Cover of Semiotics


Semiotics 1983
Editors: Jonathan Evans, John Deely

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1. Semiotics: 1983
Jonathan Evans, John Deely Editors' Note
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i. art and architecture
2. Semiotics: 1983
Irene A. Bierman Saying "No" to Difference
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3. Semiotics: 1983
Marco Frascari Function and Representation in Architecture
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4. Semiotics: 1983
Donald Preziosi, Irene A. Bierman Rewriting the Urban Text: The Ottomanization of Cretan Cities
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ii. sign systems in combination
5. Semiotics: 1983
Donald Cunningham On Representation
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6. Semiotics: 1983
Thomas C. Daddesio Semiotics and the Biosphere
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7. Semiotics: 1983
Adam Kendon Simultaneous Speaking and Signing in a Warlpiri Storyteller: Implications for an Understanding of the Relationship Between Channel and Code
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8. Semiotics: 1983
Jay L. Lemke Strategic Deployment of Speech and Action: A Sociosemiotic Analysis
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iii. peircean semiotics: applications and developments
9. Semiotics: 1983
George Benedict Charles Peirce/Mark Twain: The Meaning of Life Is A "Dream"
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10. Semiotics: 1983
Ralph Austin Powell Poinsot as Foil for Doctrinal Considerations on Inexistent Personality in Existent Substance According to C.S. Peirce
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iv. neglected figures in the history of semiotic inquiry
11. Semiotics: 1983
Walter W. Artus Ramon Lull: His Anticipation of and Influence on Early Moder Efforts Towards a Universal Language
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12. Semiotics: 1983
John P. Doyle Suarez on Truth and Mind-Dependent Beings: Implication for a Unified Semiotic
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13. Semiotics: 1983
Desmond FitzGerald Hobbes' Mechanistic Analysis of Speech
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14. Semiotics: 1983
Erika Freiberger Gustav G. Spet
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15. Semiotics: 1983
R. J. Henle Thomas Reid's Theory of Signs
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16. Semiotics: 1983
James Burnell Robinson 'The Great Art' of Ramon Lull: Applications and An Appreciation
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17. Semiotics: 1983
Anthony F. Russell The Semiotic Import of Michael Polanyi's Heuristic Philosophy
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18. Semiotics: 1983
Robert E. Wood Martin Buber's Philosophy of the Word
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v. semiotic approaches to literature and criticism: theory and practice
19. Semiotics: 1983
Graça Abranches Charlotte Brontë's Under-Where: or the Subversion of the Discursive Orthopaedics of Sexuality in Jane Eyre and Villette
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20. Semiotics: 1983
T. Craig Christy The Role of Abbreviation in Figurative Processes of Language Change: Nietzsche's Concept of Metaphor and Metonymy
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