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1. American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly: Volume > 98 > Issue: 1
Rad Miksa Nonresistant Nonbelief: An Indirect Threat to Atheism, Naturalism, and Divine Hiddenness
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The argument from divine hiddenness (ADH) requires accepting that nonresistant nonbelief has existed or does exist. Yet some reasons for accepting nonresistant nonbelief are also reasons for accepting theistic-supporting and naturalism-falsifying evidentially compelling religious experiences (ECREs). Additionally, any reasons for rejecting ECREs can be used to reject nonresistant nonbelief, thus creating parity (at the very least) of epistemic warrant between the two claims. Consequently, accepting nonresistant nonbelief should lead to accepting ECREs. Accepting nonresistant nonbelief therefore indirectly threatens naturalism, atheism and even the ADH itself. To any reason that can be given for rejecting ECREs there corresponds a parallel reason for rejecting nonresistant nonbelief. So it is irrational to accept the ADH while refusing to accept ECREs. Yet the existence of ECREs contradicts the ADH’s conclusion. So the ADH is self-defeating.
2. American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly: Volume > 98 > Issue: 1
Victor M. Salas Richard Lynch, S.J. (1610–1676) on Being and Essens
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This article examines Richard Lynch’s metaphysics and finds that he ultimately resolves his account of being in terms of essens—that which denotes the essential structure that a being (ens) has apart from existence. For Lynch, unlike many of his Jesuit contemporaries, existence is accidental to being. Yet, even if essens is distinct from existence, it is not altogether lacking being, but is accorded a certain kind of “essential being,” which is identified with the possible. Lynch thus seems to re-appropriate an essentialist metaphysics that has antecedents in Avicenna and Henry of Ghent’s notion of esse essentiae. More proximate to Lynch is the Jesuit thinker Francesco Albertini, who takes Henry’s metaphysics and conveys it to Baroque Scholasticism. Lynch continues down that metaphysical path which, as we shall see, generated fierce controversy among late seventeenth-century Scholastics regarding the nature of creaturely possibility.
3. American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly: Volume > 98 > Issue: 1
Jeremy W. Skrzypek Thomas Aquinas on Concrete Particulars
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There are two competing models for how to understand Aquinas’s hylomorphic theory of material substances: the Simple Model, according to which material substances are composed of prime matter and substantial form, and the Expanded Model, according to which material substances are composed of prime matter, substantial form, and all of their accidental forms. In this paper, I first explain the main differences between these two models and show how they situate Aquinas’s theory of material substances in two different places within the contemporary debate on concrete particulars, highlighting several advantages that Aquinas’s approach has over other varieties of substratum and bundle theory along the way. I then offer some reasons to think that the Expanded Model, as a theory of concrete particulars, is preferable. I argue that the Expanded Model avoids two major concerns for the Simple Model: the problem of extrinsicality, and the problem of too-many-possessors.
disputed questions
4. American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly: Volume > 98 > Issue: 1
Alexander R. Pruss, Tyler Dalton McNabb What Animals Might There Be in Heaven?
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5. American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly: Volume > 98 > Issue: 1
Brian Besong Will There Be Non-Human Animals in Heaven?
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6. American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly: Volume > 98 > Issue: 1
Alexander R. Pruss, Tyler Dalton McNabb Response to Brian Besong
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7. American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly: Volume > 98 > Issue: 1
Brian Besong Response to Pruss and McNabb
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book review
8. American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly: Volume > 98 > Issue: 1
Daniel P. Moloney Reason, Revelation & Metaphysics: The Transcendental Analogies by Montague Brown
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9. American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly: Volume > 98 > Issue: 1
John Schwenkler Intention and Wrongdoing: In Defense of Double Effect by Joshua Stuchlik
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10. American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly: Volume > 98 > Issue: 1
Mark K. Spencer An Exposition of The Divine Names, The Book of Blessed Dionysius by St. Thomas Aquinas
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11. American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly: Volume > 98 > Issue: 1
Daniel John Sportiello What We Owe the Future by William MacAskill
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12. American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly: Volume > 98 > Issue: 1
Michael D. Torre Freedom & Sin: Evil in a World Created by God by Ross McCullough
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13. American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly: Volume > 97 > Issue: 4
Russell L. Friedman, Zita V. Toth Introduction: Special Issue on Late Medieval Hylomorphism
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14. American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly: Volume > 97 > Issue: 4
Peter John Hartman Durand of St.-Pourçain’s Moderate Reductionism about Hylomorphic Composites
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According to a standard interpretation of Aristotle, a material substance, like a dog, is a hylomorphic composite of matter and form, its “essential” parts. Is such a composite some thing in addition to its essential parts as united? The moderate reductionist says “no,” whereas the anti-reductionist says “yes.” In this paper, I will clarify and defend Durand of St.-Pourçain’s surprisingly influential version of moderate reductionism, according to which hylomorphic composites are nothing over and above their essential parts and the union of those parts, where this union is explained by the presence of two modes: a mode of inherence on the side of form and a mode of substanding on the side of matter.
15. American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly: Volume > 97 > Issue: 4
Richard Cross Ontological Commitment in Gregory of Rimini: Hylomorphism and the Complexe Significabile
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This paper discusses two interrelated questions about ontological commitment in the thought of Gregory of Rimini (d. 1358), questions having to do with both hylomorphic composites of matter and substantial form, and with complexe significabilia that typically obtain in cases of substance–accident composition. The first question is that of the existence of real relations: neither hylomorphic composites nor complexe significabilia require real relations tying their various co-located components together. The second is that of the reducibility of such wholes to the sum of their parts: neither hylomorphic composites nor complexe significabilia are anything other than their co-located parts. And all such items can be disunited merely by a divine volition, requiring nothing extramental added to the ontology, and no change in position.
16. American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly: Volume > 97 > Issue: 4
Kamil Majcherek Can Something New Be Produced by Moving Things Around?: Local Motion and the Problem of the Metaphysical Status of Artefacts, 1300–1500
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In the late Middle Ages, there was an intense debate about the metaphysical status of artefacts, in particular about whether an artefact is a new thing over and above the natural things that make it up. Realists about artefacts argued for a positive reply. In this paper, I will examine the following objection against artefact realism raised by artefact nominalists: The making of artefacts involves nothing more than local motion of already existing natural things or their parts, and local motion by itself does not lead to the production of any new thing; therefore, the making of artefacts does not involve the production of any new thing. I will look at various attempts by realists to respond to this argument and offer one possible complication for the nominalist view.
17. American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly: Volume > 97 > Issue: 4
Roberto Zambiasi Innovative Conceptions of Substantial Change in Early Fourteenth-Century Discussions of Minima Naturalia
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This article contains a case study of some innovative early fourteenth-century conceptions of the temporal structure of substantial change. An important tenet of thirteenth-century scholastic hylomorphism is that substantial change is an instantaneous process. In contrast, three early fourteenth-century Aristotelian commentators, first Walter Burley and then John Buridan and Albert of Saxony, progressively develop a view on which substantial change is linked to temporal duration. This process culminated, in Buridan and Albert of Saxony, with the explicit recognition of the temporally extended nature of some (if not most) instances of substantial change. This article sheds light on this neglected episode in the history of late medieval hylomorphism taking as its point of departure these commentators’ discussions of the issue of minima naturalia, i.e., the issue of the lowest possible limit of any division of substantial forms coming about through the potentially infinite division of the matter they inform. In short: is there a piece of matter so small that no substantial form can possibly inhere in it?
18. American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly: Volume > 97 > Issue: 4
Sylvain Roudaut Can Accidents Alone Generate Substantial Forms? Twists and Turns of a Late Medieval Debate
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This paper investigates the late medieval controversy over the causal role of substantial forms in the generation of new substances. At the beginning of the fourteenth century, when there were two basic positions in this debate (section II), an original position was defended by Walter Burley and Peter Auriol, according to which accidents alone—by their own power—can generate substantial forms (section III). The paper presents how this view was received by the next generation of philosophers, i.e., around 1350 (section IV), and how, even though some of the initial theoretical motivations for this view were quickly abandoned, the view was still defended by several philosophers in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries (section V). It is finally shown that this theory, still discussed by Suárez and early modern scholastics, and despite being generally rejected, contributed in its own way to the evolution of hylomorphism in the late Middle Ages and, to a certain extent, its gradual decline (section VI).
19. American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly: Volume > 97 > Issue: 4
Thomas Jeschke Paul of Venice and the Plurality of Forms and Souls: Studying the Reception of Scholastic Hylomorphism in Fifteenth-Century Padua
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In this paper, I focus on Paul of Venice’s plurality of forms and souls, i.e., his “two total souls” theory. I argue that this specific theory is a result of Paul’s reception of various positions originating from fourteenth-century Parisian philosophers like John of Jandun, the Anonymous Patar, Nicole Oresme, John Duns Scotus, and Walter Burley. By receiving these positions and by making use of merely parts of their doctrines, Paul creates a theory of the hylomorphic compound that fits well within an Aristotelian framework of an Averroistic flavor. Although his position is not Averroistic in any strict sense, it mirrors quite well the growing interest in an Averroistic interpretation of Aristotle in Padua at his time. By looking at some of his successors, such as Gaetano da Thiene, Nicoletto Vernia, and Agostino Nifo, I show that Paul is on the borderline between a traditional, scholastic philosophical psychology or hylomorphism of Parisian origin and an Averroist reading of philosophical psychology or hylomorphism, which had its promoters in fifteenth-century Padua.
20. American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly: Volume > 97 > Issue: 4
Adam Wood Faculties of the Soul and Descartes’s Rejection of Substantial Forms
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In a 1642 letter to Regius, Descartes elaborates several reasons for rejecting Aristotelian substantial forms including that (1) they are explanatorily impotent, (2) they are explanatorily unnecessary, and (3) they threaten the incorporeality and immortality of the human soul. Various ideas have already been proposed as to why Descartes thought Aristotelian substantial forms are susceptible to these criticisms. Here I suggest one further such idea, centered on the ways Descartes and medieval scholastics thought substantial forms—and souls in particular—are related to their powers.