Cover of Pueblos indígenas, plantas y mercados Amazonía y Gran Chaco

Pueblos indígenas, plantas y mercados Amazonía y Gran Chaco

V Congreso CEISAL de Latinoamericanistas

 Marc Lenaerts, Ana María Spadafora, Editors

Indigenous people from Amazonia and GranChaco are not living apart from national or international markets. But they take part in then according to their own patterns, and this sometimes appears quite surprising. Plants and trees are their main source of income. It does not mean that they are managed as simple commodities or as mere objects of knowledge. Rather, they are often viewed as participants in large relational networks, bringing together humans as well as animal and vegetal beings: in many cases, plants and animals are even considered as true Persons.

This symposium was organized with a clear emphasis on this relational dimension, and this volume includes eight selected papers from this panel. The topics are diverse, but all of them show how this approach opens new paths for the analysis of everyday management of plants and ethnobotanical knowledge. They also show that commoditization is anything but a question of strict economicrationality.

· ISBN: 978-973-88632-7-9 (ebook) · Online access on this site · Published 2008 ·
· Print and eBook options available from Zeta Books ·

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