon the with-structure of existence. Active crack cocaine addiction is being-high-and-free-of-craving. The singularity of this event eclipses the interhuman significance that substantially constitutes concern, as the meaning and Being of There-being, and radicalizes existence such that the “other” is unceasingly projected as a means to free transcendence. The crack abuser forsakes the existentials being-with and There-being-with-others, ways of to-be that accommodate and gear into the existence of “others,” to being-with-crack, a way of Being that is exclusively for the sake of the dependent’s “self.”
448. Janus Head: Volume > 7 > Issue: 1
Mark Griffiths Sex Addiction on the Internet
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The Internet appears to have become an ever-increasing part in many areas of people’s day-to-day lives. One area that deserves further examination surrounds sex addiction and its relationship with excessive Internet usage. It has been alleged by some academics that social pathologies are beginning to surface in cyberspace and have been referred to as “technological addictions.” This article examines the concept of “Internet addiction” in relation to excessive sexual behavior. It contains discussions of the concept of sexual addiction and whether the whole concept is viable. This is done through the evaluation of the small amount of empirical data available. It is concluded that Internet sex is a new medium of expression that may increase participation because of the perceived anonymity and disinhibition factors. It is also argued that although the amount of empirical data is small, Internet sex addiction exists and that there are many opportunities for future research. These are explicitly outlined.
449. Janus Head: Volume > 7 > Issue: 1
Mike James Three Poems
450. Janus Head: Volume > 7 > Issue: 1
C. Oscar Jacob Interrupting Auschwitz by Josh Cohen
451. Janus Head: Volume > 7 > Issue: 1
Deborah Bogen The White Calf Kicks by Deborah Slicer
452. Janus Head: Volume > 7 > Issue: 1
Steve Bindeman Extreme Beauty: Aesthetics, Politics, Death Edited by James Swearingen & Joanne Cutting-Gray
453. Janus Head: Volume > 7 > Issue: 1
454. Janus Head: Volume > 7 > Issue: 1
Calum Neill Comedy, Fantasy and Colonialism Edited by Graeme Harper
455. Janus Head: Volume > 4 > Issue: 2
456. Janus Head: Volume > 4 > Issue: 2
Robert Gibbons An Echo of the Silence of the Dead
457. Janus Head: Volume > 4 > Issue: 2
R. Flowers Rivera Salah: Dulles Airport
458. Janus Head: Volume > 4 > Issue: 2
Antoine Vergote, Stewart Sadowsky Husserl and Freud on the Psychic Body in Action: A Comparative Analysis with a Reference to the Neurosciences
459. Janus Head: Volume > 4 > Issue: 2
Robert Gibbons In North Lebanon
460. Janus Head: Volume > 4 > Issue: 2
Frank Edler Heidegger, Hölderlin, and National Socialism