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Volume 57, Issue 224/225, Enero/Junio 2012

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1. Augustinus: Volume > 57 > Issue: 224/225
Enrique A. Eguiarte Coloquio internacional sobre los sermones de san Agustín, en Roma
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The article is a chronicle of the colloquium about St. Augustine’s Sermones ad Populum on the New Testament, held in the Academia Belgica of Rome on September 15-17, 2011. It makes an overview of all the papers presented at the colloquium, and underlines their contribution to the Augustinian Studies.
2. Augustinus: Volume > 57 > Issue: 224/225
Beatrice Cillerai, José Anoz Agustín y la memoria: formas de recuerdo en la uita beata
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Augustine gives such importance to the memory, that it has a role even in the soul of the saints in Heaven. The article deals with the polemics that Augustine had with the Platonic philosophers (sapientes gentium), after analyzing some texts in which this topic is presented (trin. 14,5; ciu. 10,30; 22,30; y. 240,4; 241, 4-5), since the Platonic philosophers believed in a short vita beata, since the soul has forgotten her past life and must return to the world and take flesh in a body. It deals also with the sources of this ideas, whether they come from Porphyry (regr. an.) or most probably from Plotinus (Enn. 4, 3 [27]; 4, 4 [28]).
3. Augustinus: Volume > 57 > Issue: 224/225
Geoffrey D. Dunn, Enrique Eguiarte La pobreza como asunto social en las homilías de Agustín
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In his sermones ad populum, Augustine seems to provide us with very little concrete information about the social realities of wealth and poverty. This article aims at examining that information in order to comment on how important the social issue of poverty was to Augustine.
4. Augustinus: Volume > 57 > Issue: 224/225
Anthony Dupont, Enrique Eguiarte Lectura del comentario de Pelagio a la carta de Pablo a los Romanos
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In the first part of this article, with the help of several elements of Pelagius’ commentary on the Romans, the author checks whether and in which degree Pelagius is a moralist and/or an theologian. The second part of the article, focuses on the theology of Pelagius’ commentary on the Romans, trying to answer the question: can we establish orthodoxy or not? The article is restricted to the early Pelagius: the Pelagius, before the controversy that made him notorious in western theology.
5. Augustinus: Volume > 57 > Issue: 224/225
Enrique A. Eguiarte Quomodo gladiatores quasi destinati ad ferrum: Los espectáculos del anfiteatro en san Agustín y sus implicaciones espirituales
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The article deals with the presentation that Augustine makes in his works of the events that were presented in the amphitheater, underlining the people that went to those events and Augustine’s idea of them. It also presents the figure of the gladiators, what do they represent for Augustine, and how he uses this figure for a cathequetical purpose within his sermons.
6. Augustinus: Volume > 57 > Issue: 224/225
Ludwig Fladerer, Enrique Eguiarte Importancia de la metonimia en la interpretación agustiniana del relato de la creación
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The objective of this article is to show Augustine's dependence on the traditional tropus-system throughout and the continuity between his exegetical practise and his hermeneutical theory.
7. Augustinus: Volume > 57 > Issue: 224/225
Matthew Alan Gaumer, José Anoz La evolución de la teología donatista como reacción al entorno cambiante en la antigüedad tardía
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The article presents the historical foundations of Donatism. It examines the beginnings of Donatist Christianity, especially during the Great Persecution of 303-305 and more formally in 311/12 with the election of Caecilian. It also highlights the interaction between Donatist partisans and Constantine and his successors, illustrating the events surrounding the reign of Emperor Julian and the innovations that Donatism engendered in the closing decades of the fourth century, with particular attention given to the role of the Circumcellion movement and the militant regime of Gildo. Finally, it reports the developments that occurred in the opening decades of the fifth century which involved Augustine of Hippo and the joint-effort of Roman Catholic and Roman Imperial authorities to suppress the Donatist Church.
8. Augustinus: Volume > 57 > Issue: 224/225
Naoki Kamimura, Enrique Eguiarte La exégesis bíblica de Agustín en De Genesi ad litteram líber unus imperfectus
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In this article the author first examines Augustine’s bilateral commitment to the explanation of a literal exegesis in his works. Next he explores Augustine’s way of exposition in Gn. litt. imp., finally arguing the significance of his first literal interpretation.
9. Augustinus: Volume > 57 > Issue: 224/225
Patrick A. Messina, Craig J. N. de Paulo, Enrique Eguiarte La influencia de Agustín de Hipona en el desarrollo de la teoría cristiana de la guerra justa
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The article deals with Augustine’s Just War theory, considering him as the founder of Just War theory because he was the first to articulate the perennial criteria within the framework of the Christian ethos of love and equality as human beings made in the image and likeness of the Creator. It deals also with Augustine’s influence in the development of the Just War theory.
10. Augustinus: Volume > 57 > Issue: 224/225
Stanley P. Rosenberg, Enrique Eguiarte Oralidad, textualidad y la memoria de los feligreses, en los sermones de Agustín
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The article deals with the ways in which saint Augustine's preaching can supplement or revise scholarly interpretation of the Augustine’s theology and ideas, and also the ideas about his listeners.
11. Augustinus: Volume > 57 > Issue: 224/225
Sylvain Jean Gabriel Sánchez, José Anoz El priscilianismo, según Orosio
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The article deals with a fragment of a letter of Priscillian quoted in Paul Orosius’ Commonitorium de errore priscillianistarum et origenistarum, trying to replace the fragment in an orosian context. It also deals with the relationship that the fragment of the letter has with the priscillian sources, such as the so called 'Wurzburg’s Treatises’ and the ideas of E.-Ch. Babut and E. Spät.
12. Augustinus: Volume > 57 > Issue: 224/225
Ryan Topping, Enrique Eguiarte Cristo, disciplina Dei en el pensamiento temprano de Agustín sobre educación
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The article deals with the sense that disciplina has in Augustine’s early writings, as a term that refers to a theoretical science or method of study, particularly in the context of Augustine’s theory of the liberal arts.
13. Augustinus: Volume > 57 > Issue: 224/225
Hans van Reisen, Marc van der Post, Alejandra Magliano La elocuencia de la palabra
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The article deals with Augustine’s point of view on words’ eloquence in human communication, since its foundation is in Christ, the living Word. It also deals with the importance and meaning that St. Augustine gives to that Word.
14. Augustinus: Volume > 57 > Issue: 224/225
Bibliografía Agustiniana
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15. Augustinus: Volume > 57 > Issue: 224/225
Bibliografía General
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16. Augustinus: Volume > 57 > Issue: 224/225
Libros Recibidos
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