Standard Mailing Lists: U.S. & Canada

These lists may be ordered by state or province at no extra charge, and all U.S. lists are generated in zip code sort order. Please note that all counts are approximate and subject to change as new information is gathered.

The standard lists below include the most commonly requested subject areas, and these include all philosophers working in related areas or subdisciplines. More information about the composition of each standard subject list is available here:

  • Subject Area composition
  • Prices are for electronic delivery of label files.
  • #US and Canadian Philosophers #Approximate Count #Price in $US
    Entire List 14,600 1,350
    —without Independent Scholars (subtract) (450) (40)
    —without Graduate Students (subtract) (2,500) (240)
    US Philosophers only 12,900 1,230
    —without Independent Scholars (subtract) (450) (40)
    —without Graduate Students (subtract) (2,400) (230)
    Canadian Philosophers only 1,300 120
    —without Independent Scholars (subtract) (25) (5)
    —without Graduate Students (subtract) (100) (10)
    by Subject Area in the US and Canada
    Aesthetics 750 75
    American Philosophy 400 75
    Analytical Philosophy 2350 220
    Ancient Philosophy 1600 150
    Applied Ethics 1150 105
    Applied Philosophy 1250 115
    Asian Philosophy 410 75
    Contemporary Philosophy 1225 115
    Continental Philosophy 1350 125
    Epistemology 1300 115
    Ethics 3500 325
    Feminist Philosophy 500 75
    History of Philosophy 2600 240
    Logic 1100 115
    Medical Ethics 300 75
    Medieval Philosophy 1100 115
    Metaphysics 2200 190
    Modern Philosophy 1600 150
    Phenomenology & Existentialism 650 75
    Philosophy of Education 175 75
    Philosophy of History 75 75
    Philosophy of Language 750 75
    Philosophy of Law 450 75
    Philosophy of Mind 1800 160
    Philosophy of Religion 1750 170
    Philosophy of Science 1600 150
    Social & Political Philosophy 2300 220
    #Philosophy Departments in the US and Canada
    US and Canadian Philosophy Departments 1700 170
    US Departments Only 1600 160
    Canadian Departments Only 100 75
    PhD  (highest degree offered) 125 75
    MA/MS  (highest degree) 75 75
    BA/BS  (highest degree) 675 75
    All degree-granting departments 900 90
    BA/BS minor in Philosophy, no Degree offered 150 75
    Other (philosophy courses only, no Degree offered) 750 75
    #Other Mailing Lists in the US and Canada
    Philosophy Centers & Institutes 125 75
    Philosophy Societies 175 75
    Philosophy Journals 300 75
    Philosophy Publishers 200 75

  • Counts are approximate and subject to change as new information is gathered.
  • Electronic format (Excel or comma-separated value) is standard. Shipping will be added based on the price of the order (see shipping cost table) for all orders not sent as e-mail attachments.
  • Prepayment is required.
  • The price for customized lists is $95 per 1,000, plus $25 base charge per order (minimum $100).
  • Order Information

    To place an order or for more information about mailing lists, contact Pam Swope at 800-444-2419, 434-220-3300; fax 434-220-3301; or by e-mail at pkswope [@]